Friday, May 6, 2011

The Death Of Osama Bin Laden

With this Sundays news of the death of 9/11 mastermind Osama bin laden brought a lot of relief and celebration for alot of people. The thing is, was it all necessary. His capture, yes most definitely, but all of the crowds gathering in certain locations like in front of the White House and in New York at Ground Zero wasn't necessary.

But, it happened.

Dont get me wrong, I was very saddened the morning of Tuesday, september 11th, 2001. An estimated 3000 lives were lost and for really no reason other than one man's hatred for a country he most likely had never been to.

I cannot unerstand that, I doubt anyone really can for that matter, but to have hatred for something you have either never seen or have never been to.

I have heard tons of storys of countrys that either, One: have little or no freedoms to them, for instance, North Korea where from my understanding it's leader makes his citizens obey him. Or country's that have laws that, well quite simply shouldn't be allowed. I may not agree with it but I don't hate it.

Hate is a word I think that has been taken out of content. In America some aspects of hate can be considered a crime.

You may or may not agree with someones way of life. That is not a crime, its called a disagreement. It becomes a crime when you do bodily harm to a person because for lack of a better term, they don't see things your way.

To a degree that's what it was with bin laden. For what ever the reason was, he didn't agree with America's right to freedom. At least that seems to be the story alot of people say. Perhaps it is far more deep seeded than that.

I have stated this previously in another blog about dictatorship and for me as an American and living with the freedoms that it has allowed me, some times I find myself asking why can't countrys like Pakistan, Iran, and other's have the same liberites we have. Its easy to say that when you live in a country that allows those freedoms, it is probably more difficult to live somewhere for instance like North Korea where from my understanding if you have the slightist question of authority you could be jailed for it.

It took almost 17 to 18 years to catch bin laden. He has been on the FBI 's most wanted list for more than 10 years and it wasn't easy. Even when he was found this past weekend, it was a guessing game because they really were not sure if he was there or not. Regardless, the hunch paid off and bin laden is no more.

Whether or not the world will be a safer place remains to be seen.

The sad part is and I will say this again, weather it is because of our freedoms, or laws that say here is what you can or cannot do or what ever the case may be some one somwhere is not going to like it and may try to do something. it could be in any country not just America.

I will leave you with this thought: Regardless of what it is and why terrorist do it wouldn't you want your country to be defended if necessary?