Friday, May 28, 2010

FPTF IF's (from paper to films Interactive fridays)

Hi reader. (if I still have any left.)Busy week this week. As all of you know, I was in California. Awesome. Only word to describe it. Looked into a business possibility, saw some old friends. It was a blast. If you have never been to San Diego, California, I highly recommend visiting.

Now, on to my blog.

I had a ground rule for this blog, a couple actually, but one ground rule that I think I have is I do not want to get too political and come off sounding like some right or left wing nut job.

But, what this oil spill is doing in the gulf of Mexico is not helping this planet. Its damaging it. I remember hearing about an oil spill in the 1980's called the exxon Valdez, and the damage it cost and is probably still doing some 20 years later.

I dont want to sound like an envoirnmentalist either. I dont think that I am. I mean I care for the planet, but am I doing my share to make it beter? Probably not.

The amount of money this is costing tax payers is astonishing. The clean up alone is going to be expensive. If they can ever clean it all up.And the ocean life. All of the fishes and other water creatures. Its a waiste.

So todays IF is: What is your take on this oil spill in the gulf of Mexico and what do you think can be done?
