Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Payback.... It's A......Well, You Know

Recently I saw a television show involving two teens that had a vendetta against each other. One teen did something to the other and instead of paying for it he got off free thanks to his uncle. The other teen who had the damage done to him wanted retribution, found a gun and was going to shoot him. Now, granted this was television, but the unfortunate part is that it also happens in real life.

Whoever has the gun has the power, or so they think.

When we as humans have a situation like that the first thing or at least one of the first things we think about is payback. How do I get even with the person who did whatever?

You can, but what does it solve?

Jesus talked about forgivness in every sense of the word. Even when on the Cross he asked God to forgive the Romans/ jews. etc for the crucifixion.

What can a person what ever the argument get out of paypack? The satisfaction of knowing that you just like your so called enemy got the so called best of you. That you are just going to lie down and take it and expect them to do the same?

That doesn't solve anything. It only makes the situation worse.

But, that's the world we live in.

there are people that think you're getting out of line and it's their job to put you back in it.

Again, wrong approch.

Number one: Who is to say that anyone is out of line?


two: Who told you or the person beating you that it's their job to put you back in line

Here is the problem:

Doesn't matter if you or anyone else is out of line, no one should think their big enough to put you back in it, because than you get angry, the person who fought you gloats about it and you are left to wonder how you can get back at them.

In the 1993 motion picture 'Dazed And Confused' (written & directed by Richard Linklater) a sub plot of the film had to do with high school senior's hazing the in coming freshmen. One particular character, played by Ben Affleck takes it a bit too far leaving some freshmen to retaliate by dumping paint on him.

Good move or a bad move?

Maybe for a movie, but in real life, you better start running cause it might get ugly

Point is it doesn't have to.

The solution is simple to talk about but much harder to do

Be a Godly Man.

Don't concern yourself with getting even, because in time justice to a degree will be served.

perhaps in a court of law depending on the situation or just by the course of life itself.

Let Go and let God to do the healing and whatever payback for lack of a better term needs to be done.

Just remember these words:

God is in control of your life. He will lead you to where He wants you to be.

And for those who think you're out of line, just be something they will never be...........

A man of God