Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bring On The Dancing Horses

Good Monday to you all. I think I am going to get some what personal today. Let you, my reader's know something about me.

It is no secret that I like films. I allways have. I have also like using my imagination to create stories. I find it fascinating and at the same time helpful if you are dealing with issues that might cause stress.

I have had a couple storys in my mind about various topics and one day I just decided,'ok, here is this story you have. Write it down. Doesnt really matter how far you might get with it, the point is you have done something you have allways wanted to do and that is write a script."

Enter "Bring On The Dancing Horses." I can't give you the whole story nor can I give you lines from it. What I can tell you is how I thought of it.

First of all the title. Yeah, I know It sounds like a fantasy 'Lord Of The Rings' perhaps or in that stile, but I assure you it is not. I got the title from an '80's band that I like called Echo And The Bunnymen. Took me a long time to think of it as well. How I came up with it was I en visioned the song playing at the closing end of the movie and every other title I had thought of was either too long or just didnt fit for a film title.

The story is loosely based on my high school experiance. I say looesly because not everything in the script happened when I was in school. Some did, some didn't. But that is the magic of writing. You can add true stuff if you choose and you can just make things up as you go along. I did that as well.

For example. Five of the main character's, freshmen in their first year of high school are cross country/ track and feild runners. I ran both when I was a freshmen. Enjoyed it.

the not so true, 'just made it up as I went along' is a story line that deals with a character in a band he doesnt like being in. I once knew (and still know) of a drummer who did play in a few bands, but I wasn't really one of his closet friends so I dont know whether he liked it or not.

I think I have the basis for a good story. I have been told by people that have read the script that they loved it.

I guess that will be the opinion of the theather audience that sees it. All I can say is thank you in advance for seeing it.


Just One Thing.......Just One Thing

Happy Sunday, readers. Lets get to today's blog.

In 1991 there was a movie called 'City Slicker's', very funny comedy with Billy Christal and the late Jack Palance, who won an Oscar for his role. There are alot of quotable lines from the film but probably the one that stands out the most happens right when Palance & Christal are just about to get along and the conversation turns to Billys character going through a mid life crisis, or so he thinks. The line is this: "Do you know what the secret to life is? (Christal says no) Its one thing. Just one thing. You stick to that, the rest of the world doesnt mean too much" I'm parapharsing a bit. Palance's language waasn't clean. Christal responds back by saying "ok, than what's the 'One Thing'" Palance " Thats what you've got to figure out"

I think thats true to a degree. Maybe its not the secret to life, but it motivates you. Could be your job. Could be your family. It could very well be your relationship with Jesus Christ as your saviour. If its all the above, I would say 2 things. One is thats great. the second would be to narrow it down. It is just one thing.

question is, have you figured it out? Have we as a human race figured it out? Can We?

Its a tough question for anybody because we all, I think have things we want to put in that catagory we might even feel bad if we don't add something we probably should have.

About a month ago, I was having a really bad day and started talking to one of sisters about it. If I have never mentioned it, I am the oldest of 6 children. Anyway so I am talking to my sister and we get on the conversation of life and I had told her that I thought her and my younger siblings had their lives all figured out. She assured me she didnt. I think that is the moral to the " One Thing" bit. and I'll say it again: Do we have it figured out? Do you in your own personal life?

I'll be real honest and say for my self, I don't know what my 'One Thing' is. I dont feel it is a bad thing to say that.

I will suggest "City Slicker's" to you. It is a funny movie that at the same time makes you think and take to consideration what the character deal with. I would say either rent it or buy it. Its a great film. One of my fave lines in the film comes in the middle of the picture when Billy Christal, Daniel Stern (Kevin's voice for the "Wonder Years") and the late Bruno Kirby. two of them are talking about a VCR. Classic.

David R. Meier

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The World's Got Talent....Or Does It?

Happy Saturday to all of my reader's. Hope it is going well for you. I am now back in Arizona after a long drive last night. Think I arrived a little after 3 in the morning.My plan was to stay for the three day holiday weekend, but at the last moment decided to come home. Got alot to do before I move. I will explain more at a later date.

Today I want to talk about talent. First off let me say that I am not going name names and tell you who I think has talent as opposed to people I do not think has talent. Everyone has their faveorites. If you have a talent, and I think in the grand scheme of things everyone does. You may not consider it talent, but it is something you are good at doing. I dont't think it matters too much what it is.

Its obvious when you hear a certain musician or see an actor or an actress playing a role that they do have talent. The talent is making you the viewer or listener believe what their doing. Good song writing. The way they sing the song. The percise musicianship of the person playing an instrument. That is what I think gets people.

For an actor its making you believe that he or she is that character. They are living the life of their character and the way they present it is what leaves the audience in awe. It also wins them acclaim from other actors or critics.

Filmakers have alot of talent. You can see that in the movies that they make. Not too long ago I made reference to a film called 'Citizen Kane' and how alot of people call it the best film ever made. They dont say that for nothing. The reason's are this:The screen play. Orsen Welles has great character structure when he wrote this. The plot gets to you. To this day lines from the film are still being recited.

The directing. Once again, Welles kept his focus on presenting an even camera, good dialog fromt his actors and a background set that keeps the audience rivited.

There are alot of talented filmmakers. Too many to mention, but once you see their films, you quickly understand where they get their talent from.

Last Sunday I went to a good friend of mines church for a music recital. It was mostly just kids and younger teens, but when I heard them play their guiters not only did I but everyone in the church that afternoon we heard how dedicated they were to their craft. Some of them just beginners learning difficult pieces of music in just 9 weeks. My friend,Andy had made mention of why he wanted to do this and why he wanted to teach Kids music. You can find out more if you go on to his website: He has a passion for the arts and is attemtping to bring it back in the school system where he lives.

Good luck, Andrew. You have my support and alot of others who Im sure are behind the arts program and un leashing the talent these youths pocess.

d...out. (I probably owe my actor friend a mint by now!)

Friday, May 28, 2010

FPTF IF's (from paper to films Interactive fridays)

Hi reader. (if I still have any left.)Busy week this week. As all of you know, I was in California. Awesome. Only word to describe it. Looked into a business possibility, saw some old friends. It was a blast. If you have never been to San Diego, California, I highly recommend visiting.

Now, on to my blog.

I had a ground rule for this blog, a couple actually, but one ground rule that I think I have is I do not want to get too political and come off sounding like some right or left wing nut job.

But, what this oil spill is doing in the gulf of Mexico is not helping this planet. Its damaging it. I remember hearing about an oil spill in the 1980's called the exxon Valdez, and the damage it cost and is probably still doing some 20 years later.

I dont want to sound like an envoirnmentalist either. I dont think that I am. I mean I care for the planet, but am I doing my share to make it beter? Probably not.

The amount of money this is costing tax payers is astonishing. The clean up alone is going to be expensive. If they can ever clean it all up.And the ocean life. All of the fishes and other water creatures. Its a waiste.

So todays IF is: What is your take on this oil spill in the gulf of Mexico and what do you think can be done?


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How Can You Not Love This Place!!

Hello, my readers. I have been busy. sorry about no blogs for about 2 days.

I am in San Diego, California and , well, I love it! Hoping to be moving here before the end of the year. So, All I have to say is......(read the title)


Saturday, May 22, 2010


Hello, all my reader's!! I hope you enjoyed interactive friday yesterday. I am looking forward to next fridays, but as I write this I have no topic at the moment.

Today I would like to talk about dreams. Not so much your hopes on what you would like to do or what you think should be done to make things better, but the dreams you have when you're sleeping. They can be very interesting and very scary at the same time.

About 30 years ago I was living in what was called than a boys home, now its called a group home. I think I was about 9 at the time. I won't bore you with why I was sent there or the circumstances surrounding it, but i went and lived there for about a year in a half. I consider it to have been one of the greatest memorys of my childhood. I only bring it up because there have been times that I have a recurring dream about it.

The dream usally goes like this: I am there at this home as an adult. Not as an employee keeping watch on the children that are there but as a resident. Here's the catch. I know I am an adult, but the other kids do not. They think I am one of them.

I can't explain it, but then again, I really dont have to. Its a dream. Very rarely in my life has any one went up to me and said " I know what you dreamt about last night would you mind telling me why you had that kind of a dream?"

Once again, you can't explain it. Perhaps you feel bad if it was , well, excuse the language but a little wet, even then you have nothing to worry about because you wake the next morning and you realise you're fine.

Alot of films have started out from dreams, so I have heard. I am only going to go on record as to say I read somewhere that James Cameron's 'Avatar' came from a dream he had once.

I personally think that if you can dream about something then wake up the following morning and start writing a story from what you remember is quite impressive.

That happened to me once.

I had a dream one night about 2 actors acting in what I believe was a short film. I had wrote it and I was on set at a camp where it was set. Like a youth camp. Set amongst teens and preteens. What I remember of it and what I wrote down was one of the main characters was this nerdish type of teen who was always getting picked on. What no one was aware of is that even though he had glasses and was a smart kid, you didnt want to mess with him because he could make you regret it. The end of the dream was this kid defending another younger boy against, if you will, the camp bully. I thought it was interesting. I have my actor friend in mind if it ever goes anywhere.

In closing I would say this: If you are a Christian and want to have God control your dreams than I would suggest praying to Him and asking to do just that. I'll say it again, we all wake up in the morning sometimes questioning our selves asking 'why did I dream that?' if you feel guilty in anyway, give it to God and He will protect your dreams the next time you should have one. He has for me.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Interactive Friday...Let's Begin.

Allright, my readers. Here it is. Interactive Fridays. The very first of (hopefully)many.

So... what should we start off with? Sports? Politics? or wait. I have one. How about movies? Oh, yeah right! Now theres a complete shocker. You're asking your self "gee, what ever made him think of that?!"

But, I digress.

Pretty Woman. Great film. I think this was Julia Roberts's star making role. She had done some other small movies up to that point, but nothing that really stood out. I remember watching some of the movie reviews on televison like 'Siskel and Ebert' and etc and how they were raving not just about the movie, but also about Roberts and how some did'nt think she could pull it off. I think it was also the film that brought Richard Gere back. He had did 'An Officer And a Gentleman' in the '80's and some other not so rememorible fims, but 'Pretty Woman' broght him back to the acting presence and power that he still has to this day.

On a technical level, its a great film. Great screenplay, Directing. Supporting cast (Jason Alexander, pre seinfeld) Reallly good film.

Gladiator. Russell Crowe. Best Picture winner as well. Some people might have felt that it wasn't deserving for best picture oscar, but I dont know. All films have a flaw or two. even the best of them. Still doesn't stop them from winning prestegise awards.

The high light for me about this film were two things, one the acting talents of both Jaoquin Phoenix and the late Oliver Reed. His last role I think. Reed made it obvious to the theather public that he was still a good actor and could be just as great or if not better than some of the other actors in the film or acting in general. I wouldnt doubt for a second that Phoenix, Crowe, etc didnt over look Reeds talent and were happy to say that they had the chance to work with such a respected actor.

Techically, Gladiator stuck to its formila of a great script. Keeping it has much to the period as they could. The costumes. The CGI's. All of it. Worthy, I think of best picture acclaim.

"Oliver!" 1968 winner for best picture. High quality film making. Very good dance numbers and the music as well. If anybody had doubts about a musical version of 'Oliver Twist' Lionel Bart proved it could be done. I had heard about the film about 23 maybe 24 years ago while watching a television show and learning about the actors that were in it. It was a 1960's comedy called The Monkees. What I had found out was that Davy Jones once played the Artful Dodger in England and so when I had heard their was a film version, I looked into it. The cast alone was the shoo in. Once again Oliver Reed in one of his very first films. Ron Moody. And the late Jack Wild. Being a little bit of Wild fan having remembered seeing him in a now classic saturday morning children's television show called "H.R. Pufnstuf"
I couldnt resist. Glad I didnt, because this has become one of my all time faveorite movies if not my faveorite one.

Technically, a film doesn't get much better than 'Oliver!" The dance numbers alone makes the film stand out. I would love to see this film in a theather just to watch the dance sequences alone.Great.

I would strongly recommend all of these fims. They are worth having a look over or if some one reading this has never seen these three films, once you do, you might find out why people have said they are their faves.

Untill Tomorrow.....

David R. Meier

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Interactive Fridays?

Hi, readers. I am going to get interactive today. I am going to ask you one question and all I ask is that you answer it as clean as you can. I really don't want any harsh language in this blog.

What is you faveorite all time movie? I can't say I've seen it untill you tell me what it is, but if I have seen it, I will have another intereactive discussion with you about it.

So, with that said, I shall leave you to comtemplate.

The results hopefully on friday....


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's Time To Make Amends

Greetings! Lets get right into it. Ever had a fight or an argument of words with anyone? Who hasn't right? Even close friends can have an argument. Here is what I have noticed of some people who have had diagreements and even my self when I have been in a few.

I think people tend to when they get into an arguement can do it over anything. Over a celebrity that one likes and the other doesn't. Bands that one person may like and the other doesn't. Can they resolve it? Yes, they can but do they choose too.

Almost 6 years ago I had met some one that at first I thought 'ok' I am in a bit of a situration, maybe this guy can help me out'. We both talked about it, he said it was my problem so why should he help me out? He was right. But, at the time I didn't see it that way till maybe a few days later when I e-mailed and said, 'I am sorry, I didnt see it that way and I am sorry for the language. It was awfull'.

The guy forgave me and we have been friends ever since. When I was in California last week I had the chance to see him again. It was a nice meeting.

Another thing I have obsereved is that friendships can be lost in an instant over an argument. Words start being exchanged, fights might break out. Now, I think in some cases an arguement is valid. You have a point from both people and you want to express it. They can either agree with you or disagree with you, but at the end of the day you remain friends.

I am sure you reader's have heard of celebritys having arguments. They even make the evening news at times. These people can ruin a life long friendship over nothing. Well, not just celebritys, we all are guilty of that.

Here is my faveorite: A tabloid magazine picks it's target for the week. A celebrity or a politician. Who ever. Headline on the cover says something kind of like this.: "Theses two people cant stand the sight of each other" One problem. Half the time 'these two people' have never met and anyone reading the tabloid is racking their brains thinking 'well why can't they get along'

So, I guess what I am trying to say is if you can avoid an arguement, the wise thing is to do so. If you can't, try to keep it peacefull. It probably isn't worth losing a friendship over.

ps:brother's and sister's argueing? now thats a new one.......


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Hey, y'all. I have never used that phrase in a sentence till now. Wow. Guess Foxworthy was half right. Happy third week to you all who are reading this morning or afternoon.

I thought I had a personal rule for my self and that was to stay out of the way of parents while they do their job of parenting their children. I think I have done a decent job of it. But with the topic of todays blog, I sort of get the feeling I am about to break that. I will let you, the reader be the judge of that.

I am the oldest of six children. My five other siblings are parents respectfully. I have three other brothers and two sister's. all five of them are mothers and fathers. And thay are raising bright intelligent kids.(sounds like I'm a bit biased.)

I have seen them raise up their own kids. They do a great job when it isnt the most easyest job in the world. I heard a comic on television say that its easy for a woman to become a mother. It's just difficult being one.

In 1989 Ron Howard directed a film called "Parenthood" with a great ensamble cast of Steve Martin. The film deals with the average things parents go through. And it isnt just moms and dads with their children of a young age. Its about every parent in the film. The way Howard represents it in a flowing manner makes the film worth while.

But, here is my question: is the job of parenting a hard one or an easy one? Can it be both?

I heard this story not too long ago of a father who was trying to find his cell phone. Looked all around his house for it and couldn't find it. Finally, he asks his children if they have seen it. They say no. Turns out that one of the kids did have it. So, the father goes about the task of repremanding the kid.

Is it tough to do that. I am sure no sane parent likes to give their child disepline.

But when you're a parent you are finding your self in front of task that you have to ask your self is it right or is it wrong. Not to say that you parents reading this are abusers because I am sure you aren't.

What is it that you think is the best thing about parenting. What do you think is the worst?

I was talking with a friend of mine not too long ago and the subject came up about his children and how he is doing as a father. I had told him this:

I think it is up to the children of the parent to say "Yeah, my mom and dad, they were the best". Kind of, if you will like a ratings system. The parent could say that he /she is a good parent. I wouldn't disagree one bit.

You are, my dear readers, the sons and daughter's of your parents. Doesn't matter how old you are. We may not be children today, but we are our parents children.

Im just curious, how would you rate your's?

I would recommend seeing "Parenthood" Good cast, good directing by Ron (Opie)Howard

(Do you realise that he is never going to live that name down? I bet when his turn to go even his coffen is going to say "Opie")

I think you would like it, if you have seen it, rent it again, if you haven't, give it a try. Little bit of a precauion, however. There is one scene in the film where the light get turned off. and all you see is this glowing object. The lights of the house come back and one of the actors is seen holding something some of you parents might object to. You may not want your kids watching this scene.

Till Wednesday.......


ps: a little side note: "Parenthood" is now a televiaion show. It is the second attempt. First "parenthood" show was around 1990 when the movie was still out in theather's. Didnt last long.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Hey, all my reader's. Sorry for not posting since Wednesday. I left Arizona on Tuesday of last week and I was in a hurry when packing and it didn't dawn on me till half way to my first stop on my California trip that I had forgot my laptop. It was hell not having it with me.

So, Tomorrow, I will be blogging again.

Un Till we meet again.....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What If......

Hello, all my "FPTF" readers!!. Todays blog and for the rest of the week will be coming from California. Yes, I am in California.Soaking up the sun....

"What If" Ever heard that question? I am sure you have many times. If you are a child reading this and you remember your parents saying those two words, they probably have said it for a good reason. They care about you and they are only doing their job at being your parents. But I am not talking about parents or even friends saying it as a safety precausion, even though that's all well and good. I think I am saying it as
'what would you be doing if this didnt happen.' I think its a hard question to answer.

Not too long ago some one asked me that. As I have stated before I reside in a small Arizona city called Kingman. Moved there in late 2003. What would have happened if I didnt move? Don't know. Because I did move. We can only live in the present and the
'now" if you will because that's what has happened.

I call it the 'What If Scenario'

Movies do it alot. "What would have happened of this event never took place"

History unfolds the way it does. We live with it.

So, what are your 'what if's'?

You have to have some.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Have You Had Enough?

Greetings !! Yes, here it is the second week anniversary of 'from paper to film' I'm excited. Let's not waiste any more time and get to todays topic.

About a little over a week ago, I wrote about living your dreams and I asked if you were persuing them. I think I would like to go further with that a bit and talk about retirement. I hear it's something to look forward to.

A sports figure named Micheal Hickenbottom retired from his sport of choice about two months ago. It was widely talked about in the sports industry.Hickenbottom is better known by the name Shawn Micheals and his sport of choice was pro wrestling. Say what you will about the sport, I am not going to defend it at this time, but I will say that his match, to be there live watching it. I will probably never forget it.

Retire ment from the way I have heard it can happen in two ways. (if I am wrong about this, than I am sorry) you work at your job for x amount of years build a little bit of a trust to last you and the wife ( or you and the husband). Another way it can happen is by force to an extent. You get injured either on the job or you could be driving home one day and get into an accident that will prevent you from returning to your job.

The question I think is anyone truely happy with that choice?. Maybe. Maybe not. I have heard other stories and I have seen it where senior citizens will go back to work if only for a few days a week. Nothing glamourous if anything its probably just to get out of the house and keep them selves active. Can't blame them. Other people are happy with their retirement. They have earned it. They sell the house buy a huge RV and drive accross the country seeing places that they couldn't when they were employed.

If you, the reader are in retirement. I hope you are enjoying it.

Little side note: Two years ago at the same event called "WrestleMania" Shawn Micheals wrestled a legendary wrestler named Ric Flair. Flair had been wrestling since the early 1970's and the stipulation for the match was the same Hickkenbottom had this year. You win, no retirement. As I just informed you, he didnt win. Neither did Flair in the match he had with Shawn. Isn't it ironic.


Monday, May 10, 2010


Hey,everyone, how are all of you this Monday? Two week anniversary tomorrow!!

I'll cut to the chase and get right to my topic.

My topic for this Monday is music. What kind do you like? A little lite soft rock? Hard fast heavy metal? smooth jazz? Country?

What ever your musical interest I am not going to question it. If you like rap, you like rap. if you don't than thats what you desire. I remember growing up and I think right around middle school there were 2 classes of kids. One that liked metal and others that as it was called 'back in the day' new wave. If you liked metal, you were shunned upon by the other kids who didnt like metal and vice versa. Foolish, but true.

The same thing is happening today. Something that has never really quite gone away. You might hear stories of accomplished musicians throwing down other musicians simply because they dont care for their music. Is it right? Is it wrong. I am not the one you should be asking. I am just giving you my theory.

Getting back briefly to my memory of middle school. We had a name for the group of kids that liked metal. We called them Motorheads. They had a name for the other group of kids. It wasn't a nice one. I'll just say some of them were questioning the sexuallity of others.

I grew up on alot of different music, and I liked a lot of diffrent stiles. When i was in my single digits, in the 1970's I liked a popular band at that time called Kiss. I'll say it again, it was the 1970's and I was in my single digits.

During my teen years I started listening to alot of new wave early alturnative music. I still do. Alot of the bands from the 1980's are still doing well for them selves 20 years later and still take you back with their classic material.

But what about films. There have been quite a huge list of musicals for motion pictures. I mentioned one in my third blog. Are they good? Yes, alot of them. "West Side Story" "Bye bye Birdie" "Oliver!" just to name a few. I think when you do a motion picture musical you have to time the dialog with the song or 'number' that way you know what is going to happen. I have seen many of poorly made musicals that the songs just come from no where. Some times you dont't even know they are musicals un till it starts.

What about music bio pics? Lots of good ones as well. The thing is getting the right actor/musician to play the part. Some can do it, some can't. I am not going to name names of who I think can nor I will I tell you who I think can not.

A few years ago I was in a car with one of my younger siblings. He was playing a hip hop or a rap artist on his car stereo. The most awful and foul mouthed guy I have ever heard record an album. I thought it was so bad I had to be the older sibling and tell him to turn it off.

Milos Foreman's "Amadeus" is one of those great bio pic musician films. Tom Hulce plays Mozart and an actor named F. Murray Aberham plays Salieri. The film is seen through the eyes of Salieri and his jellousy of Mozart. Winner for best picture of 1984. I remember watching the accadmy awards that year and watching "Amadeus" walk away with 8 Oscars. The accedmy award or Oscars are like the superbowl for motion pictures.

In my opinion.

But I digress.

I highly recommend either renting or buying "Amadeus" Just like "Citizen Kane" an excellent film. Its a very stilish period film. My suggestion is if you purchase it, try and find the Directors Cut. Foreman added over 20 minutes of scenes that did not make the orginal 19984 release. Also has audio commentary by Foreman and screenwriter Peter Shaffer. (based upon his 1979 stage play.)

you cant go worng with either of the musicals I have mentioned in this blog today.

Thanks for reading. 2 week anniversery is only 23 hours away.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Blasphemous Rumours

Greeting's, my reader's. Hope you are enjoying your Sunday. Mine is just getting started.

I want to talk today about rumors. Those little stories that get spread about people, some of them true, some of them complete lies etc.

If you are a an actor or actress whose name is widely known, you know somebody some where is starting or has made a story about you. Its in gossip magazines all over the world. Tabloids. Just the cover of these things alone can make you want to stay away from it.

What about you? Anyone ever said to you or have you heard a story about you and it makes you think, "where in the world did that come from?" or if is true, you have to go back and say " it didnt happen that way. Here is what actually happened"

I think we have all had that happen to us at one point in our lives. I can remember once being in middle school and a rumor was spread about me. It started in the early part of the school year. I was in 8th grade. By the end of school that year in june, the story was still going around and I had to tell people i knew, that it didnt happen the way it was told to them. I lost so many friends that year. Than again, in retrospect they never were my friends if they chose to listen to the guy who started it.

I remember an old television show that has since been cancelled, but it was a spin off of a popular 1980's sitcom called 'Growing Pains'. One of the kids in the show was trying to make friends with the popular kid in his school. The popular kid wanted nothing to do with other boy. So, the boy says something to the kid and of course he believes him. By the end of the show you see just how fast that story got around that even the principal of the school has to visit the main characters house.

Rumors can spread like wild fire

The 1976 thriller, "Carrie" is an example. set in a high school around a girl who isnt the most popular girl in her class. Rumors start to circulate about her that by the end of the film when she reveal's her self and power's that she has ends up being a rather tough scene. Payback. We know what it can be.

My way of thinking about rumors is this: Don't listen to them. You know the truth. That should be all that matter's.

Big film suggestion coming your way tomorrow. Tomorrow's blog topic is about......hmmm, you're gonna have to wait. But you're going to dig it.

By The Way, Thanks Martin for the title of todays blog.

D....., well, I'm gone.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Hello, reader's! Hope you all are enjoying your Saturday. I am enjoying mine. I have been really busy over the past two days and my apology's for a no blog friday. Ready for today's topic?

Today I want to talk about the strange things that we has humans do. Now, I am not going to get obscene and scare people away from reading this blog anymore, nor am I going to talk down to anyone that might have a issue and make light of it. We all have these things. No one is imunue to them. I'll give you an example: I personally don't like people riding barefoot in my car. I don't even do it. Reason for it is this: I feel that people that tend to walk barefoot outside are prone to getting their feet dirty.

Your skin has oils on it to start with so a combination of skin oil and dirt from the ground, is sort of like a lethal combination on the interior of a car. Especially if it is a vehicle that has just been washed or is brand new.

I am not married. I have been engaged twice, but never took it to the next step, but I have heard from various people that both men and women that the things they both do, they get used to it after awhile but its the getting used that might take awhile.

I have a couple of friends of mine who in my opinion are 2 of the smartest people I have ever met. You wouldnt know that by how they keep their house. It's nice being their friends but you don't want to stay at their place nor would you want to go there for a function.

Behavior depicted in motion pictures display what I am talking about. What surprises me most of the time is the actor or the actress is doing some thing that either I might question or some one else might and call it plain disgusting. That is what I am trying to write. Maybe what you do is borderline disgusting. Perhaps what you friends do is borderline disgusting. Maybe they can't help it. There have been alot of stories circulating that some people have issues, either hoarding, or more serious issues. Perhaps they want to stop. But for what ever reason they can not.

Hard to believe, I know. Thats what I once thought when i was in my late teens or early 20's and I told some one what they were doing was wrong and I found it questionable just being in their presence. I had later learned that person had a problem that he could not cure on his own. Felt sorry for the guy. Felt even worse about my self because I had to open my mouth and say something that vile.

But, we live and learn.

Stay tuned, readers, got a cool movie to suggest to you tomorrow. You'll going to thank me for it. Maybe

Oh, and did you catch Orson Welles's "Citizen Kane"? I'll say it one more time. The American Film Institute calls it the best film ever made. Hope you got the chance to see why.

David M.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Right Of Passage

Good Thursday morning to you who read this. An exciting day its going to be. Had a little bit of a tough time coming up with todays blog. Didn't know what I wanted to do with it. But, I am sure I know now.

If you are a young teenager or an older teenager you will no doubt experiance something if you have not all ready. Its called driving. No more of your parents driving you around, you can now do it your self or you will in a few years. Ah, that first car. I remember mine. 1981 datsun (Nissan)310 GX. Some friends of mine at the time I had got it said you have to name it. I thought it was sort of foolish to name your vehicle, but i thought about it and before I knew it I was calling it 'The GX'

But I digress. Its a right of passage. We all have it. Doesnt matter how old or how young you are. You are experiancing things that are new to you and thing s that everyone your age goes through. Don't believe me? I'll give you an example: I have a niece who is about 10 months old give or take a few days. She is doing what babies at that age do. Learning to crawl, playing peek-a- boo with her grandmother but not really understanding the concept. You get the gist. A right of passage. How about when you're older? Do you stop having them? No. You become the legal age of your country.

You are offically an adult. No one from this moment on can say' you're too young to do that' Now, depending on your life stile, you go out and have what you consider to be fun. I am not here to judge, nor am I here to tell you how I feel about what ever it is you do. I am not going to do that. What I will say is that you are an adult, do what you choose. Stay safe, how ever.

Motion pictures depict alot of rights of passage. Some good. Some not so good.

The 'American Pie' franchise is one of no ihabition's. Sex, drugs, alcahol. What ever you want.I wouldnt advise doing it that way, but I am just a writer.

Rights of passages with adults. College. Marriage. Kids. The list goes on. Like I had mentioned I think on Monday, when you are a child, you think about what you want to do as an adult. Good part of the time you end up doing it. Right of passage.

I know of alot of people that are advanced in age. Some of them I am related to as I am sure you are as well in your respective familys. Rights of Passages in senior citizens? Absolutley. You work at your job for years. Now, your body is aging.You can retire and enjoy it. Grand children. Possibly even great grand children. You have earned it. Enjoy it.

I want to touch on the teen rights of passages a little more. I recently went to have my drivers licence renewed. I must admit, I didnt think too much about it. First time I didnt pass. Second time, few days later, aced it. I took what you teens (if there are any reading this) take for granted.

If you want the right to drive, you want the "right of passage", study hard for it. it might look easy,but they can find ways to hide what you think you know.

Un fortunetley I can not think of a suggestion for a film that ties in with this topic. Well, maybe "Driving Miss Dasiy" Senior Citizen who in her old age is going through her own right of passage. I recommened seeing it. Best Picture winner. Jessica Tandy is superb as well as Morgan Freeman. If memory serves me correctly, Tandy won "best actress" for the role.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Enjoy The Silence

First order of business, happy one week anniversary,blog!! Second, greeting to everyone. Todays blog is going to be a short one. I wont even give you a suggestion for a movie. Well, maybe I will.

Its been rather peaceful around my house. I live with relatives like I mentioned a few blogs ago But for the past couple of days I have liked the fact that nothing hurtfull has been said and thats a good thing.

I wanted to suggest once again watching Welles's "Citizen Kane" It will be on Thursday afternoon/evening. Depeneding on your location. Check your cable or Dishnetwork/directtv providers for the time.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Let Me Ask You This......

Greeting's reader's. My apologys for the blog being late today, but I was busy with other things. Hope your Monday is going well for you.

Today I think I want to be a little interactive. I would like you to answer one of my questions. Nothing too personal. And its not a political or a religious question. The question I pose is this: When you were growing up and thought about what career you wanted to have, are you doing it?

If you're not. Thats fine. I dont think the percentage is all that high. I think you know what I mean. When you're young, a child and you tell your parents" mom,dad, this is what I want to be when I grow up" Did you do it? Are you living that dream? Like I said, I dont think the percentage is in a high number.

If you are, than good for you. The pastor of a Presbyterian church in California I was once a member of, I had heard from some one, another friend of mine that when the pastor was about 7 years of age, he gave his life to Jesus and said he was going to be a minister. At first I have to admit I didnt believe it. But than I thought about it and I said, 'wow'.7 years old. That's impressive. The guy has since retired but I still think it's impressive.

I made reference to an actor who I call a friend. I am not going to devalge his age nor what movies or television shows he has done, nor will I give you his name. At least not right now. When he is known and becomes a house hold name that people every where are talking about then I will say "Oh, yeah I know him well". It would be up to my friend to confirm or denie it. But, I digress.

I only bring him up again because at a young age he knew what he wanted to be. Now, he has about give or take 5 films to his credit and a couple television appearences. But, he knew what he wanted to do and his parents stood by him and are still standing by him in his decision to purse acting.

Like I had previously mentioned, I wanted to be a film maker because I loved the art form so much. I think I was about 15 when I knew I wanted to pursue. I didn't accomplish the goal. Things happen and it is quite a tough feild to get into. I have to admit, I dont miss it. The screenplay I wrote, like I said in my introduction, I dont know what is going to happen with it. People have read it and they like it, but once again, film making is not the easiest feild to get into.

So, once again, I will ask.... are you doing it? Are you living the dream?

One film comes to mind when I think about career goals in acting or singing, etc.
The movie is called "Fame" I think it was originally released in 1980. Possibly 1979. There is a recent remake of the film, but I have not seen it and one thing I try to stay away from is critiging a film I have not seen. I have seen the first film how ever and it shows the up and downs of how it is to break in to a busniess like acting singing or otherwise. I am sure you can find both the orginal and the remake in your local video store.


Sunday, May 2, 2010


Good Sunday morning to any one who will read this blog. I am hoping Sunday, May 2 2010 will be alot better than Saturday,May,First 2010 was. But I digress.

Todays topic is films. Granted since starting this blog no one who has left comment's has asked me why I like them so much. They dont have to. I just thought that since this blog is entitled, 'from paper to film' it might make some people curious of why I like the medium so much.

I think it's the art of it. How they are made. if you would pardon the pun, when its all done from paper to film. As I had mentioned in my introduction on Tuesday if you dont have a script, you dont have a movie. Granted there are documentarys, but i think even to a small degree they have a script. Its imagination for a screen writer that gets me. For instance, Woody Allen. Just about every year Allen comes out with a new film. You may not hear about it because it doesnt get a huge release like a summer block buster. In over what I think is a 40 year history of being a writer/director. Woody Allen has made some of the most acclaimed fims in history. And with New York City as the background, I think even brings them more to life.

In his Oscar winning best picture for 1977, 'Annie Hall' Woody demonstrates, love, loss behavior issues, growing up in the 1940's with his parents etc in a funny innovative way that to this day 33 years later is still being talked about by film scholars.

My faveorite type of film is called a period pieace. I love how one, the screenplay is created. The writer's imagination to go back in time and create a story on an historical figure like say a past president or even more of a folklore
say a fifth century king or queen of a european country. Than, it's the props and costumes. How do they find the props for these period films? The costumes are some times made depending on how far back you wanted to go. If it's 20 or thirty years ago you can still find those clothes in a used clothing store. But even they are custom made depending.

Than, there's the acting. The actor or actress is in costume, getting him or her self mentally prepared and all of a sudden the director yells "action" and these actors go if you will back in time and say their lines and try to make it believible. Untill the director yells "cut"

I have a friend who is actor. I dont know too many actors personally so I am glad to call this one a friend. I asked him once whats it like doing a period piece and how he prepares himself for the period roles he has done. What he told me in his opinion, is that he imagines himself in that time and what he might have been doing if he was born around that period. He said it helps him to make his character more beleiveible

I am also facinated with the editing process. Putting the film together. Alot of long hours with both the edtior and the director of the film. Going over countless scenes they think works best and which ones dont.

I love dvd special features because at times, depending on the film you can find features like deleted scenes and I dont know about you reader's and your interest in movies, but when I watch a deleted scene in a film its awesome to think that even though the scene didnt work or might have worked but because of time, wasnt in the movie you get the idea of how it was like.

Than, once again most importantly, theres the director. The person that basically calls all the shots. Tells you where to stand, some times from what I have seen his take on the mind frame of the character and keeping a good steady pace with the film when you see it either in theather's or in your homes.

The American Film Institute hails Orson Welles "Citizen Kane" to be the best film ever made. It is no doubt a very entertaining easy to follow movie that has its own twist and turns. Excellent, no other way to describe it. It is going to be on cable television later on this week. If you have cable or a dishnetwork/directtv sattalite, I recommend watching it, or if you cant watch it, record it so you can watch it when you choose. You wont be disapointed. Or, if you do not have access to those providers, pick it up in your local video store. You would be glad you did

I am going to quote my actor friend slightly......

D.... out

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Parent's And How To Live With Them

Hello readers and welcome to another From Paper to film blog. Sorry about yesterday, but I was busy and dealing with alot of stressfull issues.To recap for you, this is a blog about films but at the same time it is also a blog about what ever I think I feel like writing about. I will tie in a movie or two with each topic if I feel that the movie I am thinking goes along with it.

I will also add a film suggestion that hopefully would tie in as well

I started this blog on tuesday and gave an introduction. Wednesday's topic was Politics. Thursday's was Christianity.

Today, Its Parents. Moms,Dads, Yep, those two people (or sometimes one person) that have raised you. But, I am not going to talk too much about living with parents when you were a child, or if you are a child now I am going to talk about how to live with your parent's in your adult years.

I have been living with my grandmother for a little over six years. She got sick and my mother thought some one should be with her. Things were not really going to well with me with I was doing at the time (2003) so, I said ok. I have been here ever since. Its been ok, we get along, I help her, we laugh over jokes etc. Around Christmas time (2009) my mom informs my grandma and I that she is moving in. Now, mind you , I love my mother, I care for her and about her as I am sure every son and daughter does with their respective mother. The thing that concerns me about mine is that we dont get along. Seems we can argue over anything and quite frankly, it's point less.

I n a 1980's black comedy called "Parent's" starring Randy Quaid a young boy thinks that his parents are cannibals. and, through most of the movie trys to confirm his suspisions.

I am sure, your parents were not like that niether is mine, but I think that every kid at some point likes to think "yeah, these are my parents, and this is what they do."

To her credit, my mother is a smart woman. When I do talk to her and we are getting along and having a decent conversation, some of the things she talks about I must say I find interesting because I realise that she has a head on her shoulder's and a brain to go with it. and come tax season of next year, I can recommend her to do your tax's for you, because has a mind for business and in that regard one of the best tax agaents I can think of

But, with all that said, there still is how we feel about one another. It is not easy living with her. And I wouldnt doubt for a moment that any of you reader's if you are living with your parent's as an adult, it probably isnt easy for you. There all ways going to be disagreements. Doesnt matter, what it is about. A disagreement is a dissagreement.

If you are a child living with your parents and you ask them "mom, dad, can I....?" and they tell you no you can't, thats a dissagreement. Most of the time their right and they are only looking out for you. If you are an adult living with you parent (or parents) and you say " hey mom, hey dad this is what I am going to do..." your parents may tell you they dont think its a good idea, but they cant prevent you from doing it because you are an adult. You can handle it. Now, in no way am I suggesting go out and find trouble, because that is not what I meant, but as one son of a mother to countless others they know what they are talking about and that motherly instinct does not go away just because you grew up and moved out of the house

Almost a month ago I was in Los Angeles,California and I met a brother and sister. And their parents. The brother, a boy of about 14 I think was standing next to his mother asking her a couple of questions and I just watched for an instant how the two communicated . The sister, who was maybe 16 was doing the same thing and both siblings were getting along rather well with both of their parents. It's good to see stuff like that. I got the feeling there was respect amongst the four of them.

That "Parents" movie is a dark comedy and some of you may not like the subject matter. I have not seen the film in quite some time, But I remember the ending slightly and, well it was one of heart pounding moments where you wonder what whats going to happen next. I recommend it if you can find it in your local video store.

Another film I would recommend as well that deals with adult children living with their parents is "Ordinary People" with a great cast of Donald Sutherland, Mary Tyler Moore and Timothy Hutton in his Oscar winning role. Excellent film.

I can recall Hutton's oscar speech when he won in '81 or '82. I remember seeing it.
