Ok, ok, I didn't get any feed back on weather or not I should bring back the "If's" (interactive Fridays), but I think I am going to anyway. Think I might even start off with something that I promised doing over the summer but never got around to it. Interactive Saturday. Are you ready? No, I said, ARE YOU READY!!!!!!!!(quote from a pro wrestler)
Over the years I have found I have gained respect for construction workers. I don't think I have ever put the line of work down, I just never considered or thought that I would be able to do it. I remember being in high school, just about to graduate and a gaudiness counselor gave me a test to see what jobs I would be good at. I think I did the best I could on it so when the counselor told me the results were, I went with them. It wasn't the construction field.
In the fall of 2004, I had moved to Arizona and found myself in desperate need of a job, after looking, I took the advice of a younger sibling who at the time was framing houses, ie the wood part of a house. I called this guy who owned this framing company and he hired me on. Didn't last long, because one, I was slow at it and two he didn't like my work. Can't say I blame him
Shortly after that I started installing carpet. It was hard work, but I learned alot and to this day when I see a floor, I happen to look down to see how it was done. I will never say I have the experience to see if it was done right or wrong, but I can look and have respect for the people that did it. Yes, it is possible to look at a floor that has either been tiled or carpeted, the flooring guy (or girl) has the eye for.
I think this is what gave me my respect for construction worker's. Alot of work and alot of hours, but the finished product makes you take a step back and go 'yeah, I like this. Nice job'.
I think anybody in any field, not just construction, but even an office job or as it is called 'white collar' can have an eye for their work because they have been doing it for quite some time.
Need an example? Too bad, my blog, I am going to give you one or two of them anyway.
One of my brother's is an electrician. He has been in the field for close to 12 years I would say, and from what I have heard comes quite recommended when there is a job. I wouldn't doubt for a second that if he was in any building, residential or office, he could take one look at the wiring and tell you if it was done right or not.
Same thing with a friend of mine from Canada, who before he got injured and went to pursue other options did dry wall. I am sorry, my friend if you are reading this, I don't remember if you said residential or office buildings, but my point is that, just like my brother in his trade, my friend the dry waller could take a look at any built wall and tell weather or not it was done right.
Once again, having an eye or more to the point, the experience to know how the job is done.
In closing, I will leave you with these two things, there is a popular television show called 'Extreme Home Makeover', sort of a reality show. Now, I am not going to critiize this show in anyway, I think from what I have seen of it, they really try and help people that need a better home get one and I commend them for that. I saw one recent episode where they built a house for this family who's child was handicapped and didn't have a big enough house to help with everything he needed.
Now, I said I wasn't going to criticize and I am not, but they say they can build the house from the ground up in one week. They have two sets of crews working 24 hours a day to get it done on time. Question I have, does everything work the way it is supposed to because to some degree these construction workers were rushed to meet their seven day deadline. Here is where the interactive part of the blog comes in. For those reading this blog that ever done or do construction work of any kind, if a house was built in seven days would the finished product be in a complete working order.
And lastly, I'll leave you with this: My brother and I both respectively have an eye for what we do and like. I just wish the thing I have an eye for was as important as his is.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
It's Just A Joke!!
'Ello,'ello, all my reader's good to see you again. Before I get started on todays topic I would like to ask one thing. Just one thing. Should I bring back the 'IF's? If you have forgotten or if you are new to 'FPTF' the 'IF's w as something I was doing just about every Friday, I would ask a question, and people would leave comments. I thought about bringing it back. It has been awhile since I have done one. So, what ya think?
During the end of the summer when I took a little time away from the blog (actually, a computer issue, I needed a new one) I thought about what topics I might want to write here. Some of them, I must admit were controversial at best and I thought, I didn't want to offend anybody. Although, I must also say one thing I have not done is be completely rude and write every nasty thing I can think of and use foul language to describe it. I think I have only done that once and it was just one word.
So, I thought about it after I got my new computer and after talking with a friend he mentioned something that I have not forgot. This is my blog and I can write about what ever I want and if no one likes it, well than thats how it is.
So with that in mind.... if this blog topic for today offends you in any way shape or form... you might want to think about leaving... or better yet, please stay, I would like you to read on. I think I have a point to make.
In either September or October of 2007 I was watching a cable channel called HBO (Home Box Office) and they had this hour in a half documentary about this joke that s supposed to be the dirtiest joke ever told. Don't leave. I am not going to tell it.
When I heard it, I was shocked, I was not expecting it to be as shocking as it was. The joke is called "The Aristocrats" and basically the story of it goes a little like this: A family of entertainer's goes to audition for a producer, the producer goes 'ok, what do you got.....?' It takes a twisted turn from there. The joke is told in a story and depending upon who is telling it, it can take up to twenty to thirty minutes to tell it. That is, if you have the stomach for it. I'll put it to you this way, if you are a parent, you would NOT and I repeat NOT want to hear it, because it can get graphic and involve children. I am serious.
There are clean versions of the joke, depending on the comic that tells it, but if you like your jokes raunchy there is two version, a racist and a sexual one. My advice is to stay away from it entirely. If you hear the sexist version, if you have kids and take your love and caring for them seriously, avoid the joke.
The thing that shocked me most about it, was in this documentary, there were very well know comics who I know have kids. Here is my point. Why would you tell a joke that bad and still say I am a parent and I care for my kid (or kids). This subject IS NOT SOMETHING TO JOKE ABOUT!! I am sure you see where I am going with this. But, still these comics and audience's in comedy clubs seem to think nothing of it and they laugh it off when they get home.Well, Like a famous singer/song writer once wrote, people are people. They are going to amaze you by the stuff they like.
Its your call, you can go on to any video search engine on the world wide web and listen for your self. I would strongly suggest that you don't because I am in no way shape or form condoning 'the aristocrats'.
But, it is after all, your life.
During the end of the summer when I took a little time away from the blog (actually, a computer issue, I needed a new one) I thought about what topics I might want to write here. Some of them, I must admit were controversial at best and I thought, I didn't want to offend anybody. Although, I must also say one thing I have not done is be completely rude and write every nasty thing I can think of and use foul language to describe it. I think I have only done that once and it was just one word.
So, I thought about it after I got my new computer and after talking with a friend he mentioned something that I have not forgot. This is my blog and I can write about what ever I want and if no one likes it, well than thats how it is.
So with that in mind.... if this blog topic for today offends you in any way shape or form... you might want to think about leaving... or better yet, please stay, I would like you to read on. I think I have a point to make.
In either September or October of 2007 I was watching a cable channel called HBO (Home Box Office) and they had this hour in a half documentary about this joke that s supposed to be the dirtiest joke ever told. Don't leave. I am not going to tell it.
When I heard it, I was shocked, I was not expecting it to be as shocking as it was. The joke is called "The Aristocrats" and basically the story of it goes a little like this: A family of entertainer's goes to audition for a producer, the producer goes 'ok, what do you got.....?' It takes a twisted turn from there. The joke is told in a story and depending upon who is telling it, it can take up to twenty to thirty minutes to tell it. That is, if you have the stomach for it. I'll put it to you this way, if you are a parent, you would NOT and I repeat NOT want to hear it, because it can get graphic and involve children. I am serious.
There are clean versions of the joke, depending on the comic that tells it, but if you like your jokes raunchy there is two version, a racist and a sexual one. My advice is to stay away from it entirely. If you hear the sexist version, if you have kids and take your love and caring for them seriously, avoid the joke.
The thing that shocked me most about it, was in this documentary, there were very well know comics who I know have kids. Here is my point. Why would you tell a joke that bad and still say I am a parent and I care for my kid (or kids). This subject IS NOT SOMETHING TO JOKE ABOUT!! I am sure you see where I am going with this. But, still these comics and audience's in comedy clubs seem to think nothing of it and they laugh it off when they get home.Well, Like a famous singer/song writer once wrote, people are people. They are going to amaze you by the stuff they like.
Its your call, you can go on to any video search engine on the world wide web and listen for your self. I would strongly suggest that you don't because I am in no way shape or form condoning 'the aristocrats'.
But, it is after all, your life.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Division In Religion
Hey, reader's, how are all of you this Tuesday? Well, I hope. I hope you liked yesterdays blog about John Wimber. I would like to keep a theme of religion going here at least for this topic.
About 13 maybe even 14 years ago I was invited to a Baptist church in either Laguna Hills, California or Laguna Beach, I forget which I just remember it was 'Laguna' something. Across the street from the church were two other churches, well, one was a Jewish synagogue, the other was a Methodist church. The baptist church I was at had just finished for that day and people were getting in their vehicles and heading off to where ever they were going to spend the rest of their Sunday.
While still in the parking structure of the church, there people gathered around talking when this woman who looked a little elderly came and said she was from the Methodist church and said " I am from the church across the street and I probably shouldn't be here talking with you because I am a methodist, but I need help with my car". A couple of men, including my self went to the church and helped the woman.
On my way back to my house I got to thinking of how the woman asked for assistance. "I probably shouldn't be here because I am a Methodist and you're a Baptist"
What I started wondering was is there really divisions in churches? To some degree, maybe, but the question I asked myself that Sunday and even some times to this day is if there is division why? I mean whats the point?
If you are apart of an honest Bible believing church that is not trying to change the Word of God, should we really go around sounding proud and shouting my church is better than your church because we do this and you don't. I don't think so. Like I eluded to yesterday when I was telling you all about an Interview with the late Peter Jennings and John Wimber, churches may not do healing, or charismatic type things, but it doesn't make them less important to the Body Of Christ. Its not all of the people in one church movement or in one church all together. Believe it or not, some denominational churches think they have it right and make their point known, or at least try to.
I recall before moving to Arizona I went to a Baptist church in San Diego,California and what was said at this specific church, was not something I agreed with. The pastor just let it fly about how he felt that every church besides his was worshiping God the wrong way. Mostly in his opinion of how they lead Worship. According to this minister, if you brought a guitar and a drum set into church, you were playing the devils music.
Now, granted alot of the Christian genre of music is played with a guitar, drums, etc and may sound like rock and roll, there is however a difference, I think. The difference is the lyrics of the song. Over the years I have heard alot of great praise and worship songs, and yes they have a 'rock' beat to them, but once again, it is the song writing that matters and not the up tempo music that accompanies it. If you listen to any of your favorite Christian musician, I would think to a degree you are listening to both the music and the lyrics and if you are than you can tell that the song writer is telling you about the Love he has for God.
I'll say it again, its the lyrics, I think that is important, not the music itself, although, I could be wrong, because I am not a musician.
To put it brief, there are people that think you are bringing rock music into the church and that to them is a no-no.
Another thing that brings division in churches, I think is how the church goes about their way of practice. I didn't write this yesterday and now as I reflect on it I probably should have, but for instance, the Vineyard church does get its share of criticism. I can only tell you because I have been to one that it is nothing like you would see on some tel evangelist show. Never once in my history of attending a Vineyard church have I seen people who have been in wheel chairs get a little bit of prayer & their up and walking. Its not that they don't think its possible, they just don't do it. Once again, John Wimber himself asked a pastor to hone down a 'spiritual' movement, because he didn't feel it was the right thing for the Church. From a story that I had heard quite some time ago, Wimber had the same thing happen with him.
As it was told to me, Wimber was attending a Calvary Chapel and was told by pastor Chuck Smith that what he was doing (Wimber) wasn't the way Calvary Chapel has their practice of worship. Both Calvary Chapel & Vineyard have their own way of practice, but it doesn't bring division between the two of them. They are or we are trying to reach the same goal, and that is to get to Heaven.
I would like to close with this: Some television shows can get religion right and some times get it vary wrong, I think it depends on the person they are taking the example of. I'll give you two examples.
One of my favorite shows is the classic 1970's series called 'The Walton's' where to make it brief, the mother and grandmother were the only two characters that had a strong religious belief. In at least two ( there could be more, but I have only counted two) episodes, to discipline her children, the mother had them read Bible verses. It would seem to me that it would be something the kid would want to do if they had a strong heart for the Lord.
But, Its television.
Another & finally last example I would like to give is an episode of another classic television show called 'Little House On The Prairie', in this episode, from what I recall, the central family of the show had a disagreement with how something in their church should be handled and all of the children were told by their parents not to play with the kids of the family because of the disagreement.
Maybe it still happens in churches today. If it does, it shouldn't.
About 13 maybe even 14 years ago I was invited to a Baptist church in either Laguna Hills, California or Laguna Beach, I forget which I just remember it was 'Laguna' something. Across the street from the church were two other churches, well, one was a Jewish synagogue, the other was a Methodist church. The baptist church I was at had just finished for that day and people were getting in their vehicles and heading off to where ever they were going to spend the rest of their Sunday.
While still in the parking structure of the church, there people gathered around talking when this woman who looked a little elderly came and said she was from the Methodist church and said " I am from the church across the street and I probably shouldn't be here talking with you because I am a methodist, but I need help with my car". A couple of men, including my self went to the church and helped the woman.
On my way back to my house I got to thinking of how the woman asked for assistance. "I probably shouldn't be here because I am a Methodist and you're a Baptist"
What I started wondering was is there really divisions in churches? To some degree, maybe, but the question I asked myself that Sunday and even some times to this day is if there is division why? I mean whats the point?
If you are apart of an honest Bible believing church that is not trying to change the Word of God, should we really go around sounding proud and shouting my church is better than your church because we do this and you don't. I don't think so. Like I eluded to yesterday when I was telling you all about an Interview with the late Peter Jennings and John Wimber, churches may not do healing, or charismatic type things, but it doesn't make them less important to the Body Of Christ. Its not all of the people in one church movement or in one church all together. Believe it or not, some denominational churches think they have it right and make their point known, or at least try to.
I recall before moving to Arizona I went to a Baptist church in San Diego,California and what was said at this specific church, was not something I agreed with. The pastor just let it fly about how he felt that every church besides his was worshiping God the wrong way. Mostly in his opinion of how they lead Worship. According to this minister, if you brought a guitar and a drum set into church, you were playing the devils music.
Now, granted alot of the Christian genre of music is played with a guitar, drums, etc and may sound like rock and roll, there is however a difference, I think. The difference is the lyrics of the song. Over the years I have heard alot of great praise and worship songs, and yes they have a 'rock' beat to them, but once again, it is the song writing that matters and not the up tempo music that accompanies it. If you listen to any of your favorite Christian musician, I would think to a degree you are listening to both the music and the lyrics and if you are than you can tell that the song writer is telling you about the Love he has for God.
I'll say it again, its the lyrics, I think that is important, not the music itself, although, I could be wrong, because I am not a musician.
To put it brief, there are people that think you are bringing rock music into the church and that to them is a no-no.
Another thing that brings division in churches, I think is how the church goes about their way of practice. I didn't write this yesterday and now as I reflect on it I probably should have, but for instance, the Vineyard church does get its share of criticism. I can only tell you because I have been to one that it is nothing like you would see on some tel evangelist show. Never once in my history of attending a Vineyard church have I seen people who have been in wheel chairs get a little bit of prayer & their up and walking. Its not that they don't think its possible, they just don't do it. Once again, John Wimber himself asked a pastor to hone down a 'spiritual' movement, because he didn't feel it was the right thing for the Church. From a story that I had heard quite some time ago, Wimber had the same thing happen with him.
As it was told to me, Wimber was attending a Calvary Chapel and was told by pastor Chuck Smith that what he was doing (Wimber) wasn't the way Calvary Chapel has their practice of worship. Both Calvary Chapel & Vineyard have their own way of practice, but it doesn't bring division between the two of them. They are or we are trying to reach the same goal, and that is to get to Heaven.
I would like to close with this: Some television shows can get religion right and some times get it vary wrong, I think it depends on the person they are taking the example of. I'll give you two examples.
One of my favorite shows is the classic 1970's series called 'The Walton's' where to make it brief, the mother and grandmother were the only two characters that had a strong religious belief. In at least two ( there could be more, but I have only counted two) episodes, to discipline her children, the mother had them read Bible verses. It would seem to me that it would be something the kid would want to do if they had a strong heart for the Lord.
But, Its television.
Another & finally last example I would like to give is an episode of another classic television show called 'Little House On The Prairie', in this episode, from what I recall, the central family of the show had a disagreement with how something in their church should be handled and all of the children were told by their parents not to play with the kids of the family because of the disagreement.
Maybe it still happens in churches today. If it does, it shouldn't.
Monday, January 24, 2011
John Wimber & The Vineyard
Well, here it is my reader's, 2011. What ya think? Sorry for the delay in getting this blog written but I wanted to do, well actually had to do research to write this correctly. Hope you like it.
In everyone's life, I think, you meet people that leave a lasting impression. Depending on the person, it can be a good or a bad impression, but for what ever the reason, we can't seem to forget them.
I would like to tell you about one such individual that left a lasting impression on me. His name is John Wimber.
Born in February, 1934, amongst other things before becoming a Christian and being the founder of one of the largest growing churches in the world, John Wimber worked as a musician playing various band in the early 1960's and believe it or not, ( I must say I was a bit surprised) actually introduced the Righteous Brother's to each other. He also assisted on some of their early albums.
Before I go any further I think it is only fair to you that I tell you this, even though I count it as a blessing meeting John, even if he was alive today, I can't say if he would say the same about me, for I was just another person he met, shakes hands with, maybe talked to for a moment or so, and than we both were on our way. Happens alot in this world.
I met John in 1995 at the Anaheim Vineyard, the church that many say is the first ever vineyard church and has it has been joked about, being the mother of all Vineyards. John founded or started the Vineyard in a home fellowship in his home around 1977 and since than it has become a corner stone for worship music. You may not know, but a good percentage of what is being played in churches today is from Vineyard music.
Wimber was introduced or invited to go to a Quaker church or as they are called "friends" church in the late 1960's and after reading The Bible, he is quoted to have said it changed his life because he couldn't wait to start doing the stuff. The 'stuff' he was making reference to was the things that Jesus did.
in an interview for ABC television with the late Peter Jennings, John was quoted to have said this" I was in a church and after the service, I had spoke with an elder or some one who I thought had some importance to him and I said to him, this is great, but when do we do it? The elder sad,"do what?", Wimber responded, you know the stuff, healing people. feeding the hungry,etc"? The elder, according to the interview, said his church didn't do that. They prayed about it, but didn't do it. Wimber than told Peter Jennings " you don't understand, I gave up drugs for this, if I am going to follow Jesus, I want to do what Jesus did."
Of all the things that the vineyard church may be known for, both positive and negative to some degree John did do what Jesus did, by setting up a food pantry in Anaheim, California, that was big enough to be a grocery store. And every Sunday, the Vineyard would feed the poor, and give them bags of grocery's to last them till the next week.
they also made it very clear that you just didn't come for the food, but you also heard the word of God. Being fed both ways.
What I am about to write is my own hypothesis, but it is possibly a correct story. In my opinion of how praise and worship became a major strong point for the vineyard is because John himself was a musician. In fact one of his sons was a producer for a good number of the earlier vineyard music. Ever been in church or even on the radio and heard a song called "Isn't He"? John Wimber wrote it, there were many, even Pastor Chuck Smith, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, and who is also in what alot of people would say the founder of that Church movement uses one of Wimber's songs to open his radio program called "The Word For Today". I may write about Chuck Smith at a later date. It is called 'Spirit Song'
There are two things I respected about John: One, is even though he was a best selling Christian author and musician, he didn't flaunt his wealth. About two years before he died John did a radio program. He had told the congregation that this program was not going to be cheap, however he was not going to ask people in the church to help finance it. I don't recall ever seeing him in an expensive suit and never saw him drive a ultra expensive vehicle.
Another thing I respected him for is he knew when to draw the line so to speak about Charismatic type events in the vineyard. Around 1993, maybe 1994 a vineyard pastor from Toronto, Canada started having meetings in church where during ministry time, people would start groaning,even laughing prayer or in the Spirit. It was named The Toronto Blessing, from the research I have one on the blessing, John told the pastor of the Toronto church to tone it down to a degree, cause he didn't really agree with it.
It came to a point where , John & a couple of other vineyard church leader's went to Canada and told the pastor to stop this or change the name of your church. The Toronto pastor opted to change the name of his church and is no longer apart of Vineyard.
I am going to be honest with you, I am not an authority on charismatic practices, I mean, I have my own theory's on what is possible and what isn't, but by being a church leader and saying weather it's right or wrong, I can't do that. I don't have that gift, if you can call it that.
John Wimber passed away on November,17th, 1997. His legacy continues to this day.
I would like to, in closing make a couple of suggestions, one, if you would like to find out more about, John, there have been many books written about him one in particular by his widow, Carol entitled, "The Way It Was" and also by one of his daughter-in laws entitled,"Everybody Gets To Play". You can also find John Wimber sermons at Youtube.com
Thanks for reading.
In everyone's life, I think, you meet people that leave a lasting impression. Depending on the person, it can be a good or a bad impression, but for what ever the reason, we can't seem to forget them.
I would like to tell you about one such individual that left a lasting impression on me. His name is John Wimber.
Born in February, 1934, amongst other things before becoming a Christian and being the founder of one of the largest growing churches in the world, John Wimber worked as a musician playing various band in the early 1960's and believe it or not, ( I must say I was a bit surprised) actually introduced the Righteous Brother's to each other. He also assisted on some of their early albums.
Before I go any further I think it is only fair to you that I tell you this, even though I count it as a blessing meeting John, even if he was alive today, I can't say if he would say the same about me, for I was just another person he met, shakes hands with, maybe talked to for a moment or so, and than we both were on our way. Happens alot in this world.
I met John in 1995 at the Anaheim Vineyard, the church that many say is the first ever vineyard church and has it has been joked about, being the mother of all Vineyards. John founded or started the Vineyard in a home fellowship in his home around 1977 and since than it has become a corner stone for worship music. You may not know, but a good percentage of what is being played in churches today is from Vineyard music.
Wimber was introduced or invited to go to a Quaker church or as they are called "friends" church in the late 1960's and after reading The Bible, he is quoted to have said it changed his life because he couldn't wait to start doing the stuff. The 'stuff' he was making reference to was the things that Jesus did.
in an interview for ABC television with the late Peter Jennings, John was quoted to have said this" I was in a church and after the service, I had spoke with an elder or some one who I thought had some importance to him and I said to him, this is great, but when do we do it? The elder sad,"do what?", Wimber responded, you know the stuff, healing people. feeding the hungry,etc"? The elder, according to the interview, said his church didn't do that. They prayed about it, but didn't do it. Wimber than told Peter Jennings " you don't understand, I gave up drugs for this, if I am going to follow Jesus, I want to do what Jesus did."
Of all the things that the vineyard church may be known for, both positive and negative to some degree John did do what Jesus did, by setting up a food pantry in Anaheim, California, that was big enough to be a grocery store. And every Sunday, the Vineyard would feed the poor, and give them bags of grocery's to last them till the next week.
they also made it very clear that you just didn't come for the food, but you also heard the word of God. Being fed both ways.
What I am about to write is my own hypothesis, but it is possibly a correct story. In my opinion of how praise and worship became a major strong point for the vineyard is because John himself was a musician. In fact one of his sons was a producer for a good number of the earlier vineyard music. Ever been in church or even on the radio and heard a song called "Isn't He"? John Wimber wrote it, there were many, even Pastor Chuck Smith, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, and who is also in what alot of people would say the founder of that Church movement uses one of Wimber's songs to open his radio program called "The Word For Today". I may write about Chuck Smith at a later date. It is called 'Spirit Song'
There are two things I respected about John: One, is even though he was a best selling Christian author and musician, he didn't flaunt his wealth. About two years before he died John did a radio program. He had told the congregation that this program was not going to be cheap, however he was not going to ask people in the church to help finance it. I don't recall ever seeing him in an expensive suit and never saw him drive a ultra expensive vehicle.
Another thing I respected him for is he knew when to draw the line so to speak about Charismatic type events in the vineyard. Around 1993, maybe 1994 a vineyard pastor from Toronto, Canada started having meetings in church where during ministry time, people would start groaning,even laughing prayer or in the Spirit. It was named The Toronto Blessing, from the research I have one on the blessing, John told the pastor of the Toronto church to tone it down to a degree, cause he didn't really agree with it.
It came to a point where , John & a couple of other vineyard church leader's went to Canada and told the pastor to stop this or change the name of your church. The Toronto pastor opted to change the name of his church and is no longer apart of Vineyard.
I am going to be honest with you, I am not an authority on charismatic practices, I mean, I have my own theory's on what is possible and what isn't, but by being a church leader and saying weather it's right or wrong, I can't do that. I don't have that gift, if you can call it that.
John Wimber passed away on November,17th, 1997. His legacy continues to this day.
I would like to, in closing make a couple of suggestions, one, if you would like to find out more about, John, there have been many books written about him one in particular by his widow, Carol entitled, "The Way It Was" and also by one of his daughter-in laws entitled,"Everybody Gets To Play". You can also find John Wimber sermons at Youtube.com
Thanks for reading.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
American Idol
Hey, everyone, how is it going? I hope all my reader's are well. Well, folks, its that time of year again, thankfully, it only happens once a year. Yep, It's American Idol time. Now, I am sure it is no secret that most of you know my feeling about reality shows. I think you're in for a little bit of a surprise when I say (write) that I am going to give 'Idol' a little bit of credit.
I said a little. One thing anyone has to admit too like it or not is that show works. The winner's do receive an album contract and they go on to live the lives they have always dreamed about. These winner's (if you care for their music)also have their share of fans. I have yet to watch an American Idol episode in its entirety and I have no immediate plans to start watching one, but from what I have seen, I have to give credit where credit is due.
Simon Cowell, don't really care for him, but I will say this about him: With what I do know about him and his experience in the music business, maybe you do (or did) need some one who was going to be hard on these would be singer's. Some of them, or maybe alot of them just wont take no for an answer when they're told they can't sing. So, to that degree, Cowell's got it right.
Now it's time to ruffle some feather's of American Idol fans (or at least the ones that might read this blog)
The name of the show: It clearly states in The Bible,Exodus chapter 20 verse 4: "You shall not worship any Idols before me". You would be surprised of the number of people that think the sun rises and sets out of some of these winner's.
Another thing: People tend to make a joke out of it (can't say I blame them). The audition process of the show is hilarious. Once again you either get people that are going to make fun of the show by trying to sing badly or they embarrassed them selves by thinking they can sing. On national television. Way to go.
I don't need to go on national television to make a fool of my self. I do a fine job of that on my own.
you, my reader's may disagree with what I am going to write, but I think it will illustrate my point. I think all of us can sing. We have the capability's of speaking and to some degree singing is a little like talking. The object of it is sounding good when we do it. Some are good, some are not. I think you get the gist. I am not going to make this a diatribe of who I like in music and who I do not like. Maybe at another time, but not now.
There are tons of musicians who can sing, but you may not be fans of them so you might say they can't.
So, like it or not American Idol is back for another season.
I could care less. I have other more important things to do with my time.
D.... out.
PS:Tomorrow, yes, you read this correctly, I said (wrote) tomorrow the long awaited researched blog..... John Wimber & The Vineyard.
I said a little. One thing anyone has to admit too like it or not is that show works. The winner's do receive an album contract and they go on to live the lives they have always dreamed about. These winner's (if you care for their music)also have their share of fans. I have yet to watch an American Idol episode in its entirety and I have no immediate plans to start watching one, but from what I have seen, I have to give credit where credit is due.
Simon Cowell, don't really care for him, but I will say this about him: With what I do know about him and his experience in the music business, maybe you do (or did) need some one who was going to be hard on these would be singer's. Some of them, or maybe alot of them just wont take no for an answer when they're told they can't sing. So, to that degree, Cowell's got it right.
Now it's time to ruffle some feather's of American Idol fans (or at least the ones that might read this blog)
The name of the show: It clearly states in The Bible,Exodus chapter 20 verse 4: "You shall not worship any Idols before me". You would be surprised of the number of people that think the sun rises and sets out of some of these winner's.
Another thing: People tend to make a joke out of it (can't say I blame them). The audition process of the show is hilarious. Once again you either get people that are going to make fun of the show by trying to sing badly or they embarrassed them selves by thinking they can sing. On national television. Way to go.
I don't need to go on national television to make a fool of my self. I do a fine job of that on my own.
you, my reader's may disagree with what I am going to write, but I think it will illustrate my point. I think all of us can sing. We have the capability's of speaking and to some degree singing is a little like talking. The object of it is sounding good when we do it. Some are good, some are not. I think you get the gist. I am not going to make this a diatribe of who I like in music and who I do not like. Maybe at another time, but not now.
There are tons of musicians who can sing, but you may not be fans of them so you might say they can't.
So, like it or not American Idol is back for another season.
I could care less. I have other more important things to do with my time.
D.... out.
PS:Tomorrow, yes, you read this correctly, I said (wrote) tomorrow the long awaited researched blog..... John Wimber & The Vineyard.
Monday, January 17, 2011
I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant
I know I had said (wrote) yesterday that I had a blog topic already in mind for today. I did, but than I realized I needed to do a little more research on it before I could write it. I also made a slight error when I said this guy was a friend of mine. In actuality, he wasn't, but I consider it a blessing meeting the man. You're find out who it is in a couple of days.
I know this title may sound a bit misleading. Some of you may even joke and say, 'gee, I didn't know this David guy could get pregnant when males can't do that'. Funny. I assure you I am not nor is my girlfriend or wife. All though I have stated before I am not currently in a relationship. But, I digress.
I had heard about this show on cable television entitled " I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" basically about women who are pregnant but for what ever the reason didn't realize it. Now, I am not going to comment on how I think that it is impossible for a woman not to know that, well at least not yet.
I recently saw the show and I have to admit it gave me something to think about: One, that with all of the diseases in the world, there are alot that are unknown. If someone was to say to you they have a very rare form of disease that you possibly have never heard of, you might call them liars and say it's absurd.
I can't recall when I saw this but I was watching a television talk show and a woman and her child were the guest on it. The child, apparently had this rare form of disease that made it impossible to feel human touch. I am not making this up. I do not recall the name of it, but once again, it is rare. I guess, from what I remember if you were to tap this kid on his shoulder, apparently the child could not feel it.
I remember thinking, there is no way that could happen. I never researched it to actually see if it was true, but it did get me to thinking that medical science can be baffling even to the most experienced of people.
So, perhaps these women that have experienced this phenomena, I have to give them the benefit of the doubt.
But here is my question and it is point number two:
How can or how could this happen? For starter's a woman has to know she had sex to even get pregnant. There has only been one woman in recorded history that didn't have sex with a man to have her first child. And to this day it still remains a mystery to some.
Now, I know, I know you're going to say, what about in vitro and such things? I'll say it again: the woman would still remember it.
For any woman reading this or any father reading this it is safe to say you remember the day you found out you were expecting a child. That is, if you have had children. But for the women reading this that have, like I just wrote it is safe to say you remember the day you found out. I might go one step further and say that it wasn't in a doctors office as your water is breaking and you had absolutely no clue.
Even men who will be reading this, you have had to remember the day your wife or girlfriend said to you she was expecting.
So, I'll say (write) it again. How can a woman not know that she did the deed that got her pregnant? Another thing that could be a possibility and I have heard this from various women is that after sex, they would take a pregnancy test. I think what they are taking the test for is that they might feel after sex that they may be expecting. Apparently, the women in the episode I saw, didn't take a test,cause they didn't think they were expecting.
So, in closing, I'll repeat myself. Medical science can be a strange thing to comprehend and after you hear about it, it might make you wonder.
So for any woman or women that may read this blog entry that might have experienced something like this, I am not criticizing you.
I just find it a bit hard to believe. But, than again, I'm a guy.
I know this title may sound a bit misleading. Some of you may even joke and say, 'gee, I didn't know this David guy could get pregnant when males can't do that'. Funny. I assure you I am not nor is my girlfriend or wife. All though I have stated before I am not currently in a relationship. But, I digress.
I had heard about this show on cable television entitled " I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" basically about women who are pregnant but for what ever the reason didn't realize it. Now, I am not going to comment on how I think that it is impossible for a woman not to know that, well at least not yet.
I recently saw the show and I have to admit it gave me something to think about: One, that with all of the diseases in the world, there are alot that are unknown. If someone was to say to you they have a very rare form of disease that you possibly have never heard of, you might call them liars and say it's absurd.
I can't recall when I saw this but I was watching a television talk show and a woman and her child were the guest on it. The child, apparently had this rare form of disease that made it impossible to feel human touch. I am not making this up. I do not recall the name of it, but once again, it is rare. I guess, from what I remember if you were to tap this kid on his shoulder, apparently the child could not feel it.
I remember thinking, there is no way that could happen. I never researched it to actually see if it was true, but it did get me to thinking that medical science can be baffling even to the most experienced of people.
So, perhaps these women that have experienced this phenomena, I have to give them the benefit of the doubt.
But here is my question and it is point number two:
How can or how could this happen? For starter's a woman has to know she had sex to even get pregnant. There has only been one woman in recorded history that didn't have sex with a man to have her first child. And to this day it still remains a mystery to some.
Now, I know, I know you're going to say, what about in vitro and such things? I'll say it again: the woman would still remember it.
For any woman reading this or any father reading this it is safe to say you remember the day you found out you were expecting a child. That is, if you have had children. But for the women reading this that have, like I just wrote it is safe to say you remember the day you found out. I might go one step further and say that it wasn't in a doctors office as your water is breaking and you had absolutely no clue.
Even men who will be reading this, you have had to remember the day your wife or girlfriend said to you she was expecting.
So, I'll say (write) it again. How can a woman not know that she did the deed that got her pregnant? Another thing that could be a possibility and I have heard this from various women is that after sex, they would take a pregnancy test. I think what they are taking the test for is that they might feel after sex that they may be expecting. Apparently, the women in the episode I saw, didn't take a test,cause they didn't think they were expecting.
So, in closing, I'll repeat myself. Medical science can be a strange thing to comprehend and after you hear about it, it might make you wonder.
So for any woman or women that may read this blog entry that might have experienced something like this, I am not criticizing you.
I just find it a bit hard to believe. But, than again, I'm a guy.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Professional Wrestling
Ok, my reader's I am going to tell you a little more about my self, than what you probably did not know. Some people do, other's, well you do now.
I have a guilty pleasure. I freely admit to it, because there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I, David Meier am a fan of pro wrestling.
I have been for over twenty years.
I remember to this day how I found the sport and how I got hooked on it. It was a Saturday morning in about 1982, I was about 13 years old and I was watching television and happen to stumble across this sports program.At first I didn't know what it was, all I saw were athletes in a ring fighting. It wasn't boxing 'cause they didn't have gloves and they were not taking that mandatory break that all boxing matches have. The first match that I saw was this wrestler, who has since past away named 'Big John Studd' a guy close to 7 feet tall beat up a another guy who quite frankly didn't stand a chance.
Pro wrestling today isn't the pro wrestling it once was. On reason is because most of the secrets of the sport have come out. Every match is predetermined, the wrestler's before the match begins, know who is going to win and who is going to lose.
Another secret that has come out is that the wrestler's you thought couldn't stand the sight of one another and all they wanted to do is beat each other up, are actually good friends. In the 1980's and maybe even before that, those secrets were not known. I remember once reading the cover of a wrestling magazine (yes, they do have those for publication), the wrestler, who's name was Tully Blanchard,made reference to his opponent, by saying how much he hated the guy. They were actually close friends and remain it to this day.
Question I have is how can you beat up a friend of yours and still call him a good friend. If you lose, you still want to go after the person if anything to find out for your self if you have what it takes to beat him.
But, than I started to think. It is all planned. Once again, both wrestler's know who is going to win their match.
Another thing that has changed to a degree is the number of wrestling company's there once were. When I first started watching there were at least five major wrestling company's, or Territory's, as they would call them. They are: The American Wresting Alliance (AWA) World Class Championship Wresting (WCCW) National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) World Championship Wrestling (WCW, formerly known has NWA) and World Wrestling Federation, or what is now called World Wrestling Entertainment (WWF/WWE)
Out of the five I just mentioned, only one is still around: The WWF/WWE.
The WWE is considered to be the best pro wrestling company.
I can only give you my hypothesis (Thanks Buddy) of why the other four company's are no longer around. It is either bad management or they just could not keep it going financially. Each one of these company's had television exposure, but for two if them, the AWA and WCCW their markets or where their respective shows would be seen was not as big as NWA/WCW or the WWE.
About a year ago I was watching an ESPN channel and they had an old episode of one of the AWA's shows. They couldn't even sell out the place. There were more empty seats than there were full ones.
When a wrestling company does a show, doesn't matter where it is at the thing that matters the most for these shows are how many tickets are going to be sold, or if you will, the box office. Box Office scores are not just for movies.
If you don't have that score, you're not going to generate money. Just like a film would do. And eventually, you will go under.
The WWE has never had that problem. Like I said (wrote) The WWE is the gold standard in pro wrestling. All pro wrestler's at some point want to go there and once they have, they realize they have made the big time.
There is another wrestling company that started about 9 years ago and to it's credit, it's a good wrestling outfit. It's called Total Non Stop Action (TNA) Like I just wrote, good company, there making strides in the sport, but it is nowhere near the caliber of World Wrestling Enterainment (WWE)
P.S:If you didn't like todays blog, you're going to love tomorrow's (hopefully)
Going to be talking (writing)about a friend of mine. Stay Tuned.
Suggestion, if you want to see a film about pro wrestling, check out 'The Wrestler' with Mickey Rourke. Great film.
I have a guilty pleasure. I freely admit to it, because there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I, David Meier am a fan of pro wrestling.
I have been for over twenty years.
I remember to this day how I found the sport and how I got hooked on it. It was a Saturday morning in about 1982, I was about 13 years old and I was watching television and happen to stumble across this sports program.At first I didn't know what it was, all I saw were athletes in a ring fighting. It wasn't boxing 'cause they didn't have gloves and they were not taking that mandatory break that all boxing matches have. The first match that I saw was this wrestler, who has since past away named 'Big John Studd' a guy close to 7 feet tall beat up a another guy who quite frankly didn't stand a chance.
Pro wrestling today isn't the pro wrestling it once was. On reason is because most of the secrets of the sport have come out. Every match is predetermined, the wrestler's before the match begins, know who is going to win and who is going to lose.
Another secret that has come out is that the wrestler's you thought couldn't stand the sight of one another and all they wanted to do is beat each other up, are actually good friends. In the 1980's and maybe even before that, those secrets were not known. I remember once reading the cover of a wrestling magazine (yes, they do have those for publication), the wrestler, who's name was Tully Blanchard,made reference to his opponent, by saying how much he hated the guy. They were actually close friends and remain it to this day.
Question I have is how can you beat up a friend of yours and still call him a good friend. If you lose, you still want to go after the person if anything to find out for your self if you have what it takes to beat him.
But, than I started to think. It is all planned. Once again, both wrestler's know who is going to win their match.
Another thing that has changed to a degree is the number of wrestling company's there once were. When I first started watching there were at least five major wrestling company's, or Territory's, as they would call them. They are: The American Wresting Alliance (AWA) World Class Championship Wresting (WCCW) National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) World Championship Wrestling (WCW, formerly known has NWA) and World Wrestling Federation, or what is now called World Wrestling Entertainment (WWF/WWE)
Out of the five I just mentioned, only one is still around: The WWF/WWE.
The WWE is considered to be the best pro wrestling company.
I can only give you my hypothesis (Thanks Buddy) of why the other four company's are no longer around. It is either bad management or they just could not keep it going financially. Each one of these company's had television exposure, but for two if them, the AWA and WCCW their markets or where their respective shows would be seen was not as big as NWA/WCW or the WWE.
About a year ago I was watching an ESPN channel and they had an old episode of one of the AWA's shows. They couldn't even sell out the place. There were more empty seats than there were full ones.
When a wrestling company does a show, doesn't matter where it is at the thing that matters the most for these shows are how many tickets are going to be sold, or if you will, the box office. Box Office scores are not just for movies.
If you don't have that score, you're not going to generate money. Just like a film would do. And eventually, you will go under.
The WWE has never had that problem. Like I said (wrote) The WWE is the gold standard in pro wrestling. All pro wrestler's at some point want to go there and once they have, they realize they have made the big time.
There is another wrestling company that started about 9 years ago and to it's credit, it's a good wrestling outfit. It's called Total Non Stop Action (TNA) Like I just wrote, good company, there making strides in the sport, but it is nowhere near the caliber of World Wrestling Enterainment (WWE)
P.S:If you didn't like todays blog, you're going to love tomorrow's (hopefully)
Going to be talking (writing)about a friend of mine. Stay Tuned.
Suggestion, if you want to see a film about pro wrestling, check out 'The Wrestler' with Mickey Rourke. Great film.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The Tucson Shooting
As I am sure you are aware of no matter what country you, my reader's might happen to live in, it is safe to say you have heard about the tragic shooting of a Congresswoman and 18 others in Tucson, Arizona.
There has been alot of talk about it over the last five days (It happened Saturday, the 8th of January) and some it has not been good. One reason of why it hasn't been good is because there have been people pointing fingers at the wrong people, mostly political persons either Republican or Democrat. It isn't their fault. There is only one person to blame for this and that is the mastermind behind it. This guy defiantly was not using his brain when he committed this foul act.
I think it is one of the reasons I do not follow politics all that much is because no one wants to take blame for something. It's either 'I'll blame the Right or the Left' News Flash, this tragedy is neither a democrats fault or a republicans fault. The reason why it has become that is because this Congress Woman, Gabrielle Giffords was having a rally of sorts and the shooter showed up to a degree and opened fire. I think that is the reason for the political angle.
Why do politicians do this? There is no need for it.
A journalist on Fox news Channel, a cable news network named Alan Combs, a democrat was a guest on a very popular news program called 'Bill O'reilly' or, The 'O'Reilly Factor'.O'Reilly had made a comment about another criminal case and this Combs just let loose on how he thought the Right (Republican's) were at fault for this crime. It was unnecessary.
In addressing the Nation (America) in a memorial service from Tucson, President Barack Obama said it best: Time to put away all the finger pointing and come together as a nation so we can heal. I would agree with that.
In 1986, President Ronald Reagan dealt with the space shuttle Challenger tragedy. 1994 or 1995, Bill Clinton delt with Oklahoma City and the bombing, 2001, G.W. Bush delt with 9/11 and now Obama has to deal with the Tucson tragedy. Each tragedy from Reagan to Obama helped define that presidents Administration for how he handled it and how he helped America get through it.
This could be a defining moment in the Obama administration. And for History.
There has been alot of talk about it over the last five days (It happened Saturday, the 8th of January) and some it has not been good. One reason of why it hasn't been good is because there have been people pointing fingers at the wrong people, mostly political persons either Republican or Democrat. It isn't their fault. There is only one person to blame for this and that is the mastermind behind it. This guy defiantly was not using his brain when he committed this foul act.
I think it is one of the reasons I do not follow politics all that much is because no one wants to take blame for something. It's either 'I'll blame the Right or the Left' News Flash, this tragedy is neither a democrats fault or a republicans fault. The reason why it has become that is because this Congress Woman, Gabrielle Giffords was having a rally of sorts and the shooter showed up to a degree and opened fire. I think that is the reason for the political angle.
Why do politicians do this? There is no need for it.
A journalist on Fox news Channel, a cable news network named Alan Combs, a democrat was a guest on a very popular news program called 'Bill O'reilly' or, The 'O'Reilly Factor'.O'Reilly had made a comment about another criminal case and this Combs just let loose on how he thought the Right (Republican's) were at fault for this crime. It was unnecessary.
In addressing the Nation (America) in a memorial service from Tucson, President Barack Obama said it best: Time to put away all the finger pointing and come together as a nation so we can heal. I would agree with that.
In 1986, President Ronald Reagan dealt with the space shuttle Challenger tragedy. 1994 or 1995, Bill Clinton delt with Oklahoma City and the bombing, 2001, G.W. Bush delt with 9/11 and now Obama has to deal with the Tucson tragedy. Each tragedy from Reagan to Obama helped define that presidents Administration for how he handled it and how he helped America get through it.
This could be a defining moment in the Obama administration. And for History.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
What Are You So Afraid Of?
This, my reader's is not the topic I have been doing research on, but rather something I have been contemplating writing about for a while.
Every one, regardless of what they may say has a phobia of some kind. They don't want to admit it, maybe because they feel its going to make them less of a person, but they have it. We don't have to admit our fears to other people, I think we have to admit our fears to ourselves.
When I was in 7th grade I was taking wood shop and one day was working on a project that I had to use an electric saw. My left thumb got too close to the blade and I got cut. Ever since than I have been afraid to use a saw, even though I had to for various jobs I have had.
When I write this, I am in no way criticizing. I am not here to poke fun at people for the various things they are afraid. I just stated that I think we need to be honest when admitting our fears and there is not a single thing wrong with that. Parents don't tell their children who are afraid of something to 'man up' and face it when they generally see the fear in their eyes.
Another thing this blog topic isn't is going to ask what you are afraid of.
Fears can be a number of things: Heights, going to the doctor and getting a shot etc. Fear can also be attempting something but backing out at the last moment, because there is simply no way you would do it. Fun to talk about and try to convince your self that you could do it, say like Bungee jumping or even sky diving, but getting there and watching other people do it and you think to your self, 'this is crazy. there is no way in hell I am going to do this'. Thats ok. Once again, you're being honest with admitting you're afraid of it.
Years ago I went over to one of my younger siblings house where he had rented a film or documentary called 'Face's Of Death'. I couldn't watch it. I don't like grisly horror movies. I remember watching one when I was young and I couldn't sleep for days.
I know of a person that about 20 years ago give or take was in a bad motorcycle accident. You might think that he would be afraid to get back on one. Nope. He has two of them.
So, as I stated, I am not asking "What Are You So Afraid Of?" I really don't want to know. Just admit it to yourself.
Every one, regardless of what they may say has a phobia of some kind. They don't want to admit it, maybe because they feel its going to make them less of a person, but they have it. We don't have to admit our fears to other people, I think we have to admit our fears to ourselves.
When I was in 7th grade I was taking wood shop and one day was working on a project that I had to use an electric saw. My left thumb got too close to the blade and I got cut. Ever since than I have been afraid to use a saw, even though I had to for various jobs I have had.
When I write this, I am in no way criticizing. I am not here to poke fun at people for the various things they are afraid. I just stated that I think we need to be honest when admitting our fears and there is not a single thing wrong with that. Parents don't tell their children who are afraid of something to 'man up' and face it when they generally see the fear in their eyes.
Another thing this blog topic isn't is going to ask what you are afraid of.
Fears can be a number of things: Heights, going to the doctor and getting a shot etc. Fear can also be attempting something but backing out at the last moment, because there is simply no way you would do it. Fun to talk about and try to convince your self that you could do it, say like Bungee jumping or even sky diving, but getting there and watching other people do it and you think to your self, 'this is crazy. there is no way in hell I am going to do this'. Thats ok. Once again, you're being honest with admitting you're afraid of it.
Years ago I went over to one of my younger siblings house where he had rented a film or documentary called 'Face's Of Death'. I couldn't watch it. I don't like grisly horror movies. I remember watching one when I was young and I couldn't sleep for days.
I know of a person that about 20 years ago give or take was in a bad motorcycle accident. You might think that he would be afraid to get back on one. Nope. He has two of them.
So, as I stated, I am not asking "What Are You So Afraid Of?" I really don't want to know. Just admit it to yourself.
Friday, January 7, 2011
I Don't Get It
Alright, my reader's as promised I am going to ruffle a few feathers and get a little graphic in this Friday's blog. I am going to write about the porn industry and its affect on relationships and marriage. You have been warned. If you choose, now is the time to leave.
About a year or so ago I was channel surfing trying to find what was on television when I came across this news show that was talking about the business side of the porn industry and all of the money it generates. One thing in particular caught my eye: This woman who was (or is ) doing it, it showed her and her life outside of it and her life with her family. Apparently, according to this show, she is a wife and a mother. Yeah, you read it right, she is (or was) doing porn and she is a mother. I Don't Get It. How can you be in a business like that with all that they do through out the day when their filming and than come home to the wife and or husband and consider it a days work?
In my opinion, you can't. You can not be honest in either a marriage or a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship when you are doing porn. I don't call them actors, because their not. Let's be serious, if sex was 'acting' anyone who has ever had it would be actor's.
It's an addiction, I think. You either can't get enough sex or you can't get enough women, either one.
Did I mention this woman had a kid. I can't even imagine that. If you were to think about it, "mom " is not helping her child by her choice in a career. It would hurt more than it would help I would think.
Heres why I think it would hurt. Two reasons. One:being the odd kid out when the child is in school and everyone ask, 'OK, what does your mother do'? It would be a complete shock to the teacher's if they were to find out.
Two: The bullying. Yes, I said bullying. It has to happen, no child preteen or teen is seriously going to look at this and think it's the coolest thing ever. Even the child in question would hear more than once "hey, I saw your mom in a video,can she come over to my house?"
Than, I think most importantly would be the strain on the marriage and or relationship. I should probably stop here because a married couple doesn't want to hear from a guy who has never been married on how a marriage should work and how to keep it together. Fair enough. But, if I may say, please just hear me out, if I am wrong with anything that I write, I stand corrected.
Anyone who has ever been in a relationship with either a man or woman, I think it is very safe to say they don't like to be cheated on. If anyone would say they do, I think they would be lieing, personally, but I digress. When you are in a relationship you want honesty from that person. That is why or at least should be why they say they love you.
It is very safe to say that if this woman in the show that I saw was in fact married she is cheating on her husband and it calls for a unhealthy marriage.
I know there are some of you that read this blog that are married, and I wouldn't doubt for a second that you and your spouse take the relationship very seriously. You would try the best that you can not to jeopardize it.
This woman isn't trying very hard.
But, she is not the only one. There are countless stories of married couples that have cheated on one another. Alot end up in divorce, alot of them want to work on it, to keep the marriage and or relationship intact.
If there are and obviously there are people that don't seem to care.
About twenty years ago, give or take, I had a best friend who's name was Kurt. Kurt had a girlfriend who was named Pam and they were engaged and expecting. The girlfriend had a friend who to put it mildly was or has to be one of the most obnoxious people I have ever met in my life. This woman just didn't care who she hurt or the way she did it. She was married and I guess just to cheat on the husband because she couldn't find anything else better to do, she cornered me and actually asked me to sleep with her. I am not making this up. I didn't. Here is why: She was married and even though at the time I wasn't a Christian I took the sanctity of marriage seriously. Even though to a degree I did get involved with her and her husbands issues, I didn't go too far with it,Thank God.
Maybe it's just me. I'll say it again, I am not in a relationship at the moment so maybe I don't know what length a couple would go to and even if there is such as a thing as an 'open' marriage/relationship. If there was would you seriously want it?
About a year or so ago I was channel surfing trying to find what was on television when I came across this news show that was talking about the business side of the porn industry and all of the money it generates. One thing in particular caught my eye: This woman who was (or is ) doing it, it showed her and her life outside of it and her life with her family. Apparently, according to this show, she is a wife and a mother. Yeah, you read it right, she is (or was) doing porn and she is a mother. I Don't Get It. How can you be in a business like that with all that they do through out the day when their filming and than come home to the wife and or husband and consider it a days work?
In my opinion, you can't. You can not be honest in either a marriage or a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship when you are doing porn. I don't call them actors, because their not. Let's be serious, if sex was 'acting' anyone who has ever had it would be actor's.
It's an addiction, I think. You either can't get enough sex or you can't get enough women, either one.
Did I mention this woman had a kid. I can't even imagine that. If you were to think about it, "mom " is not helping her child by her choice in a career. It would hurt more than it would help I would think.
Heres why I think it would hurt. Two reasons. One:being the odd kid out when the child is in school and everyone ask, 'OK, what does your mother do'? It would be a complete shock to the teacher's if they were to find out.
Two: The bullying. Yes, I said bullying. It has to happen, no child preteen or teen is seriously going to look at this and think it's the coolest thing ever. Even the child in question would hear more than once "hey, I saw your mom in a video,can she come over to my house?"
Than, I think most importantly would be the strain on the marriage and or relationship. I should probably stop here because a married couple doesn't want to hear from a guy who has never been married on how a marriage should work and how to keep it together. Fair enough. But, if I may say, please just hear me out, if I am wrong with anything that I write, I stand corrected.
Anyone who has ever been in a relationship with either a man or woman, I think it is very safe to say they don't like to be cheated on. If anyone would say they do, I think they would be lieing, personally, but I digress. When you are in a relationship you want honesty from that person. That is why or at least should be why they say they love you.
It is very safe to say that if this woman in the show that I saw was in fact married she is cheating on her husband and it calls for a unhealthy marriage.
I know there are some of you that read this blog that are married, and I wouldn't doubt for a second that you and your spouse take the relationship very seriously. You would try the best that you can not to jeopardize it.
This woman isn't trying very hard.
But, she is not the only one. There are countless stories of married couples that have cheated on one another. Alot end up in divorce, alot of them want to work on it, to keep the marriage and or relationship intact.
If there are and obviously there are people that don't seem to care.
About twenty years ago, give or take, I had a best friend who's name was Kurt. Kurt had a girlfriend who was named Pam and they were engaged and expecting. The girlfriend had a friend who to put it mildly was or has to be one of the most obnoxious people I have ever met in my life. This woman just didn't care who she hurt or the way she did it. She was married and I guess just to cheat on the husband because she couldn't find anything else better to do, she cornered me and actually asked me to sleep with her. I am not making this up. I didn't. Here is why: She was married and even though at the time I wasn't a Christian I took the sanctity of marriage seriously. Even though to a degree I did get involved with her and her husbands issues, I didn't go too far with it,Thank God.
Maybe it's just me. I'll say it again, I am not in a relationship at the moment so maybe I don't know what length a couple would go to and even if there is such as a thing as an 'open' marriage/relationship. If there was would you seriously want it?
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Directv vs. Dish Network
Hello, my good reader's. How the hell are ya? As a good friend of mine once said.(and continues to) Doing' good, I hope. OK, today is a whole new topic that hopefully you will like. It's not really about film, well I guess it can be because you can watch them on either satellite, but today I want to discuss satellite television.
Now, I am not going to sit here and write which one I think is better than the other, nor would I critize either satellite. What I will tell you is that in the house I reside in we have Dish Network and it is safe to say that everyone in the house likes it. It would be the same if we had Directv. We wouldn't care, they both work the same. Both Companys, Dish & Direct have been around for over twenty years, however for me personally, I think I remember seeing both and watching a demo of each in a Circuit City about 17 or 18 years ago. I remember they had them both side by side with the same movie playing ('Dazed & Confused' Directed by Richard Link latter, 1993)
We (my house) had dish network installed sometime around April or May of 2010 and just recently we added high definition to it making the experience even more enjoyable.
The object to a satellite is to have way more channels than what you can find on your town's cable company. With Dish, they have over 9,000 channels as to your towns cable company, a bit less. Week before Christmas I was in California visiting a relative and he had Directv in his house. For me personally, it was the first time in a long time I had the chance to compare both. Like I just wrote a paragraph or two ago, they both work the same with just about the same amount of channels. Like I also wrote, maybe a slight difference or two if you look closely.
But not a bad system to have. Both work a lot better than cable TV, one of the reasons we got it in our house was because if we would watch something with cable, the station more often than not would freeze up and stay there for some times hours. I recall once and this is true, there was one station that stayed frozed for 3 days, until some one fixed it, on the corporate level. No lie.
Here is a brief example of what you can get: all your local television stations (ABC, CBS,etc) Cable channels such as HBO (movie channel) and one thing that I especially like, close to 10 Christian based stations.
Not bad.
When I was a teen, I would go over to some friends house and some of them would have a satellite in their homes. How ever, from what I recall the dish it self was huge, could not fit it on your roof like it would today. I do not recall all of the stations you could have gotten, but I do remember one friend telling me it was possible to get television from all around the world.
I think the reason for the change from a big dish to a smaller sized dish system is an obvious one: much smaller in size, the price is less and it works just about the same, give or take some things.
So, if you have either Directv or Dish Network, how do you like it? In many ways, it's a cool thing to have.
Tomorrow, just so you know ahead of time, I am going to get a little controversial and discuss something that may not be suitable for everyone who reads this.
Now, I am not going to sit here and write which one I think is better than the other, nor would I critize either satellite. What I will tell you is that in the house I reside in we have Dish Network and it is safe to say that everyone in the house likes it. It would be the same if we had Directv. We wouldn't care, they both work the same. Both Companys, Dish & Direct have been around for over twenty years, however for me personally, I think I remember seeing both and watching a demo of each in a Circuit City about 17 or 18 years ago. I remember they had them both side by side with the same movie playing ('Dazed & Confused' Directed by Richard Link latter, 1993)
We (my house) had dish network installed sometime around April or May of 2010 and just recently we added high definition to it making the experience even more enjoyable.
The object to a satellite is to have way more channels than what you can find on your town's cable company. With Dish, they have over 9,000 channels as to your towns cable company, a bit less. Week before Christmas I was in California visiting a relative and he had Directv in his house. For me personally, it was the first time in a long time I had the chance to compare both. Like I just wrote a paragraph or two ago, they both work the same with just about the same amount of channels. Like I also wrote, maybe a slight difference or two if you look closely.
But not a bad system to have. Both work a lot better than cable TV, one of the reasons we got it in our house was because if we would watch something with cable, the station more often than not would freeze up and stay there for some times hours. I recall once and this is true, there was one station that stayed frozed for 3 days, until some one fixed it, on the corporate level. No lie.
Here is a brief example of what you can get: all your local television stations (ABC, CBS,etc) Cable channels such as HBO (movie channel) and one thing that I especially like, close to 10 Christian based stations.
Not bad.
When I was a teen, I would go over to some friends house and some of them would have a satellite in their homes. How ever, from what I recall the dish it self was huge, could not fit it on your roof like it would today. I do not recall all of the stations you could have gotten, but I do remember one friend telling me it was possible to get television from all around the world.
I think the reason for the change from a big dish to a smaller sized dish system is an obvious one: much smaller in size, the price is less and it works just about the same, give or take some things.
So, if you have either Directv or Dish Network, how do you like it? In many ways, it's a cool thing to have.
Tomorrow, just so you know ahead of time, I am going to get a little controversial and discuss something that may not be suitable for everyone who reads this.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Any Question's? Answer's
OK, last of the film making series. Your questions.
Here Go's
From Grace: What are Art House Movies, Cult movies etc?
Best way to describe a art house film is this way, I suppose. Its a film that some times does not get alot publicity, IE like a summer action filled block buster, but not a bad film. It is usually made by an independent film studio that like I said (wrote) even though it is good most of the time even a great film by un heard of writer's or directors. The could be drama's that some times but not all ways period piece's. I have heard one person describe on art house film in particular as being slow and boring.
I do not share that opinion.
More often than not an 'Art film' will have it's own theater as well.
What are 'Cult' Films.
A cult film can be described as a movie that probably did not do well in the box office, although it was a good movie and has its legion of fans who want to see it either on DVD or in a theather. I think the best two examples I can give is the original 1970's version of a horror film called 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' or depending on who you ask, the most infamous of all cult movies "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" that is still being played in theather's at midnight on the weekends more than 30 plus years after its release
Hope it answer's your question.
Tomorrow: A whole new blog topic, off of the subject of film's.
Here Go's
From Grace: What are Art House Movies, Cult movies etc?
Best way to describe a art house film is this way, I suppose. Its a film that some times does not get alot publicity, IE like a summer action filled block buster, but not a bad film. It is usually made by an independent film studio that like I said (wrote) even though it is good most of the time even a great film by un heard of writer's or directors. The could be drama's that some times but not all ways period piece's. I have heard one person describe on art house film in particular as being slow and boring.
I do not share that opinion.
More often than not an 'Art film' will have it's own theater as well.
What are 'Cult' Films.
A cult film can be described as a movie that probably did not do well in the box office, although it was a good movie and has its legion of fans who want to see it either on DVD or in a theather. I think the best two examples I can give is the original 1970's version of a horror film called 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' or depending on who you ask, the most infamous of all cult movies "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" that is still being played in theather's at midnight on the weekends more than 30 plus years after its release
Hope it answer's your question.
Tomorrow: A whole new blog topic, off of the subject of film's.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Film-Making:Part Eight: Any Questions?
Alright my reader's now it is your turn. If you have any questions about film making, I will try to answer them the best that I can. Before I answer any of your questions (should there be any) I would like to add something as sort of a guide line:
1:Any questions regarding my screenplay, I am sorry but I can not go into complete detail than what I have written about it. All I will say is that the ball is rolling
2: Actor's or actress's. I am not going to name drop. Might be hard to believe and you may think I am lying,but I have met a few actors and actress's, some I think would be great for Bring On The Dancing Horses
3: Finally, I am fairly new to this, even though I have been following movie's most of my life, I am new to it as far as explaining it in detail to people such as who ever as read this. If I have gotten some thing wrong, which I wouldn't doubt for a second, I would suggest getting a second opinion from some one who would be a bit more educated in motion pictures than I am.
I tried to be honest. Hopefully I was.
PS: The answer was "Harry Potter"
1:Any questions regarding my screenplay, I am sorry but I can not go into complete detail than what I have written about it. All I will say is that the ball is rolling
2: Actor's or actress's. I am not going to name drop. Might be hard to believe and you may think I am lying,but I have met a few actors and actress's, some I think would be great for Bring On The Dancing Horses
3: Finally, I am fairly new to this, even though I have been following movie's most of my life, I am new to it as far as explaining it in detail to people such as who ever as read this. If I have gotten some thing wrong, which I wouldn't doubt for a second, I would suggest getting a second opinion from some one who would be a bit more educated in motion pictures than I am.
I tried to be honest. Hopefully I was.
PS: The answer was "Harry Potter"
Film Making:Part Seven
OK, we have reached that all important moment. The release of your movie. But before we go any further let me say this, and I mean this honestly. By the end of next week or even by the end of this blog series, I may delete this blog entirely. It was fun having, and I do like writing it, but I feel that it is going nowhere.
Honestly, my reader's, I know you like it, you have have commented that what I have written about has made you think to some degree, and I appreciate that. But is it worth continuing?
With that said, lets get back to the topic at hand.
The release of your film could be one of two things. It could have a theater release or it could go directly to DVD.
If it goes directly to DVD, this is no ones fault at all. Alot of movies don't even see a theater screen. There are tons one of reasons for this, one, it is a made for TV movie. two it is really poorly made film, also known as a 'B' movie. Or three, the studio doesn't have the budget to get in theater's.
Film making is not an easy process as I have stated earlier in this series. I wouldn't doubt that there are toms of people that think all they have to do is write that great script thats going to win them award after award and in the process make them rich.
But think about this, if you have ever watched the Oscar's on television (the biggest award show for movies) they have a writing award. Best screenplay. Out of the four to five nominees for that, give or take, only one wins. Thats not to say that the losing scripts if you will are bad, because to their credit, they're not, I'll say it again, it is not an easy business.
If your film does get a theather release than for the most part lucky you. Your dream has come true, people will be going to a theather to see your imagination. And the more people that see it, the box office receipts come in and in the process you get a percentage of that because, well you wrote the script and you are listed in the credits.
But, than again, brace your self, even though you do have a theather release alot of people may not see it. Tons of reasons for that as well.
I will cover two of them
1: Critics
A film critic is basically the person that either on TV or in magazines gives a review of movies. Most of the time or if not all the time, they are sent a DVD copy of the film be fore it is released in theather's
Now if it is a favorable review, congratulations, if it isn't so favorable, congratulations still, you proved your point. You used your imagination and it got you on the big screen
2: People may not find it interesting
I think it is just like reading a book or listening to music, if you hear it or read and it doesn't catch your attention for any reason, you ignore it. Happens.
Out of all of the motion pictures that were released in theather's in 2010 no matter how good they were, half of the movie going public didn't see them. Why? Didn't interest them.
When I was writing my script I was amazed by two things, one, that I had the imagination to do it and my writing ability. It is not easy writing a screenplay. To make it brief, "Bring On The Dancing Horses' was something I had been thinking of writing for years. I just didn't think that I could do it and by saying that I don't mean not having something to write it with, all though that was the case for some of it, the other part was asking my self if I had the imagination to do it. Alot of the time I questioned my self and my ability.
But when I actually convinced my self there was only one way and one way only to see if I had the ability or not, and that was to start writing it. Once I did, I was amazed of how it was turning out. I would literally sit at my computer and write and than look back at it and think 'wow, I actually thought of that.' From my mind, to my finger's to the keyboard of my computer there it was. I surprised even my self, because I'll say it again, I didn't think I had the ability to write it.
I think most people are like that. Weather it's writing or doing what ever it is they say it would be fun to do, but they never do because they don't have the courage to do it. Part of being a human, I think.
Tomorrow: Q&A
Honestly, my reader's, I know you like it, you have have commented that what I have written about has made you think to some degree, and I appreciate that. But is it worth continuing?
With that said, lets get back to the topic at hand.
The release of your film could be one of two things. It could have a theater release or it could go directly to DVD.
If it goes directly to DVD, this is no ones fault at all. Alot of movies don't even see a theater screen. There are tons one of reasons for this, one, it is a made for TV movie. two it is really poorly made film, also known as a 'B' movie. Or three, the studio doesn't have the budget to get in theater's.
Film making is not an easy process as I have stated earlier in this series. I wouldn't doubt that there are toms of people that think all they have to do is write that great script thats going to win them award after award and in the process make them rich.
But think about this, if you have ever watched the Oscar's on television (the biggest award show for movies) they have a writing award. Best screenplay. Out of the four to five nominees for that, give or take, only one wins. Thats not to say that the losing scripts if you will are bad, because to their credit, they're not, I'll say it again, it is not an easy business.
If your film does get a theather release than for the most part lucky you. Your dream has come true, people will be going to a theather to see your imagination. And the more people that see it, the box office receipts come in and in the process you get a percentage of that because, well you wrote the script and you are listed in the credits.
But, than again, brace your self, even though you do have a theather release alot of people may not see it. Tons of reasons for that as well.
I will cover two of them
1: Critics
A film critic is basically the person that either on TV or in magazines gives a review of movies. Most of the time or if not all the time, they are sent a DVD copy of the film be fore it is released in theather's
Now if it is a favorable review, congratulations, if it isn't so favorable, congratulations still, you proved your point. You used your imagination and it got you on the big screen
2: People may not find it interesting
I think it is just like reading a book or listening to music, if you hear it or read and it doesn't catch your attention for any reason, you ignore it. Happens.
Out of all of the motion pictures that were released in theather's in 2010 no matter how good they were, half of the movie going public didn't see them. Why? Didn't interest them.
When I was writing my script I was amazed by two things, one, that I had the imagination to do it and my writing ability. It is not easy writing a screenplay. To make it brief, "Bring On The Dancing Horses' was something I had been thinking of writing for years. I just didn't think that I could do it and by saying that I don't mean not having something to write it with, all though that was the case for some of it, the other part was asking my self if I had the imagination to do it. Alot of the time I questioned my self and my ability.
But when I actually convinced my self there was only one way and one way only to see if I had the ability or not, and that was to start writing it. Once I did, I was amazed of how it was turning out. I would literally sit at my computer and write and than look back at it and think 'wow, I actually thought of that.' From my mind, to my finger's to the keyboard of my computer there it was. I surprised even my self, because I'll say it again, I didn't think I had the ability to write it.
I think most people are like that. Weather it's writing or doing what ever it is they say it would be fun to do, but they never do because they don't have the courage to do it. Part of being a human, I think.
Tomorrow: Q&A
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