Tuesday, July 13, 2010


'Ello, 'ello, all my reader's. Happy Tuesday to all of you.

I think I have something good for a topic today, so let's get at it, shall we?

Over the July 4th weekend I recorded a miniseries for television about America's second POTUS (President Of The United States) John Adams. Based upon a book by David McCullough and starring Actor Paul Giamatti in the title role. Once I had got back from an already discussed trip to California I started watching and it gave me a little bit of insight on something I had mentioned previously in I think one of my first 2 blogs and that is, th President's job was or is never an easy one. Just by watching this show I got a chance to realize that even just 13 states, both George Washington (first President) and Adams did not have it easy.

Neither did the other 42 past Presidents or even the current one.

Now, I am not going to tell you what these men did wrong or tell you they were not effective Presidents, that is not the reason for writing this blog. Nor would I tell you my views on a certain President (or Prime Minister of another Country) I have often said that I was not going to make this blog political. I have my views, just as I am sure you do and we both are welcomed to them.

I think the reason for writing this particular topic this morning is to explain what I think can not be an easy job. Its a job I will never have. And quite frankly it's a job I do not want, but once again, we are not talking about me. Or at least I'm not.

In the last US presidential election there were 13 candidates running. When it finally came down to two Senator's. One from Chicago, the other from Arizona. All of these hope fulls had their own respective agenda's.

One of them brought change To America.

It's fairly easy no matter what the occupation is to say you're better at it than the next person. You might have more experience so there for you know alot more about the job than say some one who is just having their first day. We have all heard the old saying" You think you can do this better than me?"

I don't think you can say that about governing a country. Ok, you can say it, but can you do it. Wheather or not a past President has ever been better than the one before him has always been open to debate.

So, weather you're for a POTUS or a prime minister, God bless you. There is nothing wrong with being political. I think to some degree everyone is. You might call it being Patriotic. If you are, theres nothing wrong with that, if you're not same thing. But to a degree I think everyone regardless of their country is patriotic. You live in that country and you may not share the same views as the next person, but it doesn't mean you're not going to feel bad when lets say God forbid something awful happens.

So, there you have it.

I recommend the miniseries 'John Adams' for a number of reasons. One for its historical point of view on the founding of The United States Of America. And second for it's brilliant photography of early America. Paul Giamatti & Laura Linny won Emmy's for their portrayal of John & Abigail.
Effective period drama, produced by Tom Hanks (Play Tone)

Till next time, the balcony is closed....HEY!, I just said its closed, stop jumping off the thing.

d..... you get the gist