Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Blasphemous Rumours...Part Two

Hi, my reader's. How the heck are ya this fine Tuesday morning?

Today, I am going to continue on a subject I spoke (wrote) about maybe a month or so ago.

The topic is rumors or lies that are spread about people. But, I must ask before I go any further that if you read this please don't thin "Aww,thats sad, David" Regardless of weather it is sad or not, that is not the basis for writing it.

If any thing it gets it off my chest.

As I stated in the first blog of 'blasphemous rumors (thanks again Martin Gore) I think everyone has heard rumors spread about them.Celebrity's get the brunt of it, I think. I was reading a cover of a tabloid magazine over the weekend and this excellent piece of Journalism was making reference to a deceased musician and how the cemetery he was buried at some how lost his body. If you believe that I've got some ocean front property in Arizona I would like to sell you. Its got a great view. From my front porch you can see the sea.

Do magazines like that have to do that? No. They do it for the almighty dollar.

There was drummer of a band I used to be a huge Fan of when I was growing up. He quit the band and about I would say 12 years later he is reported to be living under some pier at a Los Angeles beach.

He wasn't. He was living in L.A. in a nice house with his wife and daughter.

I would ask you , my reader's to tell me what kind of lies or rumors you have heard about you selves but I wont because i feel its a matter privacy and you may not feel comfortable with divulging the information.

I can't say I blame you.

I'll do it.

You all know I have wrote a screenplay and I think either last week or the week before I gave you a little taste of it. Here is how i got the idea and why this 'Scott' person said what he did.

I was in the 8th grade and it invited to a friends house for Halloween. My friends and I were in to alot of the rock music of the day (1983) and I had a couple of good record's I was asked to bring. (now if there is anyone under the age of 28 reading this and you don't know what a 'record' is, ask your mother or father.)

So, during the course of the night when my friends and I are waiting for rides back to our houses, I was asked how many albums I had brought, I counted them and told every one. There was this one person, kid about my age who thought it was hilarious how I had said the number. I had brought 6 albums.

Next day, we're back at school this guy See's me and starts shouting the number 6 at the top of his lungs. Now, heres the kicker: only about 4 people, including myself knows what he talking about. Doesn't stop him from making a complete idiot of himself by screaming this as loud as he could,making up a storie in the process that alot of kids, some even being friends of mine believed. This was November of 1983. It went on till June of 1984.

Now, I will say it again, please, no "aww's" or"David, thats sad" once again, not why I am writing this.

Can we stop rumors like this? Yeah I think so. We can just turn around and walk away and tell our selves we know the truth or we can choose to knock their teeth down their throat. Choice is your's. All though the last one isn't very Christ like.

I pushed this moron over about 8 bikes at the bike rack of the school. He never made fun of me again.

Tomorrow, "Siblings" part 2

David R. Meier

Saturday, June 26, 2010

There Is A Method To My Madness

Ok,Ok, I have heard from some of my reader's why I dont have a blog everyday. There are to two things I can say. One is I can't think of any. Two: When I go to write a blog, I some times find myself side tracked and when I come back to it, I forget what I was going to write about. It happens.

So, what to write about today?

Can you wait till tomorrow?


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Are You For Or Against It?

Morning, my fellow reader's!! Happy Thursday to you all.

Lets get right to it, shall we?

Yesterday afternoon I heard on the news about a restaurant in the state of Arizona that started serving Lion Hamburger's. The meat of the lion apparently. Now, I will be the first one to say when I heard this I was like, 'no way, they can't be serious' I wouldn't eat it. Not because I think its cruelty to animals, even though that is part of it. Lion for a meal doesn't sound to appetizing to me.

I don't think I am an animal rights activist, all though when you stop and think about it perhaps people that are make some valid points. Nor would I say I am an activist on any level. I know what I like, I know what I think is right to support and for the most part if I don't like something I may or may not voice my opinion. It depends on the situation and how strongly I feel about it.

I think everyone to some degree feels that way. Weather you're a strong supporter of environmental issues or you don't agree with the other politics. To a certain degree, I think that is valid. Then there are times that I don't.

Think about this: As everyone knows there is a war going on in 2 different country's. Alot of people feel America started it, maybe to some degree we did, I grant you that.

But none the less here it is. If you are against it or know of people that are against it they perhaps have been to 'peace' marches against the war. These things are never peacefull. You tend to hear more often than not about people involved with a protest rally that is supposed to be peace full, but when you have people causing a commotion and even being apprehended, that doesn't sound to peace full to me.

I once thought I could support something on the order of actually of rallying with other supporter's of this cause. About 9 years ago in southern California this 13 or 14 year old kid shoots up his school. He claimed he was bullied and couldn't take it anymore. I thought about it a little and thought ' OK, not that I condone what this kid did, but I can see how bullying can effect a young teen. I certainly remember how I felt. Anyway, I heard of this group of people that were trying to lend some support for this teen by going to the courthouse where he was being tried as an adult.

The point was, because of 'bullying' they thought he shouldn't be tried as an adult. Any way, so the time came for the court house thing and I'm getting ready to go, until I think to my self, what am I doing?. I was actually going to a courthouse to support a killer (he shot 2 people, killing them) and it hit me. I can not support this in good conscience. This kid wasn't the victim, the people he shot and the lives he shattered were the victims. I didn't go and I am thankful as I look back on it now.

I am not trying to say if you support something like that or any other issue is wrong. I'll say it again, to a degree I don't think that it is.

I think it is a matter of how you go about it.

I'll give you another example of something that happened to me.

It's the late 1990's and I am waiting for a bus in a major southern California city. I was hungry so I stopped at a Taco Bell restaurant to get something to eat. I finish my meal just as the bus is pulling up. I look around, but I couldn't find a trash can, so I threw my empty bag in the gutter, by the bus stop.
I get on the bus, find a seat and I look out the window and this guy is giving me the most meanest look I have ever received in my life, while at the same time his girlfriend or his wife was picking up the bag and had some one on the bus give it back to me.

Now, in that case, I will admit, I was wrong to throw my garbage where i did. Once again, I don't consider myself to be an activist but I do my share in keeping the environment clean. I grant you it's not what it should be, but I do it anyway.

Here is one more example. Just because some one is against abortion, doesn't mean they're going to stand outside a Planned Parenthood building and protest it. Think there are differences to what people feel is right for them selves. If you feel comfortable with protesting something, than thats how you feel. If you don't, thats fine too.

People shouldn't condemn you for that.

Here is how I look at it for myself personally: I have yet to carry signs of protest weather I am for or against something. Doesn't mean I never will. The only way I would do it, is if I thought it was legitimate enough to want to support it. That has yet to happen.


Monday, June 21, 2010


Hey, everyone! How are you this Monday afternoon. I pray all is well. Hoe you all had a good weekend. Mine was OK.

Early this morning I was watching a little bit of a film I have seen countless of times called 'Stand By Me' (Columbia Pictures,1986) Based upon a Novelia by Stephen King. The film center's on four adolescent boys who in the summer of 1959 set out to find a missing kid's body. What they end up discovering is more about themselves. The thing that gets me about this film is the camaraderie of the boys. One,a young writer who doesn't quite know what he wants out of life and the other 3 are just pushed in to a social situation there is no way out of. Unbeknown to them that that summer would be the last one the 4 of them share together.

The moral of the story is I think 2 things. One is learning about your selfs and your friends and the bonds of friendships which in later life helps one of the central Character's to write about the experience. (older "Gordie"played by Richard Dreyfuss)

Its friendship. A very important ingredient I think to human life. Maybe even all creatures of this planet,cause even animals have friends.

I can recall a couple of of times where friends of mine were there for when I needed them and vice versa. A couple of those times are scenes in my screenplay, 'Bring On The Dancing Horses' I'll give you a small example.

As a freshman in high school in 1984, I was bully ed by this kid named Scott. He just wouldn't give me an even break. I had just joined my schools cross country team (running) and I had made friends with some of them alot sooner than I thought I would have. I had told some the teams varsity about my problem with Scott and they told me they would take care of it. I will never forget the day they did. They found him at lunch one day and cornered him. To this day I have no idea what was said but I was never bullied by him again.

What about you? It doesn't have to be getting saved by a bully, although that does help, what is it too you that makes a friend?

I don't know if is possible for parents to be 'friends' with their children. I am not saying its a bad thing if they are, I think what I am trying to say is everyone regardless of age needs their parent's, doesn't matter if its father's with their son's or mother's with their daughter's. Or even father's with their daughter's. In life, we all need some one to talk to. I have said this before, I am not a parent, but at the age of 40 I still look forward to asking my mother for advice on things that I need to do or just her take things she thinks I should do. She does that with all my siblings and while I don't know how they feel about, I know I feel a little better because it helps me with decision making. Which is something everyone needs from time to time.

I had the opportunity a few months back to meet a father and his family, his wife and two children. All four of them have become friends of mine and I enjoy their company and talking with them when I get the chance. I can't say weather he feels he is his kid's friend or if he feels he is his kids father. Perhaps it's a little bit of both. I wouldn't doubt for a second that both his son and daughter like the fact that he is around and all that he does for them, while at the same time needing their quote un quote 'space' which I am sure he gives them.

I strongly recommend either renting or buying the DVD of the movie' Stand By Me' Its a great film that talks about the importance of friendship. It is directed by Rob Riener, son of comic Carl Riener (Meat head in the classic television show, 'All In The Family')

Until next time, the balcony is closed. People are still falling out of it. Maybe it's best to put up a railing.


Friday, June 18, 2010


Hi,everyone, sorry for the delayed blog. I am going to try not to let it happen too much. I am going to skip interactive Friday this week, but it will be back next week. I think I have a very interesting blog topic today.

Here goes.

Earlier this week, I was having some dinner and watching a little bit of television and came across comic who was talking, well singing actually about medical marijuana and the benefits of it. I have a little bit of an issue with that. Why after so many decades of marijuana being illegal and people telling everyone it's bad for them, why with in the last 12 or 13 years have they been saying, that there are benefits to it and it can help some people.

I don't get it.

here are some of the quote un quote 'benefits':the amelioration of nausea and vomiting, stimulation of hunger in Chemotherapy patients and even treating Glaucoma. I am not a doctor and I personally have not tried marijuana nor do I ever plan to. It has been offered to me by many people, but I turned them down each time they offered.

But, I'll say it again, I don't understand why after so many years of people saying this stuff is bad for you when you get that "high" once again, I have never used it so I don't what it feels like.

A pastor that I once knew of made this hypothesis when the state of California passed the usage of cannabis in the late 1990's. He said the only reason why the law passed is so people can find a excuse to get high. That might be a correct hypothesis when it is illegal to use or carry marijuana on your person. It is still illegal and if you don't have a prescription for it, the police can and will apprehend you for it.

Motion pictures have depicted the use of drugs in many ways. Very few of them have ever discussed the issues of the so called 'benefits'.

Mostly when it is discussed it is for recreational purposes and even making a joke out of it.

A few months ago, I was having a conversation with a woman who was trying to tell me the definition of the medical use for it.

I think the bottom line is this: Its an excuse for wanting to use an illegal drug. People want the proverbial 'high'. If the get in trouble, thats their fault, no one else's. Am I being a little biased? Perhaps.

I just never understood why people would want to numb themselves with stuff like that.

Two films I would recommend for you that handle drug issues is one from the 1930's called 'Reefer Madness' and a film released in 1993 called 'Dazed and Confused' Both movies are considered to be cult classics.

Speaking of films, the remake of the karate kid, I told you all I was going to see. Don't waste your time and money on it. Rent or buy the 1984 original with Pat Morita and Ralph Macchio. The Karate Kid is one of those films that doesn't need a remake. Shame on the people that thought it did.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Maybe I Should'nt Say This.... But......

Hey, my reader'a. Hope you all are having a decent week so far. It's only Tuesday.

This week I heard an interesting opinion that an indivdual made. I did't stay around long enough to find out the person's name, i was just around long enough to watch him, as they say, put his foot in his mouth.

The comment that was made is just far to obscene to write here, but I'll try and clean it it up for you.

"You know, The President needs to get his head out of his backside and fix the problem with that oil spill"

When he said it he was in the company of African American's and well, he did'nt call them that nor did he say call the cammander in cheif president.

I covered the oil spill in the gulf of Mexico recently. I am not going to continue it now. The point is I think we as humans tend to say things we often later regret. Hence the phraise 'foot in mouth'

Some people refer to it as a desease. Ever had that happen to you?
If you're a parent you probably have had to repremand your children for walking off and saying things they most likely didnt mean to say at the time.

If you are an adult, welcome to the "fIM" club. You are either going to say some thing to your wife, your boss or who ever and regret it later because it was bad. Or maybe not bad, but maybe not the smartest thing you have ever said.

As I have stated previously I am not a parent. I am an uncle to 8 children, whom I love dearly. Very rarely do I voice my opinion to my brother's and sister on how they raise their kids. I don't do it with friends of mine either. It isn't my place. Mind you, it isn't always easy, but I very rarely go there.

I feel it helps my relationships with my friends and family.

Your opinons at the bottom.

If you are not already a member of the 'FIM' club. (yeah, right!)


Friday, June 11, 2010


Hi, my reader's. How is your Friday so far? Mine is just getting started. I hope its good. I have some decent plans for the day.

This Friday's IF (interactive Friday) I have a question for you. Oh, before I take one step further, did you like Wednesday's blog? OK, the question I think I have for you is this: Do you like a remade film? I ask this because the highly talked about remake of John Avildson's " Karate Kid" hits theater's today. I am going to see it, not because I am a Jackie Chan fan, but because I remember seeing the first one and I would like to see if this one holds up.

Some remakes of old movies are good and some aren't. Motion pictures of the 30's 40's and 50's alot of them were remakes of classic silent movies. Even "The Wizard Of Oz" (MGM 1939) was a remake. You can find the original silent version with Oliver Hardy years before he met Stan Laural on a special DVD package commemorating the the anniversary of the film.

Good film if you're in to early silent pictures.

I am not going to knock remakes of old films. I'll say it ( write)again, there are alot of good remakes of films.

Some movies get more than one remake.

So, tomorrow or Sunday,depending on when I see it, you will get David's take on the new Karate Kid.

Until than, the balcony is closed due to repairs. Some one fell off.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Childhood Memories.

Hey, my reader's. How are all of you today? I apologies for the late blog and no blog for yesterday. I drove to California early yesterday morning and slept some of the day before meeting my friends, (a husband & wife for dinner in Costa Mesa, California.), But, guess what? I'M BACK!!!!!!!

Today I met an 11 year old boy named Corey. Interesting young gentleman, more about him in a minute.

I had wrote to you all once in an earlier blog entitled 'Dreams', and I had told you about a recurring dream that I some times have about being in this home for boys even though I am an adult and the only one who seems to know it, well, I don't know the reason for the dream and it is not important at the moment, nor do I think it ever will be.

The place, at the time I was there was called 'Father Peter's Boys Home. Now I do not remember the circumstances of why I was sent nor do I think its relevant for this blog even if I did. Its not the issue I want to bring up in todays blog.

But before I go any further, I want to get back to Corey. You see my reader's, Corey and I have something in common. He resides at this home which is now under a different name and I once used to some 31 years ago.

Like I said, its not important why myself, or this young 11 year old is there or I was there. What I think is important is the man who started the home. His name is Peter Staviski. He is reverend for a Russian Orthodox church.

It is quite possible I was told at one time of why and how Peter started his homes. If I have, I have since forgotten. But, I think the gesture it self is quite admirable.

Was it something in his early adult hood that made him think 'OK, there seems to be something missing in a young boy's life. How if it is possible how do we repair it'?

Like I said, I don't know the reason. But, I think I would love to find out, because not only did he change my early childhood, but 100's if not 1,000's of other's. I'll say it again, a man like that has to be commended.

Another thing he is doing is he and his staff are doing it the right way. Too often do we hear about places for children where they are just taken advantaged of. Not at this home. Now, granted I have not been there on a daily basis so, I do not know how it is ran. But, I can say that in the 29 years since leaving the home, not once have I heard about it making the national news over any type of scandal. Another thing Mr. Staviski needs to be respected for. He has taught his staff to teach and mentor children. Not to abuse them.

I think that is saying something.

If ever a film either fiction or non fiction is ever made of Mr. Staviski's story, I'd pay to see it. Even if I wrote the script.

So, Mr. Peter Staviski, thank you. You impacted my life and gave me memories that I will Cherish hopefully forever. I probably have thanked him before. I believe the last time I saw him was in 1993,but every couple of years, If I think of it and have the time, I'll drive by the home and chat with some one who used to know me or anyone else that might happen to visit. I know I am not the only one.

This was the first time in 10 years, I think that I have been there. And, it brought back memories.


Lastly, to my new friend Corey. Our paths may never cross again. They don't have to. I would only wish you one thing. And that is this: Have fun building childhood memories. You're in the right place to do it.

I am glad we have that in common.


PS: Mr. Staviski, or Father Staviski, I owe you one more bit of thanks. Thank you for being apart of the way I view motion pictures. It wasn't you personally, but while I was there I went and saw "The Empire Strikes Back" with a group of other boys and a member of your staff. One again, thank you. You changed how I look at motion pictures and gave me the incentive to want to be apart of them in some way. My gratitude and my respect is something he ( you) will always have.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Change Of Itinerary

Hey, reader's how are ya today. Sorry the blog is late. At first I wasn't going to do one cause I was driving in to L.A,California , but decided to leave very early tomorrow morning. I live in Arizona as you might know and going to California you end up driving through the desert and, well it can get hot. I have A/C but its still better to leave in the morning before it gets too hot.

I will work on a blog before I leave so you will have Tuesday's blog for your reading enjoyment (or lack of)

I will tell you the reason for going to California. I have a good friend of mine who is ill. He had a blood transfusion and from what was explained to me, the transfusion he received was tainted with Hepatitis C. and he is undergoing Chemotherapy. Keep him in your prayer's please.

David will see you in a few.....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

San Diego, California.... And Why I Like, Forgive Me,Love It

Happy Sunday, y'all.

Recently I was asked why I loved San Diego, California they way I do. And for those of you who maybe wondering, I am not there right now as I write this.

Wish I was though.

I would have to start by giving you a little of the full story.

My grandparents took me and my younger brother's to the San Diego zoo and to Sea World a little over 20 years ago. We didn't stay at a hotel, cause my grandfather thought it was a 2 hour drive, we could do it and be back home at a reasonable hour. Alot of people do that. What I remember about both the Zoo and Sea World, was the scenery of the city. Don't get me wrong, from what I remember, I had a decent time at both parks and learned alot of things about its animals. I mean, lets face it, that's why you go to Establishments like that. To learn. The quote UN quote "good time" happens naturally.

So, anyway, I'm there just looking around at all of the trees, enjoying the cool breeze in the air,etc. When I got back home, the trip to San Diego was still fresh not only on my mind, but on one of my brothers as well, as I heard him telling some friends of his about the trip. One Reason

Second reason and you may laugh a little at this one. I am sure you are fully aware of the fact that I like movies and a little bit of television, but another thing that interest me about television is the different types of programing they have either in different parts of a state or even the state i was living. At the time I was in a suburb of Los Angeles called Downey. More on that in a later blog. So, there would be times if the waves in the electricity in air was, I don't know how to describe it, wasn't so busy, I could get stations from San Diego on my TV. Which was interesting because some times they would air shows that LA county TV station did not get. I found it interesting.

Years later when I was in my late 20's I went to an event with some friends of mine called Promise Keeper's, that year, for southern California anyway, it was held in San Diego. I remember sitting in the seats of what was then called Jack Murphy Stadium, now called Quallcom and once again, just looking around. You couldn't help but to do that, the city looked so beautiful. I had told a friend of one of my friends I was with that I wouldn't mind living here at some point. He responded, with he knew what I meant.

About 2 weeks ago I went back to San Diego for a business opportunity, and every morning from where I was staying I couldn't help but to take a look around and once again be amazed by how it looked. Hills of houses. Palm trees blowing.Aha, I can still take it all in from where I am at currently.

So, I hope that explains it a little.

Have a good Sunday, my reader's.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Reality?.... Really?

OK, forgive me, my reader's for the lame title. I am having writer's block issues. I can't think of an interesting blog for today and I don't want to waist your time on nonsense. (well, guess its a little late for that!)

Well wait...... Its coming to me. Ah, there it is. An idea for today's blog.

Thursday night I was watching television and something occurred to me. I need to clear out my DVR unit. I had recorded so much stuff half of which, and I'll be honest here, I was never going to watch. So, I cleaned it out. Now I have much more space for recording. Hopefully what I record I will eventually get around to watching.

I am not really a big fan of alot of things that are on television today. I can't stand some of the pointless teen oriented drama's or the re hash of an old TV series being revived just because its considered a cult classic. When I do watch television it is programs I have seen before. Now, granted, they get boring after awhile. Especially after having seeing them so many times you can recite the dialog

One thing I cannot stand is reality television. Some of the most pointless and mind numbing crap on television today.

And it is sin full too if you ever stop to think about it.

the bachelor or the bachlorette: one guy or one woman having mini affairs with 20 or more other people just to see if they are compatible and sort of like Goldie Locks if you will he or she chooses who they think is just right.

Does it last? No, not all the time. Perhaps once or twice, but not all of them

I have never been married so perhaps I shouldn't say ,well write this, but that is not how you find your spouse. I am sure it is safe to say that when you started dating or now wife or husband you didn't say to yourself, "well there are 19 other people I can choose from cause something tells me he/she isn't the one. If your boyfriend or girlfriend knew you were doing that, your relationship would be over be fore it begun.

Than to make matter's worse, you hear about it a day or two later on the evening news or on talk shows. "Did you watch this show? did you watch that show? do you think they have a chance at being together or winning a talent competition?"

Its pointless. Just shut - up and get a life and stop worrying about other people's.

Not every reality show on television is bad. They're are some that actually have a good point to them and their not just talking about an over the hill celebrity who cant seem to get anything better than their own reality program

I am particularly fond of a reality show about a family of Little People living in the state of Oregon. Good show.

Well, once again thanks for reading. I will see you again in about 24 hours.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Racism & The Holocaust

Hey, reader's. Today's IF (interactive friday) is going to be a serious one. Not that the other two have not been, but this one is going to be more. I would like to talk about racism and the the Jewish Holocaust.

I have heard that there are people that deny the holocaust. They say there is no way it could have happened and over 6 million jews some how died a mysterious death. These people, as blind as they are, have a right to their opinion, but you can't over look the obvious. And that is that it did happen.

But as for me personally, I have been curious of why and how it happened than trying to have a debate on weather it did or didn't happen. And if I may touch on the Holocaust deny thing a little more, the people that do are mostly anti semitic. They would probably say black slavery didn't happened when there is documented proof that it it did

First, I think you have to begin with Adolf Hitler and why he hated Jewish people so much. I must say that in doing research for this, I was a little surprised to find our that he didn't always feel that way.

According to a German publication, "Mien Kempf" Hitler is quoted to have said the following: "for the Jew was still characterized by nothing but his religion , and there fore on grounds of human tolerance, I maintained my rejection of religious attacks in this case and in others."

According to the website, 'Majority Rights.com', Hitler was under the impression that Jewish people were causing divisions for Germans. Although, according to the website, German were not getting along with other Germans. And the Jews were their scapegoat.

What I have found out is that Hitler himself never harmed or killed any of the Jewish people, he had people do it for him which that with in it self is wrong.

But why Jews? It cannot be because of them wanting Jesus dead. In the grand scheme of things, the Jews DID NOT kill Jesus. His death was all ready foretold. "Surely He has borne our grief's and carried our sorrows. Yet, we esteemed Him stricken. Smitten by God and afflicted. But, He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement was upon Him. And by His stripes,we are healed." Isaiah:53:4-6

The question has often been asked by people, "how can a loving and just God have is own flesh and blood killed"? The question is an obvious one: for the sins of the world. Granted a little hard for the unchurched and even some of the Churched to comprehend, but that's what it was. So, if the hypothesis was "lets just blame the Jews cause they killed Christ" is just an excuse, when you consider that these murder's in Nazi Germany were not follower's of Christ. Interesting. The people that want to stand up for Jesus are the same people that don't' follow Him and in some case's even deny His existence. Hmm

And it is going on to this day. It is called racism. It is not just whites against blacks over skin color issues or why African Americans were slaves its an issue of hate which some people can not resolve. Un fortunately racism exist. Its a pimple on America's history. Colonial times where people, mostly in the south had huge amounts of property and didn't want or chose not to pay for hired help so they kidnapped other human beings from other country's and forced then to work. Treating them like garbage in the process.

Yeah, I said it. Kidnapping. And I'm white. In the book 'Roots' by Alex Haley, Kunta Kinte was a mere 15 years of age when he was taken from his homeland of Africa and brought to America. Fifteen. It doesn't matter how you look at it, these people stole someone else's child. There is NO excuse for that.

I have heard both sides of the spectrum. Racism still exist, Racism in America does not exist. I 'll put it to you like this . If the United States of America was a racist nation, we would not have elected an African American for President. Granted, not every American voted for him, even people in his own political party didn't vote for him, but he won by a land slide from what I remember of that election night almost two years ago.

I remember once asking some relatives about the holocaust because at the time they were in their early to late teens. One of them, an uncle of mine said they really didn't hear much, sort of like they were isolated from it. And perhaps so. America of 60 maybe even 70 years ago is not the same America of today. News from around the world gets spread more quickly and very little of it is censored.

In my screenplay I have 2 character's that deal with race issues. One is an African American woman and her adopted Caucasian son. I wrote it that way for 2 reasons: One is because before I started writing the script I was watching a commercial with a highly respected African American actress and I thought I would love to have her in this if it ever goes any where. Only problem at the time was where to put her. So I started thinking about another character in the script, named "JP" a teen ager in high school and it hit me, make both character's mother and son. One, the audience would not expect to see that, second of all it breaks racial stereotypes.

I have met several people in the course 40 years of all races and nationalities and race means nothing to them. One of them even said "race is something you can do on foot or in your car. It doesn't have to be something that makes you frown upon other people."

There are many film references I can give to you that deals with racism and the the holocaust, but I think I will only give two that I have seen that I think would help you. One is Steven Spielberg's Oscar Winning "Schindler's list" About a German, who during world war 2 saved over 2,000 Jewish people from slaughter. Second would be the television movie mini series "Roots. Based on Alex Haley's novel. Tells the story of a young, once again 15 year old boy being kidnapped and forced into slavery and the generations that followed. Both films are highly respected and I think deserve to be viewed not just for its entertainment value, but also for lessons that it teaches.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

It's Complicated.

Hey, Reader's. Short blog today. I am doing research on tomorrow's blog so, I can have the accurate information for you. I hope you like it. Its gonna be a little sad, cause its a tragic piece of world history, I hope you get something out of it regardless.

David Meier

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Best Film Experiance

Happy Wednesday, my reader's.

Here's a shocker for all of you, Wednesday's blog topic: What is the best film experiance you have had in a theather? Come on, everyone has to have one. That is something I simply will not take no for answer on.

Ok,can't think of one off the top of your head. That's fine. I'll come back to those of you later in the blog.

I think one the best theather experiance has to be when I saw Steven Speilberg's "Schindler's List". I was in San Fransisco visting my cousin around the time the movie came out and of course every one was talking about it, so, my cousin, Clint and I went. I remember it was playing in a theather that had a balcony to it. I had only been to a few balcony type cinemas b4 so that in it self was a treat. The view we had of the film was also quite good. Once again, due to the balcony seating.

Second one would be when I was about 9 or 10 years old and seeing Star Wars 'The Empire Strikes Back' I remember I saw it twice on the same weekend.

The "Space" shots really got to me. The 'Death Star'sequences, Luke Skywalker find ing out who his father was. Splended backgrounds. The theather screen it self made the experiance even more delightful. Beats the first time I saw the film.

That was at a drive-in. They dont have too many of them anymore. For those of you reading who might not know what a drive-in theather is or your country doesn't have them, let me explain briefly. Drive in theathers got their start I would say around the 1950's. The object. To see a movie with the whole family in the comfort of your vehicle. Little speaker that fit on to your window that you had to tune to a radio station to get the sound of the picture you paid for.

Good idea, huh?

Not in my opinion. Here's why.

for starters, that speaker thing didnt work half the time, so you would see the movie, but with no sound.

than you would have your distractions, like various cars in the way, noise from fellow movie goer's.

Worst part about a drive in theather is the safety. I can not recall any violence ever happening at any drive in I ever went to, but thats wasn't what I was trying to say. Safety as you didnt know what you were walking into.

Now, since this was out side and at night, alot of people if they had them would take their children, thinking at some point they will fall asleeep so here they are in their pajamas, ready for bed, with one exception. They're barefoot, so either walking from the facilitys or to the consession stand you didnt know what you would walk into and I lost count of how many people I saw who got glass in the soles of their feet because it wasn't cleaned all that well. Including myself.

But, I digress.

So, who ever took me to see the 'Empire' I thank you. You gave me an experiance that I have not forgotten.

Now...back to those people that don't have a theather experiance..... You're with holding information and that isn't good.

There are 3 movies I would recommend for you. One, is "Schindler's List" Deals with the Holocaust and one mans quest to save thousand s of Jewish people from slaughter during Hitler's reign. (speaking of the holocaust, I will have a blog about that some time soon.)

Second movie would be the musical "Grease" Great film, good singing by John Travolta who at that time was in his acting prime thank's to a small television show called 'Welcome Back, Kotter'. I only add it becauae there is a scene of a drive in theather if any of you still dont quite get the concept. (wasn't the best idea in the world, I grant you)

and than the third film is Star Wars "The Empire Strikes Back" Great film about a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.


PS:If you still don't get the concept of a drive in theather, think of the closeing credits to the Flinstones where Fred's car turns over due to Dino. It was at a drive in. Well, sort of.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Happy Tuesday, reader's! You know what? I think it is my one month anniversary for this blog.

Anyway, today's topic is family. A few weeks ago I wrote about Parenthood, today I would like to talk about brothers and sisters. Like I have allready mentioned, I have 5 younger siblings, whom I love dearly as I am sure you , my readers do if you have siblings.

In the course of 40 close to 41 years I have encountered alot of sibling's and just to a degree watched how they interact. And what I have noticed is that it is no different than my relationships with brothers and sisters. Some of them get along quite well. Others do not.

I once knew of 3 sisters, ok, they were my grandmother and two of my great aunts, my grandmother's sisters. For awhile they didnt speak for years. I dont know why, wasn't my business to ask, but I do recall the day my grandma got the call from one of them. They were on the phone for hours. I guess time does heal wounds.

They have been close ever since and its been over 20 years.

But however, there is a down side to having siblings. One is when they visit and decide whats your's is their's and what is their's is still theirs, you just better keep your hands off of it. Interesting concept. They come to your house and say "hey bro, this is nice" Your responce is " yes it is , now put it back. It's not there for people to play with". It would be great if they would listen and do what you asked.

Over the weekend my grandma and I had relatives over. House full of people. It was fun for the most part but I could see the effect that it had on my grandmother. It isn't like she doesn't love them, she does, but what she doesnt like, is the mess they make and how loud my nieces and nephews can get.

Once again, to a degree, my privacy was invaded. They used my shower and didnt put stuff back. It took me over an hour just to find my tooth paiste because, I guess one of them ran out.

But what can you do? It really isnt't an issue, its just things that get to you and probably get to them as well.

As I write this two of my sisters kids are still here. I can hear them. Its nice to watch the rivalary/friendship of these two.

One film that comes to mind about siblings is Woody Allen's masterpiece "Hannah And Her Sister's" Released in 1986 it explains the complexities of sisterhood. To who is struggling with life issues to one of the sister's having an affair with the other's husband. All in all it is a great film and I would recommend it for anyone.

I'll close with this: My grandmothers sisters. One has since past away due to illness, the other is in an advanced stage of altzheimers. My grandmother still loves them and misses them. Brother's and sister's. Age doesnt make a difference. You're there for them. They are there for you.

d....well, you get it by now.