Happy Saturday to all of my reader's. Hope it is going well for you. I am now back in Arizona after a long drive last night. Think I arrived a little after 3 in the morning.My plan was to stay for the three day holiday weekend, but at the last moment decided to come home. Got alot to do before I move. I will explain more at a later date.
Today I want to talk about talent. First off let me say that I am not going name names and tell you who I think has talent as opposed to people I do not think has talent. Everyone has their faveorites. If you have a talent, and I think in the grand scheme of things everyone does. You may not consider it talent, but it is something you are good at doing. I dont't think it matters too much what it is.
Its obvious when you hear a certain musician or see an actor or an actress playing a role that they do have talent. The talent is making you the viewer or listener believe what their doing. Good song writing. The way they sing the song. The percise musicianship of the person playing an instrument. That is what I think gets people.
For an actor its making you believe that he or she is that character. They are living the life of their character and the way they present it is what leaves the audience in awe. It also wins them acclaim from other actors or critics.
Filmakers have alot of talent. You can see that in the movies that they make. Not too long ago I made reference to a film called 'Citizen Kane' and how alot of people call it the best film ever made. They dont say that for nothing. The reason's are this:The screen play. Orsen Welles has great character structure when he wrote this. The plot gets to you. To this day lines from the film are still being recited.
The directing. Once again, Welles kept his focus on presenting an even camera, good dialog fromt his actors and a background set that keeps the audience rivited.
There are alot of talented filmmakers. Too many to mention, but once you see their films, you quickly understand where they get their talent from.
Last Sunday I went to a good friend of mines church for a music recital. It was mostly just kids and younger teens, but when I heard them play their guiters not only did I but everyone in the church that afternoon we heard how dedicated they were to their craft. Some of them just beginners learning difficult pieces of music in just 9 weeks. My friend,Andy had made mention of why he wanted to do this and why he wanted to teach Kids music. You can find out more if you go on to his website:http://www.capamusic.org. He has a passion for the arts and is attemtping to bring it back in the school system where he lives.
Good luck, Andrew. You have my support and alot of others who Im sure are behind the arts program and un leashing the talent these youths pocess.
d...out. (I probably owe my actor friend a mint by now!)