Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy Anniversary, Grandma.

Hello, my reader's. Wanting to send you a Thanksgiving wish for those living America that read this blog today or when you get the chance.

Topic today blends in with The holiday.

My grandmother is celebrating an anniversery this week. It is not the day she married my grandfather nor is it the anniversary of her birth. The anniversery is for the both of us.

But before I tell you what it is about, I feel it is only fitting that I explain what it is we're celebrating. If you recall in a previous blog topic over the summer entitled 'Childhood Memories' I had written about a home for boys I was at when I was a child. The annivsery is for the day I left the home and went to live with my grandparents. 29 years ago this Wednesday. Day before Thanksgiving.

I have never told anyone this and the only people that know about this event, if I can call it that is my gradmother and I. I can't explain to you why I remember this day, I just do.

the day itself, 29 years ago I also recall. I remember being in a school in Redlands, california and saying goodbye to fellow class mates.While most of the kids were saying 'bye, Happy Thanksgiving. See you Monday, I knew for myself I wouldn't be. It brought tears to my eyes while I was sitting in a school bus waiting to go back to the home I was living at.

While at the boys home, waiting for my grandma to arrive I said goodbye to other boys I was living with and like any other 11 year old kid, waiting for my grandma's car to show. When I saw it I was estatic.

I recall one of the worker's at the home, a big named Hal who to this day remeinds me of Will Geer, the grandfather of the clasic tv show, the Waltons. But much younger than Mr. Geer. I recall my frst meeting with hal about a year prior to me leaving and it didnt go over to well.

But, there we were both Hal and myself and he is teling my grandma just how much not only the boys in the home will miss me, but how he and the other staff would as well.

Another thing I remember about that last day was Hal paid me the money he owed me from a bet we had made. He had bet me a week prior to leaving that I would mess up some how and I wouldn't be able to go to my new home with my grandparents. Easiest $10 I have ever made.

The past 29 years have been a blast.
I praise God that I have been a man to stay out of serious trouble with the law and that even though I have regrets to a degree (everyone does) there is not too much I would change.

So, Happy Anniversery, Grandma. And here's to the next 29 years.


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