Friday, July 2, 2010

Could It Be Possible

Today's If will not be written today so David can bring you the following blog topic.

The If's (interactive Friday's) will return next week at it's regurely scheduled time.

A couple of days ago I saw 3 movies. well 5 actually, but two of them didn't seem to fit what I wanted to write about today.

The films were " The Boy In The Striped Pajama's" "Two Brother's" & "Changeling"

Before I get started on these films I thought it be best that I explain little of why I am writing about them today. I like movies that make you think after you watch them. As I have stated before, motion pictures to me are not just about having a good time for 2 hours watching what ever you think is good, all though that is why most people go to the movies. Films that make you think could mean a number of things, but one in particular, could something be possible. Meaning the film you just saw talked about an issue that in the back of your mind you have wonder is it make believe or could it happen.

That I think is why I have chosen the films I have. They made me think, it could it have been possible or is it impossible.

'The Boy In The Striped Pajama's' (2008) is based upon a book by novelist John Boyne and is set in World War two Berlin and center's around the Holocaust. I am not goint o describe the whole movie to you, but I will say this. The plot of the storie is a young boy named Bruno moves with his family cause his father has a new job, commandant At Jewish concentration camp. There he meets a young Jewish boy on the opposite side of of an electric fence,named Shmuel. The end of the movie 'Bruno', in striped pajama's is trying help Shmuel find his father. What both boys find is the gas chamber where they mass executed.

Could it have been possible? According to Rabbi Benjamin Blech of New York, the Rabbi spoke that it was not possible. Concentration camps didn't have young single digit children working. But, the question I have and this may disturb some of you reading and if it does, I ask that you not take what you are about to read the wrong way. I am not a racist of any kind, but my point is could a young boy who was not Jewish sneak in to such a camp and end up meeting his demise?

I would hope not.

Second movie: Two Brother's (2004) is the story about 2 baby male tiger's who lose both their mother and father and are then separated. Years later their paths cross again when both tigers are set to fight one another. Here is the thing: Both animals look each other in the eye and realize they know each other.

Could it be possible that animals know who their sibling or even who their birth parents are if they were to see them again. Do they even know who their parents are even when their first born? If anything, It's debatable. I have heard some people say yes, it is possible and other laugh it off and say no, an animal is not that smart. A few years ago I was watching television and I happen to come across a program about the intelligence of animals.

It was one scientist hypothesis that an animal has the IQ of that of a 6 month old human infant. I am not a doctor and i have never studied the IQ of a six month old infant so I don't know really what they are capable of learning. Well, maybe to a small degree, eating sitting up and turning over and maybe even the early stages of crawling. One thing I have observed with my nieces and nephews was that at 6 months, they knew who their parents were and if they had older siblings, knew them as well. So, like I said, its debatable weather or not its possible.

Third film: "Changeling" (2008) is based upon a true story of an actual crime where a boy in the late 1920's Los Angeles, California goes missing. His mother, played by Angelina Jolie (more on her in an upcoming blog). The L.A. police department find a boy who fits the description of the missing child and send him to the grieving single parent trying to convince her that the child is hers.

Later on in the story the police hear of a case in another part of California about the remains of missing boys. One them, supposedly, the son of the the single mom.

This story, according to documents found by the script writer, J. Micheal Straczynski is true.

Now, here is where you or I have to ask could this be possible. Would anyone, police officer's or anyone find a missing child and claim it to be some one else.

I personally don't want to think so. Parent's know who their children are. They can spot them out of a crowd anywhere.

Granted, police detectives in the early part of the 20th century did not have DNA and all of the advances that they would have today.

So,maybe it could have been possible.

I would suggest all three films to you, my reader's. Allthough some of the subject matter in 2 of the films,'the boy in the striped pajama's and 'Changeling' maybe a little un suitable for younger children. Changeling has an R rating, and foul language.
If you can find these films on DVD, I hope you enjoy them and that they, like they did with me, made you think.
