Thursday, June 24, 2010

Are You For Or Against It?

Morning, my fellow reader's!! Happy Thursday to you all.

Lets get right to it, shall we?

Yesterday afternoon I heard on the news about a restaurant in the state of Arizona that started serving Lion Hamburger's. The meat of the lion apparently. Now, I will be the first one to say when I heard this I was like, 'no way, they can't be serious' I wouldn't eat it. Not because I think its cruelty to animals, even though that is part of it. Lion for a meal doesn't sound to appetizing to me.

I don't think I am an animal rights activist, all though when you stop and think about it perhaps people that are make some valid points. Nor would I say I am an activist on any level. I know what I like, I know what I think is right to support and for the most part if I don't like something I may or may not voice my opinion. It depends on the situation and how strongly I feel about it.

I think everyone to some degree feels that way. Weather you're a strong supporter of environmental issues or you don't agree with the other politics. To a certain degree, I think that is valid. Then there are times that I don't.

Think about this: As everyone knows there is a war going on in 2 different country's. Alot of people feel America started it, maybe to some degree we did, I grant you that.

But none the less here it is. If you are against it or know of people that are against it they perhaps have been to 'peace' marches against the war. These things are never peacefull. You tend to hear more often than not about people involved with a protest rally that is supposed to be peace full, but when you have people causing a commotion and even being apprehended, that doesn't sound to peace full to me.

I once thought I could support something on the order of actually of rallying with other supporter's of this cause. About 9 years ago in southern California this 13 or 14 year old kid shoots up his school. He claimed he was bullied and couldn't take it anymore. I thought about it a little and thought ' OK, not that I condone what this kid did, but I can see how bullying can effect a young teen. I certainly remember how I felt. Anyway, I heard of this group of people that were trying to lend some support for this teen by going to the courthouse where he was being tried as an adult.

The point was, because of 'bullying' they thought he shouldn't be tried as an adult. Any way, so the time came for the court house thing and I'm getting ready to go, until I think to my self, what am I doing?. I was actually going to a courthouse to support a killer (he shot 2 people, killing them) and it hit me. I can not support this in good conscience. This kid wasn't the victim, the people he shot and the lives he shattered were the victims. I didn't go and I am thankful as I look back on it now.

I am not trying to say if you support something like that or any other issue is wrong. I'll say it again, to a degree I don't think that it is.

I think it is a matter of how you go about it.

I'll give you another example of something that happened to me.

It's the late 1990's and I am waiting for a bus in a major southern California city. I was hungry so I stopped at a Taco Bell restaurant to get something to eat. I finish my meal just as the bus is pulling up. I look around, but I couldn't find a trash can, so I threw my empty bag in the gutter, by the bus stop.
I get on the bus, find a seat and I look out the window and this guy is giving me the most meanest look I have ever received in my life, while at the same time his girlfriend or his wife was picking up the bag and had some one on the bus give it back to me.

Now, in that case, I will admit, I was wrong to throw my garbage where i did. Once again, I don't consider myself to be an activist but I do my share in keeping the environment clean. I grant you it's not what it should be, but I do it anyway.

Here is one more example. Just because some one is against abortion, doesn't mean they're going to stand outside a Planned Parenthood building and protest it. Think there are differences to what people feel is right for them selves. If you feel comfortable with protesting something, than thats how you feel. If you don't, thats fine too.

People shouldn't condemn you for that.

Here is how I look at it for myself personally: I have yet to carry signs of protest weather I am for or against something. Doesn't mean I never will. The only way I would do it, is if I thought it was legitimate enough to want to support it. That has yet to happen.
