Tuesday, August 14, 2012
March, 7th, 2012
Wednesday, March 7th 2012 started out like any other typical day for me. What I didn't know was that it would change my life and my direction of it. For personal reasons I would rather not get into right now, the thing that changed the most was my relationship with some family members and my relationship with God. The relation ship with God changed as I viewed to cut out all the crap and devite my life to him.
My friends, I was falling in my walk with God and really needed Him to pick me up.
I can blame alot of things for why I decided to back slide, but the truth is it was my own doing. If churches wanted to accuse me of stalking, or othe so called church friends (at least the church I was going to) wanted to turn their backs on me, it wasn't their fault it was mine and I take the blame for it.
Walking with Christ, I'll admit has always been some what hard for me. I think to a degree it is for alot of people. But, I don't know, I have fallen so many times and acted like I wasn't even saved when it came to my attitude with some people.
But, perhaps to a degree we are all like that.
No one is perfect and we all fall short of the Glory Of God.
One area of my walk and what really needed to change was reading my Bible.
The Book is right by my beed in easy reach and chose to do something else.
It wasn't right.
I also think I was getting a little too involved with other matter's that quite frankly didn't need my help or opinion.
Writing for me has always been something that I loved doing, and for the most part that hasn't changed. But I was consentrating more on writing than my walk with God.
I have not gave up writing, I still I would like to think have plenty of ideas as far has screenplays go, but my walk with Jesus is far more important than any story I could imagine. So, for right now it is on hold.
I think that is one of the problems with people and their wal with Jesus, we sometimes get to sidetracked to see what or how God wants to work. By the time we relise that we have been distracked and need to come back is when for some perpose or another we find our selfs in trouble. And when I write 'trouble I don't mean breaking the law or that I did on this day, but it is usallly when that happens that we say, "Oh, Jesus, how I need you again."
So, as of March 7th, 2012, I have not tried writing another script and television, even though I do have my fave programs, those can go too.
In fact I even called dish network and changed my channels. Another distraction.
Now, I wouldn't say my life completley back on track, I still have other issues to work out, personally, but for the most part, my walk with Jesus is improving and I am so greatful for that.