Sunday, May 30, 2010

Just One Thing.......Just One Thing

Happy Sunday, readers. Lets get to today's blog.

In 1991 there was a movie called 'City Slicker's', very funny comedy with Billy Christal and the late Jack Palance, who won an Oscar for his role. There are alot of quotable lines from the film but probably the one that stands out the most happens right when Palance & Christal are just about to get along and the conversation turns to Billys character going through a mid life crisis, or so he thinks. The line is this: "Do you know what the secret to life is? (Christal says no) Its one thing. Just one thing. You stick to that, the rest of the world doesnt mean too much" I'm parapharsing a bit. Palance's language waasn't clean. Christal responds back by saying "ok, than what's the 'One Thing'" Palance " Thats what you've got to figure out"

I think thats true to a degree. Maybe its not the secret to life, but it motivates you. Could be your job. Could be your family. It could very well be your relationship with Jesus Christ as your saviour. If its all the above, I would say 2 things. One is thats great. the second would be to narrow it down. It is just one thing.

question is, have you figured it out? Have we as a human race figured it out? Can We?

Its a tough question for anybody because we all, I think have things we want to put in that catagory we might even feel bad if we don't add something we probably should have.

About a month ago, I was having a really bad day and started talking to one of sisters about it. If I have never mentioned it, I am the oldest of 6 children. Anyway so I am talking to my sister and we get on the conversation of life and I had told her that I thought her and my younger siblings had their lives all figured out. She assured me she didnt. I think that is the moral to the " One Thing" bit. and I'll say it again: Do we have it figured out? Do you in your own personal life?

I'll be real honest and say for my self, I don't know what my 'One Thing' is. I dont feel it is a bad thing to say that.

I will suggest "City Slicker's" to you. It is a funny movie that at the same time makes you think and take to consideration what the character deal with. I would say either rent it or buy it. Its a great film. One of my fave lines in the film comes in the middle of the picture when Billy Christal, Daniel Stern (Kevin's voice for the "Wonder Years") and the late Bruno Kirby. two of them are talking about a VCR. Classic.

David R. Meier