Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Small Problem That I am Working On Getting Resolved.

Hey, you. My reader's. I do apologise for the delay in writng. My computer crashed on me abouta little over a week ago and I am working on getting another one.

But, I wanted to write this week to let you all know whats going on with me. . I am in California. Have been for a week now, and its going really well.

I saw something on Sunday morning that made me think a little. I was on my way to a church that a friend of mine had invited me to and along the way I had past by some other churches that, well when I was living in California were doing well. Now, it seems, the building looks deserted. Granted, I have absolutley no idea what happened. They couldhave moved and the building has not sold yet. Maybe they planned something and were just not there 2 days ago when I drove by. It could be a number of things. I just pray it isnt what I think it might be and those respective churces have fell on hard times and had no other choice but to close. Its sad when that happens.

Now, once again, I dont know what happened, but its very easy for anyone to look at a scenario like that and just start playing the blame game. No one is immune to that. Every one plays it. Thing is how often do you play?

I said (well wrote)this once before, but I think a good reason why people don't want to become Christians is because they like what they do. They like talking about others and making them look bad.

Even if thayhave done nothing wrong.

They hear about that one pastor who got caught with his hand in the pervibial cookie jar, and think every pastor is like that.

Thats not true, but they are welcomed to their own beliefs.

Where eve these churches have gone, I pray for them and I would ask you my readers to do the same.
