I was watching television I think last thursday night and it was a repeat of what is considered by some to be one of the best animated cartoons of the past ten years entitled Family Guy. If any thing it is an acquired taste. Some like it other's, including myself don't.
I won't get into why I don't like it.... or perhaps I will......
The episode I was watching, the british speaking toddler was having a conversation with the family's dog, (yes, the dog, who is named Brian actually talks) and it had something to do about money. The dog didn't have it, the toddler gave him time to get it, the dog didn't and than the toddler started beating the dog.
This to me is just tasteless. YOU DO DO ABUSE ANIMALS AND MAKE FUN OF IT!!!!.
It seems to me that in some forms of entertainment it is ok to make fun of anything as long as its a joke, well, contrary to any comedian who thinks everything is funny no matter what it is, I strongy disagree.
Yes, this is just a cartoon. I am fully aware of that. But, I do blame to a degree the writer's for even thinking animal cruelty is funny when it isn't.
What do they do, write about it and than on their way home they might happen to see someone abusing their pet so they get on the cell phone and call PETA?
If they do, than they are nothing but hypocrites.
Animals of any species do not know that they are doing wrong so naturally they don't understand why they are being punished.
It's just wrong plain and simple.
need another example of the 'not everything is funny' hypothosis?
I wrote a few months ago about what is considerd to be the most dirtyest joke ever told called 'The Aristocrats' I have heard this so called joke only once and I was appalled by it because during the telling of it ( and there are different versions of it depending upon who is telling it) but one way was to involve children being used in the worst way possible.
Now, this is not funny no matter how hard you try and make it. But there are comics that have tried and the sad part about it is there are people that laugh at it in comedy clubs.
Than they go home to their children and say no one is going to lay a hand on my child.
Ok, good parenting, but why were you seen in a comedy club laughing at a joke that depicted it?
You get my point, some things just aren't funny and should never be classified as such.
If you do that, you are no friend of mine and if you get in trouble for abusing a helpless animal or worst yet a child, I have no simpathy for you.