Saturday, December 11, 2010

In My Next Life I want To Be.....

Happy Saturday, my reader's. It's late in the evening (early hours of the morning,actually) and I only have time for this so, lets get it going

Very recently I had heard from a person who she wanted to be when she came back in her next life and it got me to thinking...

The term doesn't exist.

And here is why....

For starter's having another life after you die would throw confusion on the concept of God and the existence of Heaven. Granted we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and no one is perfect, coming back in another life would mean that God is not the loving and caring God that He is. Lets face it, if we kept getting life after life till we supposedly got it right we never would get into heaven, because each life would be as sinful as the first, if not more.

The hypothesis of Heaven as this great place to be after you die would be to some degree a farce because we would never get there

I have heard story's from people that have claimed to have a memory of a previous life. These people can make up the best story they can about being someone famous, being someones animal, etc, only problem is they can't prove it.

Real simple. One again, it would make God a Being known all over the world by believer's and non- believer's alike as being, well, dare I say a liar.

And that is something I and billions of other people can not believe.

I am not trying to tell you I have all the answers because I am no where close to it

It has been said by countless pastors that when we get to Heaven we won't have time for questions because we would be filled of joy and the excitement of seeing Jesus Christ face to face.
So, with that said why would a loving and just God send us back to earth time and time again and fill our minds with story's of a place we would never get to?

I am a Christian and I believe that there is a Heaven and one day I will be going there.

In the Book of John, chapter 11 verse 25 and 26, Jesus states while conversing with the sister of Lazarus, " I am the Resurrection and the life. He who believes in me shall live a new life"

In Heaven.

Not several times on earth till the Almighty thinks we got it right.

God Bless,

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