Hi, my reader's. How the heck are ya this fine Tuesday morning?
Today, I am going to continue on a subject I spoke (wrote) about maybe a month or so ago.
The topic is rumors or lies that are spread about people. But, I must ask before I go any further that if you read this please don't thin "Aww,thats sad, David" Regardless of weather it is sad or not, that is not the basis for writing it.
If any thing it gets it off my chest.
As I stated in the first blog of 'blasphemous rumors (thanks again Martin Gore) I think everyone has heard rumors spread about them.Celebrity's get the brunt of it, I think. I was reading a cover of a tabloid magazine over the weekend and this excellent piece of Journalism was making reference to a deceased musician and how the cemetery he was buried at some how lost his body. If you believe that I've got some ocean front property in Arizona I would like to sell you. Its got a great view. From my front porch you can see the sea.
Do magazines like that have to do that? No. They do it for the almighty dollar.
There was drummer of a band I used to be a huge Fan of when I was growing up. He quit the band and about I would say 12 years later he is reported to be living under some pier at a Los Angeles beach.
He wasn't. He was living in L.A. in a nice house with his wife and daughter.
I would ask you , my reader's to tell me what kind of lies or rumors you have heard about you selves but I wont because i feel its a matter privacy and you may not feel comfortable with divulging the information.
I can't say I blame you.
I'll do it.
You all know I have wrote a screenplay and I think either last week or the week before I gave you a little taste of it. Here is how i got the idea and why this 'Scott' person said what he did.
I was in the 8th grade and it invited to a friends house for Halloween. My friends and I were in to alot of the rock music of the day (1983) and I had a couple of good record's I was asked to bring. (now if there is anyone under the age of 28 reading this and you don't know what a 'record' is, ask your mother or father.)
So, during the course of the night when my friends and I are waiting for rides back to our houses, I was asked how many albums I had brought, I counted them and told every one. There was this one person, kid about my age who thought it was hilarious how I had said the number. I had brought 6 albums.
Next day, we're back at school this guy See's me and starts shouting the number 6 at the top of his lungs. Now, heres the kicker: only about 4 people, including myself knows what he talking about. Doesn't stop him from making a complete idiot of himself by screaming this as loud as he could,making up a storie in the process that alot of kids, some even being friends of mine believed. This was November of 1983. It went on till June of 1984.
Now, I will say it again, please, no "aww's" or"David, thats sad" once again, not why I am writing this.
Can we stop rumors like this? Yeah I think so. We can just turn around and walk away and tell our selves we know the truth or we can choose to knock their teeth down their throat. Choice is your's. All though the last one isn't very Christ like.
I pushed this moron over about 8 bikes at the bike rack of the school. He never made fun of me again.
Tomorrow, "Siblings" part 2
David R. Meier