Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Childhood Memories.

Hey, my reader's. How are all of you today? I apologies for the late blog and no blog for yesterday. I drove to California early yesterday morning and slept some of the day before meeting my friends, (a husband & wife for dinner in Costa Mesa, California.), But, guess what? I'M BACK!!!!!!!

Today I met an 11 year old boy named Corey. Interesting young gentleman, more about him in a minute.

I had wrote to you all once in an earlier blog entitled 'Dreams', and I had told you about a recurring dream that I some times have about being in this home for boys even though I am an adult and the only one who seems to know it, well, I don't know the reason for the dream and it is not important at the moment, nor do I think it ever will be.

The place, at the time I was there was called 'Father Peter's Boys Home. Now I do not remember the circumstances of why I was sent nor do I think its relevant for this blog even if I did. Its not the issue I want to bring up in todays blog.

But before I go any further, I want to get back to Corey. You see my reader's, Corey and I have something in common. He resides at this home which is now under a different name and I once used to some 31 years ago.

Like I said, its not important why myself, or this young 11 year old is there or I was there. What I think is important is the man who started the home. His name is Peter Staviski. He is reverend for a Russian Orthodox church.

It is quite possible I was told at one time of why and how Peter started his homes. If I have, I have since forgotten. But, I think the gesture it self is quite admirable.

Was it something in his early adult hood that made him think 'OK, there seems to be something missing in a young boy's life. How if it is possible how do we repair it'?

Like I said, I don't know the reason. But, I think I would love to find out, because not only did he change my early childhood, but 100's if not 1,000's of other's. I'll say it again, a man like that has to be commended.

Another thing he is doing is he and his staff are doing it the right way. Too often do we hear about places for children where they are just taken advantaged of. Not at this home. Now, granted I have not been there on a daily basis so, I do not know how it is ran. But, I can say that in the 29 years since leaving the home, not once have I heard about it making the national news over any type of scandal. Another thing Mr. Staviski needs to be respected for. He has taught his staff to teach and mentor children. Not to abuse them.

I think that is saying something.

If ever a film either fiction or non fiction is ever made of Mr. Staviski's story, I'd pay to see it. Even if I wrote the script.

So, Mr. Peter Staviski, thank you. You impacted my life and gave me memories that I will Cherish hopefully forever. I probably have thanked him before. I believe the last time I saw him was in 1993,but every couple of years, If I think of it and have the time, I'll drive by the home and chat with some one who used to know me or anyone else that might happen to visit. I know I am not the only one.

This was the first time in 10 years, I think that I have been there. And, it brought back memories.


Lastly, to my new friend Corey. Our paths may never cross again. They don't have to. I would only wish you one thing. And that is this: Have fun building childhood memories. You're in the right place to do it.

I am glad we have that in common.


PS: Mr. Staviski, or Father Staviski, I owe you one more bit of thanks. Thank you for being apart of the way I view motion pictures. It wasn't you personally, but while I was there I went and saw "The Empire Strikes Back" with a group of other boys and a member of your staff. One again, thank you. You changed how I look at motion pictures and gave me the incentive to want to be apart of them in some way. My gratitude and my respect is something he ( you) will always have.