Friday, December 30, 2011

Siblings Part Two

Over the summer I was watching a television show where a guy met his younger brother for the very first time in their lives. I don't know the whole story so I am not going to make things up as I go along, but I can tell you is this. The father of both these two men tried, as I found out while watching the show to get in contact with the other son. The son wanted nothing to do with him, or so I gathered from what I saw. In turn, the father must have told his other children about this man, his career, etc.

When the two brother did finally meet I got the impression from watching the tv show that they got along well and that it seemed they known each other all their lives.

But that's television and It's usally not how it goes. It might be safe to say that even the two brothers communicate with each other they still have alot to go before they can say, 'yeah, were good'

After I had seen this show I started thinking about the relationship I have with my siblings. Don't get me wrong, I love them and I am sure in return they feel the same way about me. Even though it can be rocky at times, I am a part of their lives, they will always be a part of mine. And I love that fact.

But what I got to thinking about was my father who I was never close to and didn't have the chance of meeting.

It could be possible that I might have brother's and sisters I never knew about. I can't prove this, but I wouldn't doubt it

Here is the thing about it. I don't think I want to know. Yeah, it may sound rude and a little heart less but thats how I feel. If I can, let me explain.

Like I said, I have five younger siblings, three brothers and two sisters who I love and respect dearly. I am content with having what I have and knowing what I know.

Having other siblings wouldn't change anything.

If anything it would be awkward. Especially that first meeting.

I am going to give two hypothetical reasons. One, let's say I do search for these people and I find out that during the course of my fathers life he made money. And I do mean money, which would leave his children rich. Perhaps they might think the only reason I searched for them was to get some of that money. Some may feel it's owed to me, others might feel I should just leave it alone.

I would leave it alone. Once again, I can not prove these people exist and what I am writing is just a theory.

But it could be a possible scenario.

Another scenario would be that they are the most insane people on earth and even Jerry Springer would have to say they're bizare and would never be on his show.

If that was the case, the five siblings that I have I would appreciate even more than what I do already.

Other people may not feel the same I do,If you have other siblings and can prove it, I am not saying you shouldn't look into it, that choice is yours.

To each his own I guess it would be safe to say.

In closing I will leave with these two things:

If you recall in a previous blog entry I wrote sometime last year I made refernce to both my father and my grandfather. I had wrote that I felt I didn't need to look for a father figure because I had one and it wasn't going to get any better than what it was with my grandpa.

I feel the same way about my brother and sisters. Do we have arguements? You bet. Do we some times say hurtful things that we sometimes mean or don't mean to say? Absolutely. We are not perfect by any stretch. But, what we do have is we get along, we let by gones be by gones. Some things are tough and we may not speak to one another for a period of time, but we come around.

I wouldn't want it any other way.

In the Book of Genesis the story of Joesph and his brothers. His older brothers sold him into slavery, years later when Joesph became a ruler over his land they saw each other again and he forgave them because he knew this was Gods plan.

You deal with the cards you have been delt with.

Once again, I can not prove that my father had other children, and I don't want to. They would have to make the first move.

I'm not going to hold my breath and wait for that moment to arrive.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Forgivness. It's Good Thing.

I have to get something off my chest, I have a facebook friend who I used to go to school with back in the '80's. Some how between then and now we lost contact with one another. It was only recently within the last year, year in a half maybe that we found each other again and it's good.
but here's the thing, when my facebook friend and I were in school I was angry at him. It's not important why, but I remember being so resentful over something he had done that I felt if I never saw him again it would be too soon.

Flash forward to late 2009 possibly early 2010 and said person and I are friends. I have not seen him face to face yet because we both live in different states, but if the oppertunity ever did present it self, I would be up for seeing him again. The question is though, who would have thought that after 20 plus years that this guy who I thought I destested, would become a friend again?

Answer: God

We all have, and I think we have to admit this people that we need to forgive, whether it's something that you said or something that you did.

And vice versa

Why do we forgive one, because God cammands and second you do feel better once it's done.

When I was a child I had met some people that I found were not the most friendly people on the planet. I found out when they did something I didn't like. It took me almost 17 years to forgive them. I remember It wasn't easy, but I am happy that I did it and I do feel better about my self and I think I feel I am even a stronger Christian for forgiving the person.

Forgivness can be hard at times. A friend or even a parent can be so creul that it haunts you and you can't bring yourself to do it.

Been there.

But, once again, it wasn't easy, but thank's to the Grace of God and His love that I was able to do it.

Now, don't get me wrong, there are shall I say sensitive issues of why a person doesn't want or simply can't forgive who ever they need to. I feel that's valid. Life can be tough. Or is tough.

I can't speak for these people nor will I try to, they have their reasons and it's between them and the God they serve.

I just pray it's the same God I serve and one day He will make them see how powerful forgiving someone can be.

I will conclude with two things: One, and mind you I didn't always have this point of view, it took a long time to get here, but, here goes.

With my facebook friend, I can recall what he did and just how bad I thought it was, but if Jesus Christ can be on a Cross with nails in his hands and feet and still have the courage to say " Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" why can't I do the same thing for something considerbly less than that?

Once again, forgivness isn't always easy, sometimes it can be that hardest thing you'll ever do, but once it's done, you'll feel a 1000% better.

And, Mike, if you read this, doesn't matter what it was, it's water under the bridge and I am Glad God worked it out. I hope we remain friends.