Happy Tuesday, my readers. Here's praying your day goes well. I will explain why there are two titles for this blog later.
Last week I was watching a little bit of the afternoon news and it had this guy who caused a high speed police chase. Now, I will be the first one to say, I didnt see the chase from start to finish, but the newscaster did report it and it was quite brutal.
I have never been able to understand why people do that. Some times it is only for a routine stop like a break light or something,but these people starting the chase want to make it worse. On themselves. And we, the people watching this schmuck.
It's stupidity.These police officers are only doing their jobs, stopping you for what ever they might happen to notice that is wrong. We some times think, oh no, its the cops, I better step on it!
I'll let you in on a little secret: you can be friends with police officers. You don't have to hate them just because of their jobs. You keep your nose clean so to speak, you have nothing to worry about.
We all do stupid things. Everyone. Some times in public for people to see, or in the privacy of your own home where its you staring into a mirror asking your self "What the hell am I doing?"
Regardless of where you do it or why you do it is not the question.
We also have to, at least some times live with the repercussions of other's stupidity.
On television for instance when we hear of a story of some one breaking up with some one or some one getting them selves in trouble.
A friend of mine, either last week or the week brfore that was on a social networking site and he left the comment about a celebrity who had gotten her self in trouble and sent to jail. The whole time she was there some people were talking about it. My friend said something on the order of this: the actress's name and a list of other peoples names that no one seems to have heard of, and my friend correct me if I am wrong (if he reads this) but have done more important things than what this actress did to land her in jail.
The question is: Who is the more stupid? the actress for getting her self in trouble or newscasters for following the story trying to make it sound important?
My anwer is both.
But, the best one by far has to be this. Reality tv stars.
You'll going to love this: These people go on televsion desperate to find a wife or a husband that they have mini affairs with the bachlor or the bachlorette
( which in it self is wrong) than after the supossed groom or bride finds the person they think they want to marry, about a month or two later magazine covers have plastered on them asking why they broke up
What went wrong? I'll tell you, They're stupid. And anyone else that seems to have nothing better to do with their day but to keep tabs on these morons are stupid as well
Interested in why two titles for the blog today. One is because some people reading this may say "awww, David, don't hate yourself, you're not stupid" well thank you,but I'm only human, and like the rest of the world I have my flaws.
Second reason: True story. I walk into a liquor store in southern California to buy a pepsi, take it to the counter to pay for it, cashier takes one look at it and say's " got any ID"? I look back at him and I say,"its a pepsi".
Guy say's "Oh, yeah, sorry. My bad."
Human beings. You Got to love 'em