Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's Time To Make Amends

Greetings! Lets get right into it. Ever had a fight or an argument of words with anyone? Who hasn't right? Even close friends can have an argument. Here is what I have noticed of some people who have had diagreements and even my self when I have been in a few.

I think people tend to when they get into an arguement can do it over anything. Over a celebrity that one likes and the other doesn't. Bands that one person may like and the other doesn't. Can they resolve it? Yes, they can but do they choose too.

Almost 6 years ago I had met some one that at first I thought 'ok' I am in a bit of a situration, maybe this guy can help me out'. We both talked about it, he said it was my problem so why should he help me out? He was right. But, at the time I didn't see it that way till maybe a few days later when I e-mailed and said, 'I am sorry, I didnt see it that way and I am sorry for the language. It was awfull'.

The guy forgave me and we have been friends ever since. When I was in California last week I had the chance to see him again. It was a nice meeting.

Another thing I have obsereved is that friendships can be lost in an instant over an argument. Words start being exchanged, fights might break out. Now, I think in some cases an arguement is valid. You have a point from both people and you want to express it. They can either agree with you or disagree with you, but at the end of the day you remain friends.

I am sure you reader's have heard of celebritys having arguments. They even make the evening news at times. These people can ruin a life long friendship over nothing. Well, not just celebritys, we all are guilty of that.

Here is my faveorite: A tabloid magazine picks it's target for the week. A celebrity or a politician. Who ever. Headline on the cover says something kind of like this.: "Theses two people cant stand the sight of each other" One problem. Half the time 'these two people' have never met and anyone reading the tabloid is racking their brains thinking 'well why can't they get along'

So, I guess what I am trying to say is if you can avoid an arguement, the wise thing is to do so. If you can't, try to keep it peacefull. It probably isn't worth losing a friendship over.

ps:brother's and sister's argueing? now thats a new one.......
