Greetings !! Yes, here it is the second week anniversary of 'from paper to film' I'm excited. Let's not waiste any more time and get to todays topic.
About a little over a week ago, I wrote about living your dreams and I asked if you were persuing them. I think I would like to go further with that a bit and talk about retirement. I hear it's something to look forward to.
A sports figure named Micheal Hickenbottom retired from his sport of choice about two months ago. It was widely talked about in the sports industry.Hickenbottom is better known by the name Shawn Micheals and his sport of choice was pro wrestling. Say what you will about the sport, I am not going to defend it at this time, but I will say that his match, to be there live watching it. I will probably never forget it.
Retire ment from the way I have heard it can happen in two ways. (if I am wrong about this, than I am sorry) you work at your job for x amount of years build a little bit of a trust to last you and the wife ( or you and the husband). Another way it can happen is by force to an extent. You get injured either on the job or you could be driving home one day and get into an accident that will prevent you from returning to your job.
The question I think is anyone truely happy with that choice?. Maybe. Maybe not. I have heard other stories and I have seen it where senior citizens will go back to work if only for a few days a week. Nothing glamourous if anything its probably just to get out of the house and keep them selves active. Can't blame them. Other people are happy with their retirement. They have earned it. They sell the house buy a huge RV and drive accross the country seeing places that they couldn't when they were employed.
If you, the reader are in retirement. I hope you are enjoying it.
Little side note: Two years ago at the same event called "WrestleMania" Shawn Micheals wrestled a legendary wrestler named Ric Flair. Flair had been wrestling since the early 1970's and the stipulation for the match was the same Hickkenbottom had this year. You win, no retirement. As I just informed you, he didnt win. Neither did Flair in the match he had with Shawn. Isn't it ironic.