Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You Kids And Your Music Today

How many of us have heard that saying? If you are a child growning up today, how many times have you heard either your parents or someone else you know say that to you? It's a commonly known word that even your grandparents have been asked by their parents.

Think about this: If you grew up in the 1930's or '40's listening to artist's like Benny Goodman or a Glen Miller your parent's might have questioned it to a degree by sayig 'that wasn't what we grew up with'. The point I am trying to make is this: Doesn't matter the decade music over the years has changed and will continue to do so.

The late 1950' brought along rock and roll and, once again, if you grew up in that time, you probably would have listened to the pioneer's of this new innovative music.

I have relatives who were teenagers and than became young adults in the 1960's. The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, just to name a few were just getting their starts and I wouldn't doubt that their parents would have said, what is a Beatle? or why the name 'Rolling Stone'? Like their parents before them, they didn't get it.

Rock and roll when it was only ten years old would have been impressive to have listened to at the time. If you were there, you probably would consider your self lucky.

But, you grew up and became parents and your children started listening to music, either in the 1970's or the the 80's.

And what did you tell them, hmmm? You probably thought to yourself, I have become one of my parents because I have just said the same thing they said to me..... Take a guess what that is

I wouldn't say that parents today have it tough when it comes to their childrens music or the type of music that is around today. Like I said with every decade music changes.If you think rap music is ok, than thats your veiw, if you have heard a rap song and the language in it and tell your child they are not going to listen to it, that's your veiw as well. I personally would have to commend you for that because I don't like rap music.

A few years ago I was going somewhere with one of my younger siblings who at the time, just got his license. The vulgarity in what he was listening to was so bad I had to tell him to turn it off.

I told him I couldn't believe that our mother would let him listen to that. Man, it was dirty.

Music has certainly changed since my generation was growing up.

Do your kids listen to music? Of course, every child does. Depending on the style of it, do you find your self becoming your parents or your grandparents?

I heard this saying in a movie "It's our music and you don't get it"

Now you are the parent and you know what,you don't get it.

With todays music, neither do I.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Never Really Been One Of Them Money Hungry Fools

I used to have this hypothesis that happiness was boring. People would ask me' are you happy' and most of the time I would tell them no, because happiness bored me.

I didn't know what true happiness was. Now that I know what it is, yes, I am happy.

What I don't think is that people are content with their lives. It seems we always want more of what we already have. With a few exceptions.

One exception I think is marriage. If you love your spouse to the point where you can't think of even being with another woman/ and or man, than I would think it is safe to say you are content.

I have never met my birth father and before I go any further I want to make it perfectly clear that it doesn't bother me. I am content with having the grandfather that I did have as I have written of before.

Since I have never met the man, I don't know if he had any other children. I can't prove that he has or hasn't and I am in no big rush to find out, but I wouldn't doubt it. What I am trying to say is this: I am content with the siblings that I know I do have. It is safe to say we love and care for each other and even though there are some rocky moments that doesn't mean if God forbid that one of us should get injured we wouldn't have the opinion of saying 'forget him or her'. We would be there the best way we could. With that being said, why would I go searching for other siblings. I am content.

However, as humans even though we do have some things we are content with and happy about there are perhaps tons of things we are not content with.

It could be your job, you or we always want a better one.

It could be our houses. It's nice, but we want nicer. Could even be your vehicle of choice. There is a long list of things.

Question is, however what makes us that way. Why can't we just be happy with the way things are? It may fall back to how I opened this blog. We get bored. The same day in day out routine gets old very quickly and before we know it we're thinking 'things need to change'

Does money make you happy? If you are either a multi millionaire or billionaire are you content with it? I think it would depend who you ask.

to some degree I would say no, because no matter how much money you have you always want more. Some people have the theory that if they were to win the lottery they would quit their jobs because money wouldn't be an issue any longer.

But what if you kept your job and its salary? Would that be greed?

One again, I think it would depend on who you were to ask.

Pastor Rick Warren, senior pastor of Saddle back church in Orange County, California and author of the best selling book " A Purpose Driven Life" not only is a multi millionaire with the residuals of the book, but he is still working at Saddle back as their pastor.

But here's the thing. He doesn't get a salary. Not only that, but according to a fox news show he has payed back every single check he has ever received before the book started selling. You have to respect that, I think. There are few people in this world that would do that.

Are the inventors of anything we as consumers buy are they happy with the product? perhaps some are, perhaps some aren't. Think of Microsoft creator Bill Gates, one of the richest men in the world. Do you think he is content with 'Windows 7'? Now I am by no means a computer genius, I can barely even figure mine out, but it would not surprise me that right now as I write this that he isn't thinking of what "8" might look like.

Once again,we have something or Gates has something that works, but he wants to make it better. Contentment. Few people have it completely.

Like I have said earlier, happiness can get boring but only with material things.

True happiness is knowing Jesus as you personal savior.

I have never gotten bored with that.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Vacation's..... An I F. (Interactive Friday)

Ever had that one vacation that to you personally beats it all? Its like you will never have another one just like that ever again. You know what happens after that don't you? You end up having another vacation that in your mind is even better than the last one. Vacations are fun to have. I would like to tell you about three that I have had and than give you, my reader's the chance to respond with your best vacation story (please limit it to one.) Why do I get to write about three? It's my blog.

Live with it.

First vacation that I can really recall having a major blast was a week long church camp in the northern California mountains. I believe it was called Camp Sugar Pine, named for the sugar pine trees they had. Beautiful scenery.

The whole week there was great music, great Bible teachings, at least two a day if I recall and great friends that I still recall to this day.

It was wonderful. The week was topped off by two things, one a famous classic '80's Christian band played live one night, and one day we went to Yosemite National forest. Now, if you have never been to YNF you should go at some point in your life. Its just beautiful. The mountains, the trees, etc. Great time.

Second vacation memory was with my grandparents and two of my younger siblings. Went to my grandfather's home town in Nebraska. Little small Podunk town that quite frankly if you blinked you would have missed it. I dont think up to that point I had never really been to a small town like that. Perhaps I have, I just can not recall it. My grandparents and I drove there, took about two in a half days. Saw some breath taking parts of the country. There is a reason why The United States Of America is often know for its Purple Mountains Majesty. Awesome to look at.

I remember four things from that vacation, one it was boring. No joke.
One of my younger siblings and I got out of the van we drove in, took one look around and I think in unison said " is this it?"

We had stayed with a relative of my grandfather's. An elderly woman, who I think forgot we were coming, but it was ok, because she had a basement in her house and I think it was the first one I had ever been in.

Living in Downey,California for a good portion of my childhood, I don't recall going into too many houses that had a basement. I could be wrong about this, but "basements" in general are a rare thing in California.

Another thing I recall about the Nebraska vacation is, that year (1984) the summer Olympics were being held in Los Angeles and even though I didn't have tickets for it, I still wanted to watch them. Especially the track and Field events, because I was a runner. That year would be my freshmen year in high school and well, the memory is still with me so much that I wrote about it.

Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to see the games too much, but oh well.

Third vacation memory is another camping trip, I think when I was about 14 going into 8th grade. Another church outing. The church I was attending the youth group and the youth group of I think two other churches. This was in Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara state beach.Alot of memory's from that one. Our camp site, from what I recall was on this cliff and of course over looking it was the Ocean, and man, what a sight.

To get down to the water was this concrete path that had alot of curves to it, I spent some time running both up and down perhaps twice a day. Bad part about the state beach thing were two things, ok, maybe one bad thing, the water had alot of moss or sea weed that would wash up on shore and not only could you get tangled up in it, but you could not avoid stepping in it and it would stick to the bottoms of your feet. Wasn't easy to remove, either. I think everyone went home with green feet. Try explaining that one to mom and dad.

Our camp site was basically right on train tracks and in the wee hours of the morning not only could hear them, (very loudly) but the vibration on the ground would keep you awake. I think the first night I slept outside with no tent. Well, I tried to, anyway. Second night I was in a tent and I recall I was so fatigued that I didn't stay awake long.

A friend of mine named Carl said he tried to wake me up cause no on else was sleeping, but, didn't work. Some times, when I am sleeping, I can't sleep with either television or lights on. I need to have quiet. Same people can do it, I can not.

Like I said, vacations are fun. I would also like to say that last summer when I went to California more than once, I had an awesome time.

Looking forward to doing it again this year.

So, now its your turn.

If you have a story to tell about a memorable vacation, I would like to hear about it.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Man After God's Own Heart

Hello, my reader's I have alot of ground to cover with my blog today so I am just going to get started with it.

This may ruffle some feather's and this blog may even cause some people to stop reading, in either case I am just stating how I feel.

A little over ten years ago I was on a Christian based chat room that I used to frequent alot before they closed it down, and I recall I couldn't use my name because it had already been taken. So I thought about it and decided to use "Man After God's Own Heat" Reason being obviously that the name 'David' in Hebrew can either mean 'beloved' or the afore mentioned. After I had been using the name for awhile, this lady, I forgot her name asked me why I chose that name, and I told her.

Than she asked me something that to this day sticks in my head.

She asked me if I meant it. I had told her, yeah I think that I did, but than I really had to look at my self and question if this was the proper name to use, because I am no where near perfect and was I really striving to be 'A Man after God's own heart. I think all Christians strive to live their lives for God and to their credit, they do a fine job of it, but here is the thing: no one is perfect, no one is sinless and I think if you were to ask Christians of any denomination thats the first thing they would tell you.

Is Yes, They think they are.

I feel to a degree that anyone that has ever been to a church or anyone that is a member of a church is that you give your pastor the respect he deserves for being a pastor, but if you are looking at him and him only for your salvation, you are looking in the wrong place. Respect or not, pastors have their own personal things they deal with. May not be serious, may not be anything that is going to fire them from the church, but they have it regardless and they admit.

I am not sure which pastor said this, weather it John Wimber or Chuck Smith senior (there is a junior and he is a pastor as well.)

Goes a little something like this: "If you are here to follow me, don't, 'Cause you're just asking for trouble"

I think what he meant was that he knows what his life is like. What he deals with, etc, the man you want to be following is Jesus Christ.

Wait..... did I just? I did, didn't I? Relax, Jesus Christ is not swear word. Funny thing is that most people that say his name use it like it is.

Another person who is not perfect and would admit it if he was ever asked, is...... wanna take a guess?

The Pope. Doesn't matter if it John The second or if its Benedict the 16th. Don't get me wrong, my Catholic reader's I am sure both were good and strong men of God, but, once again, they were (or are in Benedict's case) human and there fore like the rest of us, fall short of the Glory of God. I would not doubt for a second that neither one them liked the term 'God's Representative On Earth" which the pope regardless of who it is is often referred as. Once again, they probably think they aren't worthy to be called that.

Parents, forgive me, but neither you nor your children are perfect, but than again if you are a christian you already knew this and didn't need me to tell you.

If there is anybody reading this bog that was raised in a Christian home, your parents raised you well, church every week some times even more than once a week etc, you know better than anyone that although you were taught good moral values, there were things you did or things you do that either made or make your parent cringe.

Think of it this way: You as a parent, you have just found out your kid has done something you told them not to do. You might asked, " son/daughter what did you do?" The child might be a bit hesitant in responding because they know that you will A: get mad or B: punish them with a spanking and they don't really want either one

but, I think my point is that you love them, you think the world of them and you can't picture your life with out them in it, but you know they aren't perfect.

Same thing goes for the child when they look at you. Tons of respect mountains of love for being there, but you do have your moments where they have to say or think, "man, did my parents just do or say that"?

The reason I feel for becoming Christian is that we can't handle our lives the way they are. We need Jesus.We Would be nothing without Him.

God knows our weakness's, he knew that even before Adam & Eve. Thats why many years after Adam and Eve He sent Jesus to die on a Cross. For the sake of our sins. Even before we were born and after.

So, what can we do if we sin or if we are caught in it? Repent.

Kinda like the reference I wrote about between a parent and their child. God, being our father, knows we have sinned, but wants to ask us what we did anyway. If we are as strong as Christians as we say we are, than we are going tell Him and in turn He will forgive us.

But, here is a question I have for you, what would you consider to be sin? I think if you were to ask anyone they would tell you their own version of and it just may surprise you.

To a degree, I think everyone has their own version of what sin is and why they feel you shouldn't be doing it.

Question is, is what are we doing really wrong? It's all it is in the way a person looks at it. I remember a few months ago watching an episode of a classic television show where the parents, grandparent's and children lived under the same roof. The grandmother who had very strong religious beliefs saw her grand children playing an innocent game of cards. She looked at them and told them they should be ashamed of them selves and told them to quit. Her hypothesis was is that the kids were 'Gambling" and to her it was a sin.

The kids did not stop, they were told by their father they were doing nothing wrong. Now, granted that is television and it doesn't matter how good the show is or was, they miss the mark when it comes to the nature of God.

I wouldn't doubt that any of you my reader's at some point in your life have been told to stop what you were doing even though you knew in your heart of heart's there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.
I know I have.

And still do.

So, are you a man (or woman) after God's own Heart?

I pray that to best of your ability that you are.

All I can say for myself, is that I am trying just as much as you are.

I have a motto that I think makes sense when I think about why I am a Christian. With Jesus I am something. Without Jesus, I am nothing. I would much rather be something than nothing.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Ok, I am just writing this to get it off my chest once and for all. If you recall not too long ago I wrote a blog about attending a church in Arizona and what they did, or the pastor anyway to screw me over. If you have for gotten, I was accused of stalking. I will say it again, I never did it.

So, for this blog entry I would like to explain what I did and briefly if I can, explain what stalking is ( according to research I have done) and than leave it alone with my opinion on things I have observed over time.

Stalking, according to Wikipedia is:obsessive attention by individuals to other's. it can also be described as a form of harassment and intimidation. Wikipedia goes further with their explanation, and later I will add more of it, but for those of you that read the last blog about this, I want to set the record straight.

Kingman, Arizona is a small town, give or take 20 to 30 thousand people last I heard, so the chances of running into someone you might know happens often. You can ignore them, but than you would hear about it from some one, like say your pastor or a relative etc asking you why you were so rude, so if I see someone I know, and I feel like talking to them, I do, if I don't, than I don't. Never have I followed them while they are doing their shopping.

Say for instance, you are at a store, or any kind of building with alot of people, and you and a large group of people are walking out a door to get to the parking lot so you can leave. Just because you are trying to find your vehicle doesn't mean you're a stalker.

Now, you might run across people that for what ever the reason don't like to be followed. They might have had a horrible experience that leaves them scared of people, even people they have never met. It's unfortunate, but at the same time they shouldn't take it out on you, because, you're going out the only door you can find.

Its a dangerous thing, stalking, some times even resulting in death. John Lennon would still be alive to this very day if his killer wasn't waiting for him in front of his home.

I have stated this before at one point, but I have met my share of actors and actress's mostly by plain accident.

Only a few times have I actually made plans with the actor or actress to actually sit down and meet with them. Its a rare thing, but it has happened. In either scenario, either by accident or with a scheduled meeting, never have I said or thought I wasn't going to leave them alone.

I respect their privacy, regardless of where ever it was I had met them.

A couple of years ago, when I was still living in southern California, I was shopping at a mall where I could have sworn I saw Oscar winning actress Diane Keaton. I left it alone. Didn't stand out in front of the store waiting for her to come out, I just saw her and walked away. Once again, respecting the privacy of other's.

I have actors and actress's and musicians on both my Twitter and Facebook pages, and I do read their comments and if I feel like responding, I do. Same thing with anyone on those two social networking sites.

Just because I comment or even want to follow them does not make me, or anyone else a stalker.

I personally think the term to a degree has been taken out of content. People would like to use it for anything, and it shouldn't be. You can be questioned by other people and like me have to defend your self to other people you considered to be friends.

I am sure you have heard story's about people that stand out in front of a celebrity's home and wait for that one chance to see them. That's something I have never been able to understand. Granted, these people may have talent, but why do it? To me, its bizarre behavior. Doesn't matter what the actor, actress, musician sports figure, etc, I would never do it, once again, because I respect their privacy.

Here's how I look at it: Actor,musician, etc, they have talent. Thats where I leave it. I don't make any more out of it than that . If the person in question wants to be friends, and yes that has happened,I welcome it. But always remembering like any friend, to be respect full.

So, that is stalking, a definition and my opinion. If for any reason, the pastor of that Kingman area church should read this, I have but one thing to say to him: You have just read the definition of stalking. Get it right, and don't accuse anyone else of it. You continue to do so, you won't have a church much longer.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Senior Citizens. Today And Tomorrow's

Hey, gang, time for another fascinating trip in to the brain of one blogger named David.

We as living creatures on this planet called earth are facing the enviable. We're getting old. Or, if you are lucky enough you are ready are. Congratulations. We can't avoid it, we can't post pone it. It's going to happen to everyone at some point in their lives. You are going to be a senior citizen.

Question is, how do you take care of them and how would you want to be treated when you reach your advanced years? For the past 6 years I have been living with my grandmother and helping her with her day to day need's and etc. I think I have been doing a decent job, not that I am boasting, but I love my grandmother and even though I will be the first to admit, I could possibly be doing more, I haven't done bad either.

The truth is, I think everybody wishes they could do more when it comes to their advanced age relatives. Kicking your self because you don't have all the means's necessary isn't a good thing, but we do it because we wish we had it.

The important thing about senior citizens is no matter how much we care for them and how much we younger adults love and respect them, we must remember they are still adults and should be treated as such. Easy to say. Hard to do.

I can not begin to tell you the number of times I have thought I was either saying or doing something to help my grandmother only to find out she could have done it her self and wanted to in the first place.

We have this mentality to say, sit down, Ill get it for you, when they are going to turn around and say no, I am not crippled, I want to do it. Makes them feel use full. And they should feel that way.

My grandmother is well taken care of. She has her children and grand children close by if she should need them and I think it is safe to say if she needs or wants to go anywhere, we are not going to say no. If we can take her, we would and in most cases do.

As I have stated before, I am the oldest of six siblings. My mother doesn't have to worry about getting old. Just like her mother she is going to have the best care we can give her and with her grandchildren and future great grandchildren to help her with what ever she should need, she doesn't have to be too concerned.

However, she is going to. We all are. We are all to worried about how we are going to take care of our selves once we reach age 50 or 60. Regardless of who is there to help. Living independently. Everybody wants that.

in 39 years I am going to be in my '80's. I can only give it to God and trust that He knows how it will turn out. If I am lucky, I will be treated and cared for the same way grandma is and how my mother will be.