Saturday, May 22, 2010


Hello, all my reader's!! I hope you enjoyed interactive friday yesterday. I am looking forward to next fridays, but as I write this I have no topic at the moment.

Today I would like to talk about dreams. Not so much your hopes on what you would like to do or what you think should be done to make things better, but the dreams you have when you're sleeping. They can be very interesting and very scary at the same time.

About 30 years ago I was living in what was called than a boys home, now its called a group home. I think I was about 9 at the time. I won't bore you with why I was sent there or the circumstances surrounding it, but i went and lived there for about a year in a half. I consider it to have been one of the greatest memorys of my childhood. I only bring it up because there have been times that I have a recurring dream about it.

The dream usally goes like this: I am there at this home as an adult. Not as an employee keeping watch on the children that are there but as a resident. Here's the catch. I know I am an adult, but the other kids do not. They think I am one of them.

I can't explain it, but then again, I really dont have to. Its a dream. Very rarely in my life has any one went up to me and said " I know what you dreamt about last night would you mind telling me why you had that kind of a dream?"

Once again, you can't explain it. Perhaps you feel bad if it was , well, excuse the language but a little wet, even then you have nothing to worry about because you wake the next morning and you realise you're fine.

Alot of films have started out from dreams, so I have heard. I am only going to go on record as to say I read somewhere that James Cameron's 'Avatar' came from a dream he had once.

I personally think that if you can dream about something then wake up the following morning and start writing a story from what you remember is quite impressive.

That happened to me once.

I had a dream one night about 2 actors acting in what I believe was a short film. I had wrote it and I was on set at a camp where it was set. Like a youth camp. Set amongst teens and preteens. What I remember of it and what I wrote down was one of the main characters was this nerdish type of teen who was always getting picked on. What no one was aware of is that even though he had glasses and was a smart kid, you didnt want to mess with him because he could make you regret it. The end of the dream was this kid defending another younger boy against, if you will, the camp bully. I thought it was interesting. I have my actor friend in mind if it ever goes anywhere.

In closing I would say this: If you are a Christian and want to have God control your dreams than I would suggest praying to Him and asking to do just that. I'll say it again, we all wake up in the morning sometimes questioning our selves asking 'why did I dream that?' if you feel guilty in anyway, give it to God and He will protect your dreams the next time you should have one. He has for me.
