OK, are you ready? No time to waste, got alot of ground to cover in a limited amount of time.
You have reached it, it is time to make your dreams come to life, the production of your screenplay, basically if you don't know, its the crew, the actors etc acting out your work.
This could take a long period of time, or it can be a short period, depending once again on the budget of the film and avoiding any problems.
In the early part of the 21 century there was a television show that was created by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon (Screenwriter's for 'Good Will Hunting') called 'Project Greenlight'basically a show about how a film gets made, they had a contest with the winning script being produced and the show would cover the whole process. Quite interesting.
I write that because for me it was the first time I had the chance to see a film being made. Well, almost. I think it was the spring of 1994 I was in San Francisco, California visiting a relative and one night we went to what is known as fishermen's wharf to see a scene of a movie being made. Bad part about was I stayed till like four in the morning and they still hadn't started shooting. The film was called "Murder in The First" with Kevin Bacon and Christian Slater. I recommend it.
The writer (you) can be invited to the set, if they would like. Even writer's like JK Rowlings and the writer of the Twilight series were on the sets of their respective work.
Production can be a very tedious project as well, with actors being held up in their dressing rooms a good part of the day or night depending on the schedules and in some case's, according to a friend of mine, you may not even get to shoot your scenes that even thought you were scheduled to.
But, it looks like an awesome thing to be apart of. I must admit, I am looking forward to it, when 'Bring On The Dancing Horses' gets to that level
Is there alot of stress? Yes, I imagine that there would not only for the actors but for the crew, trying to get every thing to go right.
Like I said, the production process can be a fast one as far as only taking about a month to film everything or it could take years. No Joke.
So, when it happens to you, take it in stride. Now, granted, you are the writer and you can be on the set if you choose, so the stress level may not get to you, so sit back and enjoy the ride. It's going to be the best one you have ever had.
Tomorrow, Part six: Post production
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