Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How To Watch a Movie

OK, my reader's sorry for the last blog, actually, I am not sorry, I do feel that I am waisting your time and mine writing have the stuff I write here. Even my family thinks this blog was a silly idea. I am starting to think they might be right.

But in any case, weather this was a good or a bad idea, I must admit, I like writing it and I may continue doing this after the film making series has concluded.

When I sit down to watch a movie I can't sit down and just watch it. You may be asking your self, :"OK, mister know it all big time film maker how do you watch a movie?"

I can only tell you how I do it. It could and very possibly be the same way other film enthusiast do it too, but, its just my way of looking at it.

First: You listen to it. You listen to the dialog or, the script to see how well or poorly it was written.

Second: Watch all of the ways the camera's are moving and the blocking (movements the actors are making) When you are watching a movie and you are picking up on key things the director is doing that lets you know how the camera are working.

I first started doing this a long time ago. I would say at least 20 to 25 years ago and now when i watch something regardless of what it is, I always, like immediately start looking at the technical angle of it all.

No kidding I can be watching a football game and while people are cheering on a player or giving him instructions from over 100's of miles away, I'm checking out the camera work.

there is alot more than just the writing, the actors, directors etc, there is also the editing, costumes, time period its set in all that stuff. I just hone in on it. Could I quit doing that? I must admit I tried once, but I kept pin pointing things out. Even my own family doesn't want to watch a movie with me, because they look at me and think,"he's doing it again, now he is going to tell us everything we could care less about."

This may be a difficult thing to do. Than again maybe it isn't. It could be you have been doing this yourself, but never relished it.

What I would recommend, is with any movie you watch, just start listening to it, once again, the screenplay, the other things will come gradually.

Thanks for reading & I hope you understand now a little bit of why I like films the way I do.


Tomorrow:Film Making: part -6-Post Production.