Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Maybe I Should'nt Say This.... But......

Hey, my reader'a. Hope you all are having a decent week so far. It's only Tuesday.

This week I heard an interesting opinion that an indivdual made. I did't stay around long enough to find out the person's name, i was just around long enough to watch him, as they say, put his foot in his mouth.

The comment that was made is just far to obscene to write here, but I'll try and clean it it up for you.

"You know, The President needs to get his head out of his backside and fix the problem with that oil spill"

When he said it he was in the company of African American's and well, he did'nt call them that nor did he say call the cammander in cheif president.

I covered the oil spill in the gulf of Mexico recently. I am not going to continue it now. The point is I think we as humans tend to say things we often later regret. Hence the phraise 'foot in mouth'

Some people refer to it as a desease. Ever had that happen to you?
If you're a parent you probably have had to repremand your children for walking off and saying things they most likely didnt mean to say at the time.

If you are an adult, welcome to the "fIM" club. You are either going to say some thing to your wife, your boss or who ever and regret it later because it was bad. Or maybe not bad, but maybe not the smartest thing you have ever said.

As I have stated previously I am not a parent. I am an uncle to 8 children, whom I love dearly. Very rarely do I voice my opinion to my brother's and sister on how they raise their kids. I don't do it with friends of mine either. It isn't my place. Mind you, it isn't always easy, but I very rarely go there.

I feel it helps my relationships with my friends and family.

Your opinons at the bottom.

If you are not already a member of the 'FIM' club. (yeah, right!)
