Ever had that one vacation that to you personally beats it all? Its like you will never have another one just like that ever again. You know what happens after that don't you? You end up having another vacation that in your mind is even better than the last one. Vacations are fun to have. I would like to tell you about three that I have had and than give you, my reader's the chance to respond with your best vacation story (please limit it to one.) Why do I get to write about three? It's my blog.
Live with it.
First vacation that I can really recall having a major blast was a week long church camp in the northern California mountains. I believe it was called Camp Sugar Pine, named for the sugar pine trees they had. Beautiful scenery.
The whole week there was great music, great Bible teachings, at least two a day if I recall and great friends that I still recall to this day.
It was wonderful. The week was topped off by two things, one a famous classic '80's Christian band played live one night, and one day we went to Yosemite National forest. Now, if you have never been to YNF you should go at some point in your life. Its just beautiful. The mountains, the trees, etc. Great time.
Second vacation memory was with my grandparents and two of my younger siblings. Went to my grandfather's home town in Nebraska. Little small Podunk town that quite frankly if you blinked you would have missed it. I dont think up to that point I had never really been to a small town like that. Perhaps I have, I just can not recall it. My grandparents and I drove there, took about two in a half days. Saw some breath taking parts of the country. There is a reason why The United States Of America is often know for its Purple Mountains Majesty. Awesome to look at.
I remember four things from that vacation, one it was boring. No joke.
One of my younger siblings and I got out of the van we drove in, took one look around and I think in unison said " is this it?"
We had stayed with a relative of my grandfather's. An elderly woman, who I think forgot we were coming, but it was ok, because she had a basement in her house and I think it was the first one I had ever been in.
Living in Downey,California for a good portion of my childhood, I don't recall going into too many houses that had a basement. I could be wrong about this, but "basements" in general are a rare thing in California.
Another thing I recall about the Nebraska vacation is, that year (1984) the summer Olympics were being held in Los Angeles and even though I didn't have tickets for it, I still wanted to watch them. Especially the track and Field events, because I was a runner. That year would be my freshmen year in high school and well, the memory is still with me so much that I wrote about it.
Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to see the games too much, but oh well.
Third vacation memory is another camping trip, I think when I was about 14 going into 8th grade. Another church outing. The church I was attending the youth group and the youth group of I think two other churches. This was in Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara state beach.Alot of memory's from that one. Our camp site, from what I recall was on this cliff and of course over looking it was the Ocean, and man, what a sight.
To get down to the water was this concrete path that had alot of curves to it, I spent some time running both up and down perhaps twice a day. Bad part about the state beach thing were two things, ok, maybe one bad thing, the water had alot of moss or sea weed that would wash up on shore and not only could you get tangled up in it, but you could not avoid stepping in it and it would stick to the bottoms of your feet. Wasn't easy to remove, either. I think everyone went home with green feet. Try explaining that one to mom and dad.
Our camp site was basically right on train tracks and in the wee hours of the morning not only could hear them, (very loudly) but the vibration on the ground would keep you awake. I think the first night I slept outside with no tent. Well, I tried to, anyway. Second night I was in a tent and I recall I was so fatigued that I didn't stay awake long.
A friend of mine named Carl said he tried to wake me up cause no on else was sleeping, but, didn't work. Some times, when I am sleeping, I can't sleep with either television or lights on. I need to have quiet. Same people can do it, I can not.
Like I said, vacations are fun. I would also like to say that last summer when I went to California more than once, I had an awesome time.
Looking forward to doing it again this year.
So, now its your turn.
If you have a story to tell about a memorable vacation, I would like to hear about it.