Sunday, January 2, 2011

Film Making:Part Seven

OK, we have reached that all important moment. The release of your movie. But before we go any further let me say this, and I mean this honestly. By the end of next week or even by the end of this blog series, I may delete this blog entirely. It was fun having, and I do like writing it, but I feel that it is going nowhere.

Honestly, my reader's, I know you like it, you have have commented that what I have written about has made you think to some degree, and I appreciate that. But is it worth continuing?

With that said, lets get back to the topic at hand.
The release of your film could be one of two things. It could have a theater release or it could go directly to DVD.

If it goes directly to DVD, this is no ones fault at all. Alot of movies don't even see a theater screen. There are tons one of reasons for this, one, it is a made for TV movie. two it is really poorly made film, also known as a 'B' movie. Or three, the studio doesn't have the budget to get in theater's.

Film making is not an easy process as I have stated earlier in this series. I wouldn't doubt that there are toms of people that think all they have to do is write that great script thats going to win them award after award and in the process make them rich.

But think about this, if you have ever watched the Oscar's on television (the biggest award show for movies) they have a writing award. Best screenplay. Out of the four to five nominees for that, give or take, only one wins. Thats not to say that the losing scripts if you will are bad, because to their credit, they're not, I'll say it again, it is not an easy business.

If your film does get a theather release than for the most part lucky you. Your dream has come true, people will be going to a theather to see your imagination. And the more people that see it, the box office receipts come in and in the process you get a percentage of that because, well you wrote the script and you are listed in the credits.

But, than again, brace your self, even though you do have a theather release alot of people may not see it. Tons of reasons for that as well.

I will cover two of them

1: Critics

A film critic is basically the person that either on TV or in magazines gives a review of movies. Most of the time or if not all the time, they are sent a DVD copy of the film be fore it is released in theather's

Now if it is a favorable review, congratulations, if it isn't so favorable, congratulations still, you proved your point. You used your imagination and it got you on the big screen

2: People may not find it interesting

I think it is just like reading a book or listening to music, if you hear it or read and it doesn't catch your attention for any reason, you ignore it. Happens.

Out of all of the motion pictures that were released in theather's in 2010 no matter how good they were, half of the movie going public didn't see them. Why? Didn't interest them.

When I was writing my script I was amazed by two things, one, that I had the imagination to do it and my writing ability. It is not easy writing a screenplay. To make it brief, "Bring On The Dancing Horses' was something I had been thinking of writing for years. I just didn't think that I could do it and by saying that I don't mean not having something to write it with, all though that was the case for some of it, the other part was asking my self if I had the imagination to do it. Alot of the time I questioned my self and my ability.

But when I actually convinced my self there was only one way and one way only to see if I had the ability or not, and that was to start writing it. Once I did, I was amazed of how it was turning out. I would literally sit at my computer and write and than look back at it and think 'wow, I actually thought of that.' From my mind, to my finger's to the keyboard of my computer there it was. I surprised even my self, because I'll say it again, I didn't think I had the ability to write it.

I think most people are like that. Weather it's writing or doing what ever it is they say it would be fun to do, but they never do because they don't have the courage to do it. Part of being a human, I think.


Tomorrow: Q&A