Friday, February 25, 2011

Star Wars Vs Star Trek

Ok, my reader's happy friday to all. Did I just write the word 'friday'? It could only mean one thing. Its 'IF' time again.

Today I want to talk about both Star Wars and Star Trek, the television series and movie franchise. Now, this is not going to be a debate on which I think is better. What this is going to be is looking in to some people's stupidity of taking both way too far.

Star Trek, the television series was created by Gene Roddenberry in the late 1960's and to it's credit is a fine show, even if it is a bit shlocky at times, but a good show, none the less. And Star Wars, the George Lucas classics is a fine example of movie making special effects. Had it not of been for Star Wars and the special effects in the films, its kinda difficult to say what special effects for all types of films would be like with out them. In a word, it set the bar.

I give credit where credit is due to both 'Stars', And I to a degree like them both. Very imaginative when it came to the story lines.

The difference from my self to other fans of the show is I know how to take it for what it is. And that is a television show. Nothing more. Nothing less. Believe it or not there are millions of fans for both 'stars' that don't know how to do that. They make more out of it than what it is. I must admit, I never really quite understood that. The 'Trek' fans are called 'Trekkie's' and if there is a name for 'Wars', I don't know what that is, but regardless, these people need to get a grip on reality.

I think to some degree everyone likes to use their imagination for there jobs or for the fun of it. Think back to when you were a child or if you are reading this and currently are a child. One of things you liked or like to do is play, either by your self with your toys or with a group of friends, nothing wrong with that at all. Its called Imagination. You and a group of friends playing action figures and giving them life. Its interesting if anything to look back on it all and say or think to your self, I actually did that. I gave GI Joe a life and my friends and I at the time (or once again if you are child reading this ) we had a good time. Girls do it as well. You were in your room playing with your dolls, pretending to be their 'mommy' and you treated them like they were your children.

Once again, looking back on it, you might cringe and feel little embarrassed to admit it, but you had fun.

Once again,nothing wrong with that. When you were a child.

But, than you grew up and you faced adult responsibility's. Ie, you put away childish things. At least, most adults have.

I have heard stories about these so called 'Trekkie's' that they would go out of their way to do anything in their might for this show. Conventions,Spending money they don't have on old toys they find some where to even getting into arguments over how fast the Enterprise was.

Not something you want to end a friendship over, but hey, who am I?

Same thing can be said about 'Star Wars'. But here's something I like about the 'wars' situation. Even the writer/ director/ creator of the movies, George Lucas doesn't really understand all of the fanatical stuff. I remember watching an interview with Lucas in 1998 just before 'Star War's' part 4 came out. ( Yeah, I know there's a name for it, but get real, technically its the fourth film) He was being interviewed outside a movie theater where the film was going to be shown, and naturally there was a huge line of people actually camping out in front of the place waiting to be one of the first ones to see the motion picture. One guy saw George and yelled out that he had been in line for like over forty days. Lucas looked at him as to say "why"? Its a movie.

Every one who has ever read this blog knows I am a fan of movies of almost any genre, but on thing I have never done and I will never do is spend days camped out in front of a movie theater just waiting to be the first one to see it, regardless of what it is. I wouldn't even do that with 'Bring On The Dancing Horses'. And we all know who is responsible for the screenplay to that up coming film.

Being a fan antic over something isn't just with movies. There are people that are huge fans of rock bands and singer/ song writers. To this day some thirty plus years after his death, Elvis Presley still has fans that would do just about any thing for him or his memory. Question I have is what has Elvis Presley or any other musician done for these wild fans. If you say well he wrote good songs, in my opinion that isn't enough.

I'll leave you with this suggestion in closing: If you are going to be a fan of anyone or anything why not do it for some one who actually did something personally for you.

Like, lets say, I don't know, die on a Cross for your sins?

Lets get Interactive.

d..... well, you get the gist