Friday, June 11, 2010


Hi, my reader's. How is your Friday so far? Mine is just getting started. I hope its good. I have some decent plans for the day.

This Friday's IF (interactive Friday) I have a question for you. Oh, before I take one step further, did you like Wednesday's blog? OK, the question I think I have for you is this: Do you like a remade film? I ask this because the highly talked about remake of John Avildson's " Karate Kid" hits theater's today. I am going to see it, not because I am a Jackie Chan fan, but because I remember seeing the first one and I would like to see if this one holds up.

Some remakes of old movies are good and some aren't. Motion pictures of the 30's 40's and 50's alot of them were remakes of classic silent movies. Even "The Wizard Of Oz" (MGM 1939) was a remake. You can find the original silent version with Oliver Hardy years before he met Stan Laural on a special DVD package commemorating the the anniversary of the film.

Good film if you're in to early silent pictures.

I am not going to knock remakes of old films. I'll say it ( write)again, there are alot of good remakes of films.

Some movies get more than one remake.

So, tomorrow or Sunday,depending on when I see it, you will get David's take on the new Karate Kid.

Until than, the balcony is closed due to repairs. Some one fell off.
