Saturday, December 25, 2010

Film Making -3:Directors

Before I even get started on this I would like to apologize for taking so long with it. I had to get my computer repaired, so I am sorry I can not get this completed by the date I set out for.
But, than again, it is the new year, so perhaps that is a better time to end the Film Making series.

OK,ready for part 3?

To recap: You wrote a screenplay. You had it green lighted by a major studio (or not so major)

And now the third ingredient for your script to come alive is a director for it.

The director has the first biggest job on the set, HE IS THE BOSS!!

It is the director's job to give all of the cues for the actors and all of the people behind the camera. Basically, The director says, you do. No questions asked.

The director can also make or break your project. He or she will meet with you ( the screen writer) and get your vision of your script. Hopefully, you both will be on the same page. I have heard some stories of directors completely botching a screen writer's vision and trying to make it their own. To an extent, he can do that, because like I just wrote, he is the boss. But, it is very important that both you and the director have the same vision for the script.

Alot of Actors and actress's have gone on to become directors, some who if I was to say the name, you would be surprised. Google soon to be ex Governor of California. You'll be surprised perhaps to know that even he has directed a few television shows. No Joke.

Actor Tom Hanks, while directing his first film entitled "That Thing You Do" was quoted to have said, while doing promotion for the film, that he was surprised of all of benefits that comes with being a director.

He and the crew of the film were taking a break and just talking and really, I guess making no general subject when some one had talked about beef jerky and Hanks had mentioned a brand he had had at one time, but could not think of the name of it.

A crew member searched for the snack and a few days later he had given it to Tom

I personally have alot of favorite directors, too numerous to name, but I will give you one: Tim Burton.
Only one word to describe him: Extraordinary

Good Night and have a pleasant Tomorrow.

Film Making-Part 4: Casting.
