Friday, December 31, 2010

Film Making:Part Six:Post Production

Alright, my reader's lots of ground to cover in a short amount of time, so I am just going to get right to it.

To recap:
1: You wrote a screenplay
2: A studio bought it
3:Movies director
4: Casting
5: Production

Now, with all that, there is another very important aspect to film making: putting it together.

This calls for a team of specialized individuals, who like the writer, do not get the credit or the respect they deserve. Without these skills, your project can not be put together. They are:

1:The Film Editor
2: The sound crew
3: Music editor's
4: Special effects

!:The film editor is a very important aspect to any process of film making, wheater you are filming a commercial or you are doing a movie. They put the scenes of the film together.

One aspect of writing a screenplay is you are going to be writing alot of scenes. Keep in mind that even though you think some of these will be pivotal to the film, either the director or the editor will inform you they are are not. Some scenes may not even be filmed at all during principal photography

In The motion picture "Chaplin" based upon the life and work of the silent film icon Charlie Chaplin,Robert Downey, Jr, who played Chaplin walks on to a movie set and int erupts the filming.After meeting Max Sennett, a highly respected studio executive at the time, to make up for the scene that Downey (Chaplin) interfered with, the film itself is cut and a new scene previously not used takes the place for the footage ruined if you will by Chaplin.

The editors job in a nut shell is to keep time with the film, or to make time of the film.

In 1994, after his film Schindler's List won for best picture at that years Oscar's, Steven Spielberg was asked by a news reporter what he thought of the motion picture the first time he saw it. First thing he said was it was too long, so the editor Had to go and re edit it.

I know of a family that lives in Vancouver, British Columbia,Canada that they have on the Internet a web series, that they all put together themselves. The dad does a majority of the editing and I would think to a degree it can't be an easy thing to put it together when you have so many scenes to work with. I actually like the editing process, I think it is a fascinating part of film making. On a good number of DVDs you can find "special feature's" which can contain a variety of things including deleted scenes. I think it's really cool to see the footage that did not make a film.

The Sound Crew

Another important part and once gain, just as with editor's is the sound crew, basically responsible for the recording of voices and what not.

One process of sound, is called looping, which is say for instance after the film is made and there is an actor or actress that for what ever reason could not get their line right, they are called back to do it over again

In either the winter of 1977 or the spring of 1978, the rock band Kiss was asked if they would like to do a movie. No Joke, I am dead serious. The movie was made for television in America, but in Europe it was in theaters, but I digress. At the time, their original drummer did not want to his looping sessions, so his voice in the film was some one else's

The film is called "KISS Meets The Phantom Of The Park", or in Europe, "Attack Of The Phantoms" I recommend seeing either version if you can find it.

Music editors

The music editors put the music of the film together, whether it's being done by an orchestra or music from various bands, they put it in the film.

If you recall in the first session 'screenwriting' I made reference that when you are writing your script, just like with actors you can also pick the songs from various artist. Once again,like I wrote with screen writing, don't be afraid to name drop.

With "Bring On The Dancing Horses", once again if you need a reminder, I wrote it, the entire script is set in the mid 1980's, there fore I can only use music from that time, or even before that time. Some directors have gotten away with songs that are like say a year or two older than their respective period piece, but in most cases, YOU MUST stick with the times.

Another thing I would personally recommend is if you can, go with the original artist. Don't get me wrong there are some great songs that have had some great covers to them, but an individual watching a film can pick up on it and say,'well its the right song for the time, just not the right artist'.

Lastly, number four:Special effects:

This can cover anything from a CGI (computer graphic image) background or lets say a light bulb popping and the glass shattering.

Computer Graphic Images are especially important is a good number of films that are being produced today, like say for a fantasy picture like 'Narnia' or 'Harry Potter' just to name a few.
Highly important but once again, overlooked by a good number of the theather going crowed.

Recently I had the opportunity of purchasing a DVD copy of one of my favorite television shows called 'Sanctuary'. I was surprised to find, when I saw the special features that good number of scenes were filmed in front of a green screen for the CGI's to be added later. I didn't know that. It looked to me, like say if they were out doors, it looked like a night shoot.

OK, so there you have it, four ingredients to your film after it is photographed.

Tomorrow, the release of your film.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How To Watch a Movie

OK, my reader's sorry for the last blog, actually, I am not sorry, I do feel that I am waisting your time and mine writing have the stuff I write here. Even my family thinks this blog was a silly idea. I am starting to think they might be right.

But in any case, weather this was a good or a bad idea, I must admit, I like writing it and I may continue doing this after the film making series has concluded.

When I sit down to watch a movie I can't sit down and just watch it. You may be asking your self, :"OK, mister know it all big time film maker how do you watch a movie?"

I can only tell you how I do it. It could and very possibly be the same way other film enthusiast do it too, but, its just my way of looking at it.

First: You listen to it. You listen to the dialog or, the script to see how well or poorly it was written.

Second: Watch all of the ways the camera's are moving and the blocking (movements the actors are making) When you are watching a movie and you are picking up on key things the director is doing that lets you know how the camera are working.

I first started doing this a long time ago. I would say at least 20 to 25 years ago and now when i watch something regardless of what it is, I always, like immediately start looking at the technical angle of it all.

No kidding I can be watching a football game and while people are cheering on a player or giving him instructions from over 100's of miles away, I'm checking out the camera work.

there is alot more than just the writing, the actors, directors etc, there is also the editing, costumes, time period its set in all that stuff. I just hone in on it. Could I quit doing that? I must admit I tried once, but I kept pin pointing things out. Even my own family doesn't want to watch a movie with me, because they look at me and think,"he's doing it again, now he is going to tell us everything we could care less about."

This may be a difficult thing to do. Than again maybe it isn't. It could be you have been doing this yourself, but never relished it.

What I would recommend, is with any movie you watch, just start listening to it, once again, the screenplay, the other things will come gradually.

Thanks for reading & I hope you understand now a little bit of why I like films the way I do.


Tomorrow:Film Making: part -6-Post Production.


Before I go any further with the film making series I need to ask a question from you my reader's.

Should I continue?
I know that many people do not like nor do they want to hear about the technical process. So am I waisting my time and everyone else's who reads this. Please tell me. Either way, I can take it.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Film Making-Part Five:Production

OK, are you ready? No time to waste, got alot of ground to cover in a limited amount of time.

You have reached it, it is time to make your dreams come to life, the production of your screenplay, basically if you don't know, its the crew, the actors etc acting out your work.

This could take a long period of time, or it can be a short period, depending once again on the budget of the film and avoiding any problems.

In the early part of the 21 century there was a television show that was created by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon (Screenwriter's for 'Good Will Hunting') called 'Project Greenlight'basically a show about how a film gets made, they had a contest with the winning script being produced and the show would cover the whole process. Quite interesting.

I write that because for me it was the first time I had the chance to see a film being made. Well, almost. I think it was the spring of 1994 I was in San Francisco, California visiting a relative and one night we went to what is known as fishermen's wharf to see a scene of a movie being made. Bad part about was I stayed till like four in the morning and they still hadn't started shooting. The film was called "Murder in The First" with Kevin Bacon and Christian Slater. I recommend it.

The writer (you) can be invited to the set, if they would like. Even writer's like JK Rowlings and the writer of the Twilight series were on the sets of their respective work.

Production can be a very tedious project as well, with actors being held up in their dressing rooms a good part of the day or night depending on the schedules and in some case's, according to a friend of mine, you may not even get to shoot your scenes that even thought you were scheduled to.

But, it looks like an awesome thing to be apart of. I must admit, I am looking forward to it, when 'Bring On The Dancing Horses' gets to that level

Is there alot of stress? Yes, I imagine that there would not only for the actors but for the crew, trying to get every thing to go right.

Like I said, the production process can be a fast one as far as only taking about a month to film everything or it could take years. No Joke.

So, when it happens to you, take it in stride. Now, granted, you are the writer and you can be on the set if you choose, so the stress level may not get to you, so sit back and enjoy the ride. It's going to be the best one you have ever had.

Tomorrow, Part six: Post production

D... out

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Film Making:Part Four- Casting

Welcome back my reader's for the fourth installment of the film making series. I trust everyone had a good Christmas. Great!

Now, let's begin

The fourth ingredient to your movie is the casting, IE, the actors and actress's you want in the movie. Now, like I wrote in the first film making blog topic, you may not always get the actors and actress's you like, or would like to have. There could be a number of reasons. I'll cover two of those reasons for you:

One: The asking price of the actor.

In some films, possibly just about every film that they make an actor male or female can earn up to twenty million dollars. Thats if they are real good and a sought after performer. The studio that has purchased your script will tell you on the spot that the budget for your movie would not be a big one.

Two: The actor or actress may just turn it down flat.

There is, if I may say this a 'ten page rule' meaning if the actor or actress you have in mind does not find the script interesting within the first 10 pages, they may not continue reading it.

As I already stated, do not be afraid to name drop. There is no harm in that.

Casting, in a nutshell works like this: you have you actor in mind, the studio calls his or her agent and tells them about the project. They read the script. If they like it than negotiation's start.

Casting covers every thing: Principal character's even down to extras who may not have a speaking part at all but are crucial to the film.

I recently saw a documentary on television about a producer/director from the 1950's and '60's. In the film ( I might discuss documentary's in this series later) people who knew the director, named William Castle was making a film in the mid 1960's and wanted a famous actress at the time named Joan Crawford. ( The film was called "Strait- Jacket")According to the documentary, Crawford demanded far too much from Castle up to the point that if things didn't go her way, she would walk.

Hopefully you will not get that with your's and I wont get that with mine.

Let's say for instance you get at least one actor you have had in mind, another form of casting is called auditions, where an actor would get your script and after they read it, they make up their minds on what part they might want to do.

The auditions can be a tough one.

If you recall a previous blog I wrote over the summer entitled 'acting techniques' I made reference to an actor I know. He has told me on more than one occasion that he has auditioned for parts either in movies or in television. Some he has got, other he has not. From what he has told me, he is not worried about it. If he didn't get one role, there would be more just around the corner. Good way to look at it, I think.

Tomorrow, the big one. The actual production of your film.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Film Making -3:Directors

Before I even get started on this I would like to apologize for taking so long with it. I had to get my computer repaired, so I am sorry I can not get this completed by the date I set out for.
But, than again, it is the new year, so perhaps that is a better time to end the Film Making series.

OK,ready for part 3?

To recap: You wrote a screenplay. You had it green lighted by a major studio (or not so major)

And now the third ingredient for your script to come alive is a director for it.

The director has the first biggest job on the set, HE IS THE BOSS!!

It is the director's job to give all of the cues for the actors and all of the people behind the camera. Basically, The director says, you do. No questions asked.

The director can also make or break your project. He or she will meet with you ( the screen writer) and get your vision of your script. Hopefully, you both will be on the same page. I have heard some stories of directors completely botching a screen writer's vision and trying to make it their own. To an extent, he can do that, because like I just wrote, he is the boss. But, it is very important that both you and the director have the same vision for the script.

Alot of Actors and actress's have gone on to become directors, some who if I was to say the name, you would be surprised. Google soon to be ex Governor of California. You'll be surprised perhaps to know that even he has directed a few television shows. No Joke.

Actor Tom Hanks, while directing his first film entitled "That Thing You Do" was quoted to have said, while doing promotion for the film, that he was surprised of all of benefits that comes with being a director.

He and the crew of the film were taking a break and just talking and really, I guess making no general subject when some one had talked about beef jerky and Hanks had mentioned a brand he had had at one time, but could not think of the name of it.

A crew member searched for the snack and a few days later he had given it to Tom

I personally have alot of favorite directors, too numerous to name, but I will give you one: Tim Burton.
Only one word to describe him: Extraordinary

Good Night and have a pleasant Tomorrow.

Film Making-Part 4: Casting.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Film Making Two: The Green Light

I would like to add something I forgot to put in yesterday and that is when you are writing your scenes for your script it is always best to picture the scene in your mind. Play it out, if you will. With that being said you are going to have to think of people namely actors and actresses.


OK, now on to part two:

Now that you have written your screenplay it is now time, that is if you feel comfortable with it to send it to a studio to see if they might like it. Another thing you might want to do and I strongly recommend it, is have either friends of family read your screenplay first. If anything, they might tell you if you even have a story that is worth sending to a studio.

If your friends or family think you have a story and you feel confident enough to send it to a Major studio, the next step is to wait. It is going to be a process. One of two things is going to happen. One: A studio liked the script and they want to meet with you to talk details about going to the next step.

Second: They may read it and tell you they don't like it and there fore you could try another studio or convince your self you do not have what it takes to be a screen writer. The job is not an easy one.

Lets say in this case a studio does like your script and they meet you, talk over details and they end up saying the magic word all screen writer's want to hear: Green light.

It means basically the same thing as a traffic signal: Your script is a go.

Once you have you have the go ahead, it is time to start talking.

Money: Just how much they think your script is worth to buy it from you.

Actors and actress's.: The people you think would be good for these characters.

Now, don't be afraid to speak your mind about this. EVERY screenwriter who has had their script green lighted has been asked the same thing.

Reason why, is because you may be a bit embarrassed to say a famous actors name, thinking you're not worthy to have them read it. It doesn't matter how big the name is, there is nothing, and I will repeat this nothing wrong with at least saying the actors name.

Only thing wrong would be the studio executive telling you you cant get the actor because he/ she cost too much.

It's a fact.

I have heard story's that regardless of how much an actor may be worth or how much they may want, if they believe in the project, they would be more than will to take less.

What I did with 'Bring On The Dancing Horses' is, yes, I will admit, I thought big name actors, but at the same time I also thought little known actors and actresses, because alot of the times you could be watching a movie or a TV show and be thinking to your self, that guy or girl is really good. I wonder what their names are. They can really act.

If you recall from yesterdays blog on screenwriting, I mentioned two character's one of which was named JP (short for Jean-Pierre)

(pronounced 'John') I am not going to give away the actors name, but I will say this much: He is an actor who is not widely known yet and had a bit part in one of last summer's most anticipated films. Very talented young man.

If you have followed along you noticed that I said the "M" word. Money will play a huge part in what happens to your script from this point on.

Like I said: How much the studio thinks your script is worth. More than anything, it will be up in the millions.

I would like to talk about that. If you are thinking, 'yeah, I want to get rich, that is the only reason why I am doing this'. Stop Right here and don't quit your day job, because if you do it just for the money, you're doing it for the wrong reason's

A writer of any kind has to love what they do. Doesn't matter what they are writing. For instance a song writer who thinks, 'yeah this is going to be a hit, I'll be rolling in the green' The writer best be prepared for hard news. Their get rich quick scheme may not make it past the demo stage.

You have to have a passion for writing itself. If you don't, there is reason to continue

David R. Meier

Next lesson: Directors.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Film Making 1: Screen Writing

Disclaimer: The next week and a half will be about the technique of film Making. If you are not interested in how a film is made or the painstaking hours it takes to make one, you might want to stop reading now. This, I think it is safe to say, might bore you.

With that being said, who ever else is still here, welcome. It is my prayer that you Will be able to get insight on a fascinating medium.

Recently I was watching a documentary on a film called 'Animal House' The classic 1978 John Belushi comedy that set the standard for the genre known as 'frat house comedy's'. In it, one of the screen writer's Harold Ramis was making reference to being at the premiere of the movie and being told he was not important because he was just one of the writer's.

The screenwriter is the most important ingredient to a movie. Now, granted, their are documentary film makers who don't work by a script and I might cover that with in the next week, but for now, I do want to cover screen writing.

Basically, with out the screenplay, you have no movie. The screenplay IS THE MOVIE. All of the action from what the character is doing to what they are saying, down to lets say for example walking down a side walk. The screen writer is creating all of that by his or her own imagination.

Even though the screen writer is one the most important people in film making, they are some times never treated that way.

I'll give you and example:

Screen Writer's name: Steve Kloves

Now, with out cheating, by staying off of goggle, wikipedia and other search engines, what scripts for major motion pictures has he written

Is It:

A:Jaws (1975)

B:Most of the Harry Potter series

C: Bring On The Dancing Horses (2012-13?)

If you know the answer than you are on the right track and you know a little or alot of what I am talking about

I'll give you one hint, and one hint only.

It is not C

I will say (write) it again. THE SCREENPLAY IS THE MOVIE

One more example

excerpt from the 2012-13 release, Bring On The Dancing Horses

(initial scene)

The Radcliffe House 8

BRANDON, a black twenty something college student is in the kitchen of his parents making jokes to wards his younger brother, JP


Yeah, mom and dad paid for your adoption so technically they own you.

BRANDON pauses and looks right to Barbara (Brandon's and JP's mother)

Brandon (continues)

The roles have been reveresed. We own you, white....

Barbara interrupts BRANDON by smacking him on the arm


Knock it off!

There as you have just read is both the direction and the dialog that the character make. It is also what you see in the movie. So, the screen writer is basically creating just about or if not EVERYTHING in just about any scripted movie you, my dear reader's have seen

I hope I do not have to repeat my self.

Now, included with that comes alot of rewriting. Alot of the time a 2nd or even in some cases a third draft of a script is needed. The reason for that is, simply your first draft is all your ideas written down. Second draft is a more polished version, with either scenes left out written differently.

I can only speak for my self and my experience with writing my screenplay, which is entitled "Bring On The Dancing Horses" and the things I personally went through when writing it.

First of all, the story

To make it brief it is loosely based on my freshmen and sophomore years in high school. It is by no means a true story, because to have a true story you have to get all of the names right, or at least some of them. When writing a true story you can create character's that can be a real person, to protect any one that may not feel comfortable with having their name in a movie.


Once you have the out line for your story, you than start thinking of Character names. As I hope you have just read, you noticed a character by the name of JP. JP is a freshmen/sophomore cross country/track runner who is the adopted white son of a black woman.

The idea for JP came to me when I remembered 2 people I used to go to school with one. One of them was a cross country/track runner named Dan

Another character, I refer to him as being the central character is named Micheal. To a degree, Micheal is me, but with a little bit of other people I remember knowing while I was growing up sort of make the character.

Another important thing to remember is if your screenplay is a period piece ie set in the past, you MUST always stick with the time that your script is set in. For instance, a script set in lets say 1985/86 can not use anything that may have invented after that time. Example, the dvd player didn't exist in '85 or '86 so it is VERY important you stick with things from that time.

Now, there have have been excuses, if you will for that topic. The 1985 classic film "Back To The Future", where a scene set in the 1950's where Marty Mcfly makes reference to seeing an episode of The Honeymooner's forgetting for a second that he has been transported to the decade and his meeting his Grandparents and aunts & uncles. It worked only because it was written that way as a teen who travels back in time by mistake.

One more thing I think I would like to add is when you are writing a script you can also choose what music you want. But, once again if you are writing a period piece, keep to the music of the time. There is nothing too much wrong with a song that has been covered by a current artist, but it is not the artist that did the song in what ever year you have set your time period.


Thursday's lesson: The Green Light.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Film Making- An Introduction

OK, my reader's as promised the conversation for this blog will return to film's. As I have stated before and one of the reasons for creating this blog and calling it 'From Paper To Film' was because I love movies. I love watching them, I like the technical side of them, just about everything.

In the next coming week starting on Wednesday (12/15/'10) and following until the 23rd of December each day will consist of information on how, just not watch a film but also how to make a film. It will all culminate on Christmas eve with the return of the "IF's where you, my reader's can ask questions and I will do my best to answer them. For the 'IF's', I will be taking a bit of creative license from a friend and it will be more or less a Q&A session where on Christmas day I will answer your questions. I must admit, I am really looking forward to that.

I am looking forward to the whole writing process, really, but I am hoping your questions will be good ones.

Now I mentioned earlier in this blog, I will give you information on how to watch a film. You are probably thinking, 'this guys crazy. What does he mean, watch a movie'?

You will be informed by all the techniques you will learn that will help you watch one.

So, sit back and get ready for a fun filled education on a great adventure called motion pictures.

Your first entry and the most important:Screen writing.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Public Transportation

I would like to write one more blog before off the subject of film for right now. If you don't agree,tough! Its my blog,ha ha ha!!!!!!

Public transportation can be good and bad at the same time. The good part about it is you are conserving fuel for what ever vehicle you might own, and it is also, to some extent a good way to see parts of the city you live in or the city you are visiting.

Bad part about public transportation is it takes you hours to get some where so you really have to plan ahead to get the right connection that you need.

The other thing wrong with public transportation is the people.

I can tell you story upon story about either being on a city bus or even on a coach bus like greyhound and encountering the strangest of people. No joke.

Being on a greyhound (for those that may not know, it is a bus line that goes through the United States and Canada) is an adventure in itself, and not necessarily a good one. You get all kinds. From toddler's who wanna scream the Barney theme song as loud as they can or some psycho who wants to stand in the middle of the isle and stare out the windshield.

All though I must admit, if I am going to travel and not drive my self and I don't need a plane, I take a train. Not a bad ride and the people are some what decent.

In San Diego, California they have what they call the San Diego Trolley. Basically a commuter train sort of on the order of a subway. Also not a bad ride. Kinda fun, actually if you are a first time visitor to the city and want to look around, the trolley can take you places a car can not.

All though, just like a bus, the San Diego trolley does get its fair share of, shall I say interesting people.

It was the summer of 2004 and at the time I was in San Diego about 8:00 am and we had just got into the downtown area of the county when this elderly gentle man, if I had to guess (and I guess I do) of about 60 or so gets on the trolley and decides he is going to sit by me. Not a problem.

The problem was sitting across from me was this woman with her feet propped up on my seat sleeping. he man See's the woman and instead of asking her to please move he grabs her feet and shoves them off of the seat.

The woman got up and started hitting the old man, so much that he nearly landed into me. Scary, if I may say.

Both of them were wrong, obviously. The man was wrong for pushing the lady down and the lady was in the wrong for hitting to old man.

Once again, scary.

I do have one memorable bus ride story as a child. I am on a bus with my mother. I think we were coming back from visiting aunts and uncles and I don't recall the bus driver taking any freeways. All I remember is him stopping at every bus stop and a young David (guess who)complaining it was taking too long.

D out

Tomorrow and for at least the next week in a half: Film Techniques.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

In My Next Life I want To Be.....

Happy Saturday, my reader's. It's late in the evening (early hours of the morning,actually) and I only have time for this so, lets get it going

Very recently I had heard from a person who she wanted to be when she came back in her next life and it got me to thinking...

The term doesn't exist.

And here is why....

For starter's having another life after you die would throw confusion on the concept of God and the existence of Heaven. Granted we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and no one is perfect, coming back in another life would mean that God is not the loving and caring God that He is. Lets face it, if we kept getting life after life till we supposedly got it right we never would get into heaven, because each life would be as sinful as the first, if not more.

The hypothesis of Heaven as this great place to be after you die would be to some degree a farce because we would never get there

I have heard story's from people that have claimed to have a memory of a previous life. These people can make up the best story they can about being someone famous, being someones animal, etc, only problem is they can't prove it.

Real simple. One again, it would make God a Being known all over the world by believer's and non- believer's alike as being, well, dare I say a liar.

And that is something I and billions of other people can not believe.

I am not trying to tell you I have all the answers because I am no where close to it

It has been said by countless pastors that when we get to Heaven we won't have time for questions because we would be filled of joy and the excitement of seeing Jesus Christ face to face.
So, with that said why would a loving and just God send us back to earth time and time again and fill our minds with story's of a place we would never get to?

I am a Christian and I believe that there is a Heaven and one day I will be going there.

In the Book of John, chapter 11 verse 25 and 26, Jesus states while conversing with the sister of Lazarus, " I am the Resurrection and the life. He who believes in me shall live a new life"

In Heaven.

Not several times on earth till the Almighty thinks we got it right.

God Bless,

Friday, December 10, 2010

True Hollywood Story

All,right, my reader's, I think I have a good topic today. Hope all is well with everyone who reads this.

There is a cable channel called E! Basically its a station that covers all genre's of entertainment. Now, before I go any further, I wanna start by saying, I am not writing this to critique. I have seem some of the shows this station has and it's not all bad.

But, how ever, there is one show they have that I must admit, isn't keeping up with it's title.

It's called "E! True Hollywood Story", now, even though they cover a specific crime in just about every story, not every story comes out of Hollywood, California.

For instance, last year or maybe 2 years ago there was this story of a woman who as a child was kidnapped and held hostage for about 17 years.Even though it was not a Hollywood kidnapping, think it did happen in California, but i don't know where and quite frankly I am not here to glamorize it.

That is what I think this show is doing. It's glamorizing crime's.

And no crime should be glamorized by anyone.

But, so goes the world. Alot of people are fascinated by crimes, especially infamous ones.

I'll give you two examples:

there is a musician in his own Rock band named, and I am not kidding you if you should be reading this and not now of this person, but his stage name is Marilyn Manson. For this blog, I will call him Brian Warner, because that is the name his parents gave him. Warner's reasoning if you can call it that was to shock people. He took the name of the famous Actress Marilyn Monroe and the other from mass murderer Charles Manson.

Anyone who would do that, automatically turns me off of their music.

When I heard his brand of music, I was also turned off by it. Not my cup of tea, sort of speak.

It just seems to me that if you're going to have a TV show that's called "True Hollywood story", keep it based there. Don't go searching the whole world for crimes that didn't happen in Hollywood.

There have been alot of films based on crimes. Some are good, while other's are just plain horrible and you have to ask your self why you paid hard earned money to watch them

In a 2002 motion picture entitled 'blow' Johnny Depp plays a career criminal who made his fortune by selling drugs, the lavish lifestyle this guy had and his numerous arrest as payment for his career choice. For it's technical side, its a good film. The screen writer wrote an effective story of this guy. Its based on a true story and was directed by the late Ted Demme, nephew of film director Jonathon Demme who himself directed the Oscar winning "Silence of the lambs".

But, technical stuff aside, to some extent it did glamorize the guy's life style.

Not the way you want to earn a living, regardless of how it might make you rich. You're going to get caught eventually

So, maybe it's just me, but I don't think you should go and make a television show that isn't about what the topic is.

In closing, I would like to add that during the course of next week I will be getting back to the topic of why this blog is called 'from paper to film.' Each day, I will take an area of film making and write about it.

Now, I understand that this may bore alot of people, because they don't have an interest in how a movie is made and that's fine. I just hope you find it enjoyable reading.

Until than, the balcony is closed.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So Long, Little People

OK, my reader's, here is the news you have been waiting for months to hear (er... read) I have a new computer!!!!! Yes, that means more frequent blog's!!!! Clap Clap, Clap, Go David, Go David!!

OK, time to get to it.

Monday night was a bittersweet moment in Television history. It was the end of a five year run for a beloved series about a beloved family. The Kardashian's? No. The Tweed- Simmons? This writer can only pray for that day, but sadly no.

The Roloff's.

If you have never heard of them they are a family of Little People or I dare say, midget's, even though that is a phrase frowned upon if you are a little person.

The Roloff's are a family of six living on a thirty-plus acre farm in the state of Oregon. The husband & wife of Matt and Amy and their four children, two of them twins and the other two average height.

One of the twins, Jeremy, is average height while his twin brother, Zachary, is little.

If you can call it a reality show, it doesn't have the look of one. It shows average parents raising their kids while going through the everyday struggles of life

I guess one of the things that drew me to the show was the dad, Matthew. He has overcame alot of obstacles to get where he is today.

In the late 1990's he wrote a best selling book called "Against Tall Odds". It has to be one the most intriguing and inspiring books I have ever read

About two years ago the Roloff's were guest on the Oprah Winfrey show and one of the questions asked was how long would their show, "Little People, Big World" last. I think it was the wife, Amy who said that they really didn't know. If anybody in her family, including her self said 'ok, that's it', it was over.

Who ever made the decision, doesn't really matter. All good things must come to an end at some point. God Bless You, Matt, Amy, Jeremy,Zach, Molly and Jacob.

May God bless your future endeavor's

A LPBW fan

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Good Sunday to you, my reader's. I hope you like tis one.

Over the last couple of weeks I have been thinking of this topic. No one wants to hear from some one talk about being a parent if they have'nt experianced it for them selves, and I would agree with that. And what I mean by 'experianced' is all the joys, frustrations, etc that come with having children. That is something I have yet to have happen to me, so I thought perhaps don't write about it.

So, I am not going to.

What this is about today should not be taken as my advice on how to raise kids, but on how I look towards people I know who are father's and what I have seen in their relation ship with their children.

I have yet to meet my father, but yet at the same time I have always known him. I consider my grandfather to be my dad, even though he has since passed away, he is still my dad and I miss him to this day.

What I miss the most is the advice that I think every father gives to his son's. I call it the stress of everyday life. I think that mother's give the same advice to their daughter's.

It is what every body goes through and if you have some to talk to, some one who is going to say "yeah, I have been there" it's encouraging for the person hearing it.

To this day I wish I had that. It would make it a little easier to get through the day some times.

Perhaps I am wrong with what I am about to write and with that being said, if I am I stand corrected, but perhaps it is better for a son to talk with is father and a daughter to talk with her mother because it is two diffrent people and not to sound lewd or foul in anyway, but maybe it sound's better for a male parent to talk with his male child and a female parent to talk with her female child well, about delecate issues. If anything, better understanding. Not that the mother nor the father could discuss both and give advice to help either child.
Like I said, If I am wrong I stand corrected.

I read this saying once, and I hope I get it right: "Any man can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a Dad" I think what that saying implies is that any man can have a relationship with a woman and find out later that he is an expectant father and when he hears it, he leaves.

It takes a Man to take the responceabilty and say he wants to be there for his children regardless of the circumstances.

I have tons of respect for guys who do that.

In closing I would like to say three things

one: I had received an e-mail about a year ago from a friend of mine who said he was going to change the daily schedules of his kids after one of them woke him up in the wee hours of the morning. I had responed back to him saying that it is probably a good thing because he had told me the one of his children had something important to do later in the week and it was probably a good thing to get him used to waking up early.

Than I stopped myself. I thought what I had sent was foolish, I have no say in what goes on in that familys life and I am sure my friend knew exactly what he was doing and the reasons behind it. Did I over step?

Maybe, but you would need to ask my friend what he thinks of the matter.

Second: I am not writing this blog today to lay blame as to why my mother and father couldn't work it out either before or after I was born. I don't really care. Like I said (wrote) I had a dad, I don't need to go looking for another one.

Even if I found him, it would't matter. You cant make up for lost time no matter how hard you try. And it has been 41 years.

And third: I didn't relise all this stuff about my gradfather till after he had passed.

And its funny..... people go searching for stuff like this and they can't see that it has been right in front of them the whole time.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy Anniversary, Grandma.

Hello, my reader's. Wanting to send you a Thanksgiving wish for those living America that read this blog today or when you get the chance.

Topic today blends in with The holiday.

My grandmother is celebrating an anniversery this week. It is not the day she married my grandfather nor is it the anniversary of her birth. The anniversery is for the both of us.

But before I tell you what it is about, I feel it is only fitting that I explain what it is we're celebrating. If you recall in a previous blog topic over the summer entitled 'Childhood Memories' I had written about a home for boys I was at when I was a child. The annivsery is for the day I left the home and went to live with my grandparents. 29 years ago this Wednesday. Day before Thanksgiving.

I have never told anyone this and the only people that know about this event, if I can call it that is my gradmother and I. I can't explain to you why I remember this day, I just do.

the day itself, 29 years ago I also recall. I remember being in a school in Redlands, california and saying goodbye to fellow class mates.While most of the kids were saying 'bye, Happy Thanksgiving. See you Monday, I knew for myself I wouldn't be. It brought tears to my eyes while I was sitting in a school bus waiting to go back to the home I was living at.

While at the boys home, waiting for my grandma to arrive I said goodbye to other boys I was living with and like any other 11 year old kid, waiting for my grandma's car to show. When I saw it I was estatic.

I recall one of the worker's at the home, a big named Hal who to this day remeinds me of Will Geer, the grandfather of the clasic tv show, the Waltons. But much younger than Mr. Geer. I recall my frst meeting with hal about a year prior to me leaving and it didnt go over to well.

But, there we were both Hal and myself and he is teling my grandma just how much not only the boys in the home will miss me, but how he and the other staff would as well.

Another thing I remember about that last day was Hal paid me the money he owed me from a bet we had made. He had bet me a week prior to leaving that I would mess up some how and I wouldn't be able to go to my new home with my grandparents. Easiest $10 I have ever made.

The past 29 years have been a blast.
I praise God that I have been a man to stay out of serious trouble with the law and that even though I have regrets to a degree (everyone does) there is not too much I would change.

So, Happy Anniversery, Grandma. And here's to the next 29 years.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Election Night

Hello, reader's. How are ya'? Good, I hope.

Well, The election in the USA has come and gone. It was this past Tuesday. Biggest win was with the house of reprasentives leaning more to the right than the left. Whether or not that was a good thing or not remains to be seen.

I used to think that politcians were on the level. Perhaps they are or at least some of them are, but now my views have started to change. When it comes to a politcian you don't know who can trust. Like every election campaign you have politcians who are runing that may run a tv spot. Than you have his or her rival doing the same. Seems like the object of it all is who can talk trash about the other one the quickest.

Makes it difficult to believe either one of them.

I personally did not vote, I guess because of the reasons I have just stated.

One thing you can't do, or at least in my opinion is blame just one person.
There also seems to be alot of that going on in the aftermath of the election. is it Obama's? Who is to say.

I guess we are all going to find what changes are coming with in the next couple of months.


Sunday, October 24, 2010


Hello, my reader's. Yeah, I know, it's been about 2 months since my last post but I have been busy and I also felt to a degree you all were getting bored of reading my blog. So, here it is again.

Earlier this month I had a friend of mine call me who lives in another country, We had met on a popular social networking website and I decided I would give her my my number. It was quite interesting to hear from her.

One of the things that impresed me the most was her accent. She lives in Africa and once told me that she doesnt really notice the accent, because she doesn't think about it, but I liked it. She sounds Jamican.

At least I think so.

I have always found other languages fascinating. Other parts of the world are using the same words we are in America (if you are from America) but using it in a different way. I have always wanted to learn how to speak another language, I just have'nt accomplished it yet.

I have to master the American English language first.

When I get real nervous I stutter a litle.

There. I admitted it

In my last blog I had mentined that I was in California and spent a few days with my sister and her children. I was playng with one my nephews and I started barking. So did my nephew. The interesting thing was my sister's boxer was in the same room as my nephew and I and and ran towards us and let out a loud bark. I am not trying to say that either my self nor my nephew said anything to the animal, cause, well, we dont know. the interesting part was that she heard the bark and came running.

So, for right now, that is all I think I have. I do want to say it won't be another 2 months for you all to wait for another "FPTF"

So, in the immortal words of an American song writer named Paul Stanley

So,Goodbye Is Only For Now. 'Cause I'm Comin' Back.

Ps: For a friend of mine who once said "Can you mmmm make change"? don't laugh, please.


Friday, August 27, 2010

Who's The Boss?

Greetings, my reader's. I know, it has been about 2 weeks since my last blog, but I have been busy.

About 2 weeks ago, I was in california visting my sister and heard one of my nieces say something interesting.

She had said that her older step sister was ' the boss' of her and her younger brother. I thought about that sentence for awhile and I came up with this Hypothosis: Who is your boss? Mine, well thats an easy one, I'll tell you later.

I have heard children use that term before. Basically what it is is who is in charge of them because they are way too young to take care of them selves if a parent is away.

Its a play on words perhaps as well. Kids know who is in charge of them even if they dont care to admit it. You have probably heard this from other children or possibly even with your own kids as well and it gies a little like this: "You're not the boss of me"

They know that you are. They are just testing you.

Call it a dare. Pushing the envalope to a degree. Children thinking they know better than their parents.We have all been there.

but, the "boss" thing like I said is interesting.eaving your kids in the care of some one else and praying it goes well. A large part of the time it does. Last thing I think any kid wants is a bad report from their 'boss' cause they would get it from mom and dad.

I know who my Boss is. His name is Jesus Christ.Who is your's?

Before I go, I want to say something else, earlier in this blog I used the word "Hypothosis". Its meaning is either a theory or an opinion of a person. I was once at a church many years ago and I was talking with 2 other people. We were making a decent conversation and on of the pwople, a woman had said something I thought was quite profound. I had told her 'I liked her hypothosis' and she came unglued. She didnt know what the word meant. We all do that. For instance, I would dare anyone to go into a Kentucky Fried Chicken and ask for some fried cock. I garantee you the cashier wont be thinking of about chicken.

Te reason is an obvious one.The term I used to describe chicken has been used as a reference to something else. And that would be on the cashier's mind.Not to critise a KFC employee, but lets face it, we all have a tendencie of letting our minds wonder on to things we shouldn't.


Friday, August 13, 2010

It's Back!!!!!

Greeting's my reader's. It Friday. What does that mean? Ok, it could mean alot of things but for the sake of time, what does it mean for "FPTF"? Anyone? Anyone? Interactive Friday's!

Now today's well, I guess to a degree I need your opinion on something. Its nothing all that serious, but here's the thing:


Before I begin I need to tell you what made me think of this.

I had just woke up (seriously, no joke) about close to an hour ago and I think the thing that woke me was adream that I had. I had met, or I should say came in contact with a pastor of a church and I just couldn't contain myself. I started smacking the guy around causing a major disturbance in the building we were both in. Like I said, it was a dream. I would never do that to anyone in my waking hours. Especially to a pastor.

But the pastor in the dream is a real person. I attended his church for a little over 2 years, and I have a real problem with him.

He had said some things about me, none of them accurate and even though I have received prayer and have gotten alot of support over the issue, I think it is safe to say I am over it.

Or am I?

I would say yes, I am over it. It doesn't bother me. I know the truth I know what I did as apposed to what this clown has said about me. I have no need to worry. If I say that I am over it and I am , than why the dream and why was I so violent towards the man?

This is where you , my reader's come in:

What do you think, not just about the dream, but about your own personnal lives? I don't want to seem like I'm intruding but have you ever known anyone for a period of time that you thought you could trust and it turns out he/she was never trustworthy to begin with?

It's safe to say it happens with everyone.

Ok, Let's Get Interactive!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I Really Don't Like Stupid People (That Includes Myself, Sometimes)....... Or......... I once Got Carded For Buying A Pepsi

Happy Tuesday, my readers. Here's praying your day goes well. I will explain why there are two titles for this blog later.

Last week I was watching a little bit of the afternoon news and it had this guy who caused a high speed police chase. Now, I will be the first one to say, I didnt see the chase from start to finish, but the newscaster did report it and it was quite brutal.

I have never been able to understand why people do that. Some times it is only for a routine stop like a break light or something,but these people starting the chase want to make it worse. On themselves. And we, the people watching this schmuck.

It's stupidity.These police officers are only doing their jobs, stopping you for what ever they might happen to notice that is wrong. We some times think, oh no, its the cops, I better step on it!

I'll let you in on a little secret: you can be friends with police officers. You don't have to hate them just because of their jobs. You keep your nose clean so to speak, you have nothing to worry about.

We all do stupid things. Everyone. Some times in public for people to see, or in the privacy of your own home where its you staring into a mirror asking your self "What the hell am I doing?"

Regardless of where you do it or why you do it is not the question.

We also have to, at least some times live with the repercussions of other's stupidity.

On television for instance when we hear of a story of some one breaking up with some one or some one getting them selves in trouble.

A friend of mine, either last week or the week brfore that was on a social networking site and he left the comment about a celebrity who had gotten her self in trouble and sent to jail. The whole time she was there some people were talking about it. My friend said something on the order of this: the actress's name and a list of other peoples names that no one seems to have heard of, and my friend correct me if I am wrong (if he reads this) but have done more important things than what this actress did to land her in jail.

The question is: Who is the more stupid? the actress for getting her self in trouble or newscasters for following the story trying to make it sound important?

My anwer is both.

But, the best one by far has to be this. Reality tv stars.

You'll going to love this: These people go on televsion desperate to find a wife or a husband that they have mini affairs with the bachlor or the bachlorette
( which in it self is wrong) than after the supossed groom or bride finds the person they think they want to marry, about a month or two later magazine covers have plastered on them asking why they broke up

What went wrong? I'll tell you, They're stupid. And anyone else that seems to have nothing better to do with their day but to keep tabs on these morons are stupid as well

Interested in why two titles for the blog today. One is because some people reading this may say "awww, David, don't hate yourself, you're not stupid" well thank you,but I'm only human, and like the rest of the world I have my flaws.

Second reason: True story. I walk into a liquor store in southern California to buy a pepsi, take it to the counter to pay for it, cashier takes one look at it and say's " got any ID"? I look back at him and I say,"its a pepsi".

Guy say's "Oh, yeah, sorry. My bad."

Human beings. You Got to love 'em


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Story Time

Today my reader's, I am going to do something a bit out of blog content. I am going to show you my brain. Wait, don't run away just yet. What I ment was is I am going to show you how it works when it comes to being creative and writing a story.

Judge it for your self.

"In The Life Of Two Boys"

Once upon a time two boys were born on the very same day. One boy was born in a hospital, the other in the living room of a house. Niether child came from wealth or privlidge, just the circumstances surrounding labor with their moms.

two months later, both boys are doing well, the boy born in the hospital is doing what normal children his age would do. The second boy, the one born in the living room of his house, is doing well too. Till one day. As I call him 'the living room boy' has something tragic happen to him. He is taken from his mother. Very sad thing for both mother and child. The mother tries her best to keep her young family together but is unsuccessful. The powers that be must take the child else where.

The 'hospital' boy stays with his family, and becomes apart of a loving family when all of a sudden, the family of the hospital boy gets word that they have a new addition to their family. They have news that the 'living room' boy will be coming to live with them. It makes the family happy. Both boys will grow up knowing each other and being best pals.

That's exactly what happens. The two boys do grow up sharing a bond that it seems is unbreakable.

Untill one day many years later.

The boys have now grown up. They are 17 years old and it is time for one of them to leave for college. But which one? Could they both go to further their education? Well, they could go, nothing really stopping them both, but its a matter of who would benefit from college more. Both boys, well, now young men, have different perspectives on their lives.

So, the time to leave has arrived. They can't avoid it.
The hospital boy leaves for college.

the living room boy who has been like a brother to the other one for such a long time, has to deal with the fact that at least for now,his brother is gone. You can tell by the look on his face, he is not happy with this.

Than Sadness

The hospital boy who is in college and being a good student, hears horrible news. The living room boy has passed. His life ran its course. The 'Hospital' boy goes back home, unable to say goodbye before the burial, he makes his peace at the cemetary. The young man tells his growing up mate that he will miss him very much. They both had been through alot together. The hospital boy leaves the grave site and walks out of gates that are marked with the words "Pet Cemetary"

He stops takes one look around and under his breath says "good bye, my brother. I will miss you."

David Meier (story is copyrighted)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

What Have We Done With Movies?!

Greetings and salutations, my reader's! Hope you are enjoying your thursday. Mine is just getting started. I have a feeling it is going to be a great one.

Before I go any further with my blog topic for today, I have a disclaimer, my language is going to be little harsh. If you choose to turn away, now would be the time to do it. Consider your self warned.

Yesterday afternoon I took a drive to my sister's house and her and husband had invited me to stay for dinner and to watch a movie they had rented, so I did. My sister and I, un fortunetly do not share the same taste in films. To some degree I respect that, to another, I question it.

One movie she had rented was recently in theather's called "Kickass". Supposedly based upon a comic book. The film is basically about a teenaged boy who likes to read comic books and at the same time wants to become a super hero in the process. Lot's of F bombs being dropped, a little bit of sexual situations. It is'nt what I would call a good movie.

Over the past couple of years there have seem to have been a lot of teen oriented comedies that deal with gross out behavior. Let me rephrase that. It is'nt just teen comedies, I think its movies of all genres.

For instance, a person gets into a fight, he or she is losing it and its getting brutal to put it mildly. Instead of calling the police to have the altercation stopped, they let it continue, some times, if they have a cell phone with video capabillites, filming it and sending it to the web.

This is not good for movies and it certainetly not good for real life.

Where have the values system gone for motion pictures with in the last 20 t0 30 years?

I am not saying these films should not be made, but I think what I am saying is these films dont really need to push the envelope as far as having to check your own belief system as you walk out of the theather.

One of my all time favorite film directors, Woody Allen in one of his recent year films was about a guy who lives in England that is married and is having an affair with another woman. One he wants to end the affair, he kills the woman and covers up his tracks. Basically getting away with it.

The film which is called 'Match Point' is the only film by Allen that I would have to say isn't one of his best, all though, the guy is so brillant when it comes to film making, one film out countless more isn't all bad.

Even though, I don't particully like it, i would still recommend it. Make up your own mind.
Which I think with motion pictures, you have to do.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Small Problem That I am Working On Getting Resolved.

Hey, you. My reader's. I do apologise for the delay in writng. My computer crashed on me abouta little over a week ago and I am working on getting another one.

But, I wanted to write this week to let you all know whats going on with me. . I am in California. Have been for a week now, and its going really well.

I saw something on Sunday morning that made me think a little. I was on my way to a church that a friend of mine had invited me to and along the way I had past by some other churches that, well when I was living in California were doing well. Now, it seems, the building looks deserted. Granted, I have absolutley no idea what happened. They couldhave moved and the building has not sold yet. Maybe they planned something and were just not there 2 days ago when I drove by. It could be a number of things. I just pray it isnt what I think it might be and those respective churces have fell on hard times and had no other choice but to close. Its sad when that happens.

Now, once again, I dont know what happened, but its very easy for anyone to look at a scenario like that and just start playing the blame game. No one is immune to that. Every one plays it. Thing is how often do you play?

I said (well wrote)this once before, but I think a good reason why people don't want to become Christians is because they like what they do. They like talking about others and making them look bad.

Even if thayhave done nothing wrong.

They hear about that one pastor who got caught with his hand in the pervibial cookie jar, and think every pastor is like that.

Thats not true, but they are welcomed to their own beliefs.

Where eve these churches have gone, I pray for them and I would ask you my readers to do the same.


Friday, July 16, 2010


Ok, Reader's this is not the blog topic I had in mimd for this friday's IF, but I am in California at my sister's house because her car broke down and she needs a ride back to Arizona for one of our nieces birthday. So, instead, a little something to tide you over till Saturday.

Has Television lost its way? Did they ever have it right to start with? Some would say yes that tv has lost its way over the last 30 years, while other's would probably say no.

One thing is for sure. You're not watching 'Leave It To Beaver' or even'I Love Lucy' any more. The clean cut american family is missing from Television's landscape.

Pointless reality shows. Lame talk shows of the most disgusting people in America ( or your respective country)

and shows that deal with teen pregnacys or alcahol issues and think nothing of it.

For me,personally, I avoid alot of those programs. When I watch television its usually to either watch a movie on a movie channell (complete shock, I know) or if there is an old '70's or '80's show that happens to be on. The only time I might watch something newer is in the fall when there are new television shows starting. Some are good and other's aren't

I have heard of a family in Canada that have only 3 television channels and if they watch tv it's usally a dvd of a classic show.

Can't go wrong there.

Untill the first (and quite possibly)last Saturday IF, please stay off the bacony. The theater crew still haven't repaired it


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Acting Techniques

Happy Wednesday to you all. I count everyday a Blessing. One is because It Is The Day The Lord Has Made and second, its great to see all the comments to this blog and references to them. Thanks to those that have told other people about FPTF. It's an honor. Let's this people know this wasn't a stupid idea after all!

Gotcha, HDM!!

Today, I would like to talk about skills of acting or skills of actors. Now, before I go any further I need to say that I am not an actor. I did take a Drama class in High School, but I wasn't any good. Some of you might be thinking, "OK, not an actor, but he is talking (writing) about it."

I think if a person like my self or any one else for that matter who has an interest in film, they can also spot an actor or an actress's talent. That is, obviously one of the reasons you get into the film and why people talk about such gifted actors and actress's. And also why they hand awards every year to them.

There are alot of actors and actress's I can name that knew their craft as an actor. One, in particular, Marlon Brando, who even to this day years after his death people still look at him as being the ultimate actor.

This past Monday evening I was chatting with an actor friend of mine and even though I was sort of kidding around, the conversation got a little serious when the young actor started talking about why he does what I made reference to. In most of the work he has done he gives his fellow actor's a stare that I think grabs the audience attention. This stare, or look was most effective in one of his earlier films called 'Black Christmas" a low budget horror movie, well that if you watch it, you have to have the stomach for it.

I think if you are an actor you have to take your roles seriously. You can't just say "this is only movie, who cares how my acting is" If you say or think that, than you are probably in the wrong career.

Now, I grant you not everyone that goes to a movie cares about the craft of the player's in it. They are just there for a good time and perhaps have even heard about the movie thats why they are in the theather.

But ask them about the performance of the actors, or even the technical aspects of the movie, they might just laugh at you and ask you to stop being a film critic. Kinda hard to stop when you have a passion for it.

I'll give you two brief explanations that I personally have encountered.

First film was called "City Slicker's(1991), a comedy starring Billy Chrystal and the late Jack Pa lance. Classic movie. But any way, the actor in question was a little bit of a supporting part played by a great actor named David Paymer. The scene calls for him to have a little bit of a weird facial expression when his brother, played hilariously by Josh Mostel (King Herod in Jesus Christ Superstar,1973) was asked to taste a flavor of ice cream. The expression of Paymer left me with the impression that this guy takes his role seriously

And quite so. My reader's if you get the chance google or Wikipedia "David Paymer" and find some of his films and you might realize what I just explained to you.

Second, was film that was 3rd in a trilogy called 'Sandlot:heading home.
My actor friend is in this one. He doesn't speak until close to the end of the picture, but his mannerisms and yes, even his "stare" makes his performance. I hope, my friend, where ever you are, you get the chance to read this today.

I would like to recommend 5 films to you. One, since if you recall, I made reference to the late Marlon Brando, are 2 of his films: Street Car Named Desire & The Godfather. 2 outstanding motion pictures.

City Slicker's with Billy Crystal and David Paymer (watch for it)

and lastly 2 films from my actor friend:Black Christmas & Sandlot:Heading Home. I am not going to give you is name in this blog, if he reads this, he knows who he is and so do people that know him better than I do, but if you watch thes 2 films you will notice what I and alot of other people noticed and that is, my friend has the talent to make it in show business


Tuesday, July 13, 2010


'Ello, 'ello, all my reader's. Happy Tuesday to all of you.

I think I have something good for a topic today, so let's get at it, shall we?

Over the July 4th weekend I recorded a miniseries for television about America's second POTUS (President Of The United States) John Adams. Based upon a book by David McCullough and starring Actor Paul Giamatti in the title role. Once I had got back from an already discussed trip to California I started watching and it gave me a little bit of insight on something I had mentioned previously in I think one of my first 2 blogs and that is, th President's job was or is never an easy one. Just by watching this show I got a chance to realize that even just 13 states, both George Washington (first President) and Adams did not have it easy.

Neither did the other 42 past Presidents or even the current one.

Now, I am not going to tell you what these men did wrong or tell you they were not effective Presidents, that is not the reason for writing this blog. Nor would I tell you my views on a certain President (or Prime Minister of another Country) I have often said that I was not going to make this blog political. I have my views, just as I am sure you do and we both are welcomed to them.

I think the reason for writing this particular topic this morning is to explain what I think can not be an easy job. Its a job I will never have. And quite frankly it's a job I do not want, but once again, we are not talking about me. Or at least I'm not.

In the last US presidential election there were 13 candidates running. When it finally came down to two Senator's. One from Chicago, the other from Arizona. All of these hope fulls had their own respective agenda's.

One of them brought change To America.

It's fairly easy no matter what the occupation is to say you're better at it than the next person. You might have more experience so there for you know alot more about the job than say some one who is just having their first day. We have all heard the old saying" You think you can do this better than me?"

I don't think you can say that about governing a country. Ok, you can say it, but can you do it. Wheather or not a past President has ever been better than the one before him has always been open to debate.

So, weather you're for a POTUS or a prime minister, God bless you. There is nothing wrong with being political. I think to some degree everyone is. You might call it being Patriotic. If you are, theres nothing wrong with that, if you're not same thing. But to a degree I think everyone regardless of their country is patriotic. You live in that country and you may not share the same views as the next person, but it doesn't mean you're not going to feel bad when lets say God forbid something awful happens.

So, there you have it.

I recommend the miniseries 'John Adams' for a number of reasons. One for its historical point of view on the founding of The United States Of America. And second for it's brilliant photography of early America. Paul Giamatti & Laura Linny won Emmy's for their portrayal of John & Abigail.
Effective period drama, produced by Tom Hanks (Play Tone)

Till next time, the balcony is closed....HEY!, I just said its closed, stop jumping off the thing.

d..... you get the gist

Friday, July 9, 2010


OK, after a 2 week hiatus, guess what's back? If you are thinking me, David, well, you're right I am here, but I have not been gone for 2 weeks like......wait for it....... Interactive Fridays!! Did you miss it?

Well, miss it no more. Its back and well rested.

Here is what I want to ask you this Friday: Have you ever been star struck?
What I mean is have you ever came across and actor or an actress or even a musician that you went like, "wow' there he or she is!" That happened to me this week a little.

This past week I was in California for the July Th weekend and I went to a concert for a band that I like and, what I didn't expect is that I would be meeting the band. The band is called Kutless. They're Christian rock band. Anyway, prior to the concert, on the drive down with a close friend of mine named Donald, if he would have asked me (he didn't) what I was expecting from this concert, the last thing I would have said was meeting the band.

I'll admit it, I got a bit star struck. One of my fave bands and here I am talking to them. I'll have to admit, it felt good to do it and I thank God He allowed it to have happened, but at the same time I felt like I made a fool of my self. Two reasons why I think that. One: is because I had told them I had driven from Arizona to see them, and second: This is a Christian band and all though they have their fans, where does the line get drawn between fans of a Christian band & making it Idol worship, which is one of the 10 Commandments? I wouldn't say I did that, but I am wondering what the difference would be.

Around late 2003, prior to moving to Arizona, I saw another Christian band called 'Five Iron Frenzy' and if memory serves me correctly 'FIF' were on their final tour. I think they were going to break up.

Anyway, I had bought a T-shirt from the band and all of them signed it, except one of them. He had, said, he doesn't mind signing autographs, but he had a personal limit on what he would and wouldn't sign. T-shirts was one of them.

Maybe to an extent, to this guy it was a form of Idolatry. I can understand that.

Lastly, I will tell you, my reader's one more quick story.

I have been in shopping malls and just going about my business, when I glance over to another part of the mall and I think I notice some one familiar to me. Turns out it was an actor or an actress from a TV show or movie. Some of them were not all that known. It has been so long I have forgotten their names and the television shows they were one. But, it can happen. It was nothing I had planned. I didn't look at any actors schedule for their day and say"OK, this actor is going to be shopping here"

I have told this story to people before and they didn't believe it.

I once saw actress Diane Keaton in a mall in Orange County, California. I didn't talk to her, but I saw her. Great actress.

Now, it's your turn: Have you, my dear reader's ever been star struck by an actor or actress that you might have come in contact with?


Friday, July 2, 2010

Could It Be Possible

Today's If will not be written today so David can bring you the following blog topic.

The If's (interactive Friday's) will return next week at it's regurely scheduled time.

A couple of days ago I saw 3 movies. well 5 actually, but two of them didn't seem to fit what I wanted to write about today.

The films were " The Boy In The Striped Pajama's" "Two Brother's" & "Changeling"

Before I get started on these films I thought it be best that I explain little of why I am writing about them today. I like movies that make you think after you watch them. As I have stated before, motion pictures to me are not just about having a good time for 2 hours watching what ever you think is good, all though that is why most people go to the movies. Films that make you think could mean a number of things, but one in particular, could something be possible. Meaning the film you just saw talked about an issue that in the back of your mind you have wonder is it make believe or could it happen.

That I think is why I have chosen the films I have. They made me think, it could it have been possible or is it impossible.

'The Boy In The Striped Pajama's' (2008) is based upon a book by novelist John Boyne and is set in World War two Berlin and center's around the Holocaust. I am not goint o describe the whole movie to you, but I will say this. The plot of the storie is a young boy named Bruno moves with his family cause his father has a new job, commandant At Jewish concentration camp. There he meets a young Jewish boy on the opposite side of of an electric fence,named Shmuel. The end of the movie 'Bruno', in striped pajama's is trying help Shmuel find his father. What both boys find is the gas chamber where they mass executed.

Could it have been possible? According to Rabbi Benjamin Blech of New York, the Rabbi spoke that it was not possible. Concentration camps didn't have young single digit children working. But, the question I have and this may disturb some of you reading and if it does, I ask that you not take what you are about to read the wrong way. I am not a racist of any kind, but my point is could a young boy who was not Jewish sneak in to such a camp and end up meeting his demise?

I would hope not.

Second movie: Two Brother's (2004) is the story about 2 baby male tiger's who lose both their mother and father and are then separated. Years later their paths cross again when both tigers are set to fight one another. Here is the thing: Both animals look each other in the eye and realize they know each other.

Could it be possible that animals know who their sibling or even who their birth parents are if they were to see them again. Do they even know who their parents are even when their first born? If anything, It's debatable. I have heard some people say yes, it is possible and other laugh it off and say no, an animal is not that smart. A few years ago I was watching television and I happen to come across a program about the intelligence of animals.

It was one scientist hypothesis that an animal has the IQ of that of a 6 month old human infant. I am not a doctor and i have never studied the IQ of a six month old infant so I don't know really what they are capable of learning. Well, maybe to a small degree, eating sitting up and turning over and maybe even the early stages of crawling. One thing I have observed with my nieces and nephews was that at 6 months, they knew who their parents were and if they had older siblings, knew them as well. So, like I said, its debatable weather or not its possible.

Third film: "Changeling" (2008) is based upon a true story of an actual crime where a boy in the late 1920's Los Angeles, California goes missing. His mother, played by Angelina Jolie (more on her in an upcoming blog). The L.A. police department find a boy who fits the description of the missing child and send him to the grieving single parent trying to convince her that the child is hers.

Later on in the story the police hear of a case in another part of California about the remains of missing boys. One them, supposedly, the son of the the single mom.

This story, according to documents found by the script writer, J. Micheal Straczynski is true.

Now, here is where you or I have to ask could this be possible. Would anyone, police officer's or anyone find a missing child and claim it to be some one else.

I personally don't want to think so. Parent's know who their children are. They can spot them out of a crowd anywhere.

Granted, police detectives in the early part of the 20th century did not have DNA and all of the advances that they would have today.

So,maybe it could have been possible.

I would suggest all three films to you, my reader's. Allthough some of the subject matter in 2 of the films,'the boy in the striped pajama's and 'Changeling' maybe a little un suitable for younger children. Changeling has an R rating, and foul language.
If you can find these films on DVD, I hope you enjoy them and that they, like they did with me, made you think.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Blasphemous Rumours...Part Two

Hi, my reader's. How the heck are ya this fine Tuesday morning?

Today, I am going to continue on a subject I spoke (wrote) about maybe a month or so ago.

The topic is rumors or lies that are spread about people. But, I must ask before I go any further that if you read this please don't thin "Aww,thats sad, David" Regardless of weather it is sad or not, that is not the basis for writing it.

If any thing it gets it off my chest.

As I stated in the first blog of 'blasphemous rumors (thanks again Martin Gore) I think everyone has heard rumors spread about them.Celebrity's get the brunt of it, I think. I was reading a cover of a tabloid magazine over the weekend and this excellent piece of Journalism was making reference to a deceased musician and how the cemetery he was buried at some how lost his body. If you believe that I've got some ocean front property in Arizona I would like to sell you. Its got a great view. From my front porch you can see the sea.

Do magazines like that have to do that? No. They do it for the almighty dollar.

There was drummer of a band I used to be a huge Fan of when I was growing up. He quit the band and about I would say 12 years later he is reported to be living under some pier at a Los Angeles beach.

He wasn't. He was living in L.A. in a nice house with his wife and daughter.

I would ask you , my reader's to tell me what kind of lies or rumors you have heard about you selves but I wont because i feel its a matter privacy and you may not feel comfortable with divulging the information.

I can't say I blame you.

I'll do it.

You all know I have wrote a screenplay and I think either last week or the week before I gave you a little taste of it. Here is how i got the idea and why this 'Scott' person said what he did.

I was in the 8th grade and it invited to a friends house for Halloween. My friends and I were in to alot of the rock music of the day (1983) and I had a couple of good record's I was asked to bring. (now if there is anyone under the age of 28 reading this and you don't know what a 'record' is, ask your mother or father.)

So, during the course of the night when my friends and I are waiting for rides back to our houses, I was asked how many albums I had brought, I counted them and told every one. There was this one person, kid about my age who thought it was hilarious how I had said the number. I had brought 6 albums.

Next day, we're back at school this guy See's me and starts shouting the number 6 at the top of his lungs. Now, heres the kicker: only about 4 people, including myself knows what he talking about. Doesn't stop him from making a complete idiot of himself by screaming this as loud as he could,making up a storie in the process that alot of kids, some even being friends of mine believed. This was November of 1983. It went on till June of 1984.

Now, I will say it again, please, no "aww's" or"David, thats sad" once again, not why I am writing this.

Can we stop rumors like this? Yeah I think so. We can just turn around and walk away and tell our selves we know the truth or we can choose to knock their teeth down their throat. Choice is your's. All though the last one isn't very Christ like.

I pushed this moron over about 8 bikes at the bike rack of the school. He never made fun of me again.

Tomorrow, "Siblings" part 2

David R. Meier

Saturday, June 26, 2010

There Is A Method To My Madness

Ok,Ok, I have heard from some of my reader's why I dont have a blog everyday. There are to two things I can say. One is I can't think of any. Two: When I go to write a blog, I some times find myself side tracked and when I come back to it, I forget what I was going to write about. It happens.

So, what to write about today?

Can you wait till tomorrow?


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Are You For Or Against It?

Morning, my fellow reader's!! Happy Thursday to you all.

Lets get right to it, shall we?

Yesterday afternoon I heard on the news about a restaurant in the state of Arizona that started serving Lion Hamburger's. The meat of the lion apparently. Now, I will be the first one to say when I heard this I was like, 'no way, they can't be serious' I wouldn't eat it. Not because I think its cruelty to animals, even though that is part of it. Lion for a meal doesn't sound to appetizing to me.

I don't think I am an animal rights activist, all though when you stop and think about it perhaps people that are make some valid points. Nor would I say I am an activist on any level. I know what I like, I know what I think is right to support and for the most part if I don't like something I may or may not voice my opinion. It depends on the situation and how strongly I feel about it.

I think everyone to some degree feels that way. Weather you're a strong supporter of environmental issues or you don't agree with the other politics. To a certain degree, I think that is valid. Then there are times that I don't.

Think about this: As everyone knows there is a war going on in 2 different country's. Alot of people feel America started it, maybe to some degree we did, I grant you that.

But none the less here it is. If you are against it or know of people that are against it they perhaps have been to 'peace' marches against the war. These things are never peacefull. You tend to hear more often than not about people involved with a protest rally that is supposed to be peace full, but when you have people causing a commotion and even being apprehended, that doesn't sound to peace full to me.

I once thought I could support something on the order of actually of rallying with other supporter's of this cause. About 9 years ago in southern California this 13 or 14 year old kid shoots up his school. He claimed he was bullied and couldn't take it anymore. I thought about it a little and thought ' OK, not that I condone what this kid did, but I can see how bullying can effect a young teen. I certainly remember how I felt. Anyway, I heard of this group of people that were trying to lend some support for this teen by going to the courthouse where he was being tried as an adult.

The point was, because of 'bullying' they thought he shouldn't be tried as an adult. Any way, so the time came for the court house thing and I'm getting ready to go, until I think to my self, what am I doing?. I was actually going to a courthouse to support a killer (he shot 2 people, killing them) and it hit me. I can not support this in good conscience. This kid wasn't the victim, the people he shot and the lives he shattered were the victims. I didn't go and I am thankful as I look back on it now.

I am not trying to say if you support something like that or any other issue is wrong. I'll say it again, to a degree I don't think that it is.

I think it is a matter of how you go about it.

I'll give you another example of something that happened to me.

It's the late 1990's and I am waiting for a bus in a major southern California city. I was hungry so I stopped at a Taco Bell restaurant to get something to eat. I finish my meal just as the bus is pulling up. I look around, but I couldn't find a trash can, so I threw my empty bag in the gutter, by the bus stop.
I get on the bus, find a seat and I look out the window and this guy is giving me the most meanest look I have ever received in my life, while at the same time his girlfriend or his wife was picking up the bag and had some one on the bus give it back to me.

Now, in that case, I will admit, I was wrong to throw my garbage where i did. Once again, I don't consider myself to be an activist but I do my share in keeping the environment clean. I grant you it's not what it should be, but I do it anyway.

Here is one more example. Just because some one is against abortion, doesn't mean they're going to stand outside a Planned Parenthood building and protest it. Think there are differences to what people feel is right for them selves. If you feel comfortable with protesting something, than thats how you feel. If you don't, thats fine too.

People shouldn't condemn you for that.

Here is how I look at it for myself personally: I have yet to carry signs of protest weather I am for or against something. Doesn't mean I never will. The only way I would do it, is if I thought it was legitimate enough to want to support it. That has yet to happen.


Monday, June 21, 2010


Hey, everyone! How are you this Monday afternoon. I pray all is well. Hoe you all had a good weekend. Mine was OK.

Early this morning I was watching a little bit of a film I have seen countless of times called 'Stand By Me' (Columbia Pictures,1986) Based upon a Novelia by Stephen King. The film center's on four adolescent boys who in the summer of 1959 set out to find a missing kid's body. What they end up discovering is more about themselves. The thing that gets me about this film is the camaraderie of the boys. One,a young writer who doesn't quite know what he wants out of life and the other 3 are just pushed in to a social situation there is no way out of. Unbeknown to them that that summer would be the last one the 4 of them share together.

The moral of the story is I think 2 things. One is learning about your selfs and your friends and the bonds of friendships which in later life helps one of the central Character's to write about the experience. (older "Gordie"played by Richard Dreyfuss)

Its friendship. A very important ingredient I think to human life. Maybe even all creatures of this planet,cause even animals have friends.

I can recall a couple of of times where friends of mine were there for when I needed them and vice versa. A couple of those times are scenes in my screenplay, 'Bring On The Dancing Horses' I'll give you a small example.

As a freshman in high school in 1984, I was bully ed by this kid named Scott. He just wouldn't give me an even break. I had just joined my schools cross country team (running) and I had made friends with some of them alot sooner than I thought I would have. I had told some the teams varsity about my problem with Scott and they told me they would take care of it. I will never forget the day they did. They found him at lunch one day and cornered him. To this day I have no idea what was said but I was never bullied by him again.

What about you? It doesn't have to be getting saved by a bully, although that does help, what is it too you that makes a friend?

I don't know if is possible for parents to be 'friends' with their children. I am not saying its a bad thing if they are, I think what I am trying to say is everyone regardless of age needs their parent's, doesn't matter if its father's with their son's or mother's with their daughter's. Or even father's with their daughter's. In life, we all need some one to talk to. I have said this before, I am not a parent, but at the age of 40 I still look forward to asking my mother for advice on things that I need to do or just her take things she thinks I should do. She does that with all my siblings and while I don't know how they feel about, I know I feel a little better because it helps me with decision making. Which is something everyone needs from time to time.

I had the opportunity a few months back to meet a father and his family, his wife and two children. All four of them have become friends of mine and I enjoy their company and talking with them when I get the chance. I can't say weather he feels he is his kid's friend or if he feels he is his kids father. Perhaps it's a little bit of both. I wouldn't doubt for a second that both his son and daughter like the fact that he is around and all that he does for them, while at the same time needing their quote un quote 'space' which I am sure he gives them.

I strongly recommend either renting or buying the DVD of the movie' Stand By Me' Its a great film that talks about the importance of friendship. It is directed by Rob Riener, son of comic Carl Riener (Meat head in the classic television show, 'All In The Family')

Until next time, the balcony is closed. People are still falling out of it. Maybe it's best to put up a railing.


Friday, June 18, 2010


Hi,everyone, sorry for the delayed blog. I am going to try not to let it happen too much. I am going to skip interactive Friday this week, but it will be back next week. I think I have a very interesting blog topic today.

Here goes.

Earlier this week, I was having some dinner and watching a little bit of television and came across comic who was talking, well singing actually about medical marijuana and the benefits of it. I have a little bit of an issue with that. Why after so many decades of marijuana being illegal and people telling everyone it's bad for them, why with in the last 12 or 13 years have they been saying, that there are benefits to it and it can help some people.

I don't get it.

here are some of the quote un quote 'benefits':the amelioration of nausea and vomiting, stimulation of hunger in Chemotherapy patients and even treating Glaucoma. I am not a doctor and I personally have not tried marijuana nor do I ever plan to. It has been offered to me by many people, but I turned them down each time they offered.

But, I'll say it again, I don't understand why after so many years of people saying this stuff is bad for you when you get that "high" once again, I have never used it so I don't what it feels like.

A pastor that I once knew of made this hypothesis when the state of California passed the usage of cannabis in the late 1990's. He said the only reason why the law passed is so people can find a excuse to get high. That might be a correct hypothesis when it is illegal to use or carry marijuana on your person. It is still illegal and if you don't have a prescription for it, the police can and will apprehend you for it.

Motion pictures have depicted the use of drugs in many ways. Very few of them have ever discussed the issues of the so called 'benefits'.

Mostly when it is discussed it is for recreational purposes and even making a joke out of it.

A few months ago, I was having a conversation with a woman who was trying to tell me the definition of the medical use for it.

I think the bottom line is this: Its an excuse for wanting to use an illegal drug. People want the proverbial 'high'. If the get in trouble, thats their fault, no one else's. Am I being a little biased? Perhaps.

I just never understood why people would want to numb themselves with stuff like that.

Two films I would recommend for you that handle drug issues is one from the 1930's called 'Reefer Madness' and a film released in 1993 called 'Dazed and Confused' Both movies are considered to be cult classics.

Speaking of films, the remake of the karate kid, I told you all I was going to see. Don't waste your time and money on it. Rent or buy the 1984 original with Pat Morita and Ralph Macchio. The Karate Kid is one of those films that doesn't need a remake. Shame on the people that thought it did.
