September 11th, 2001 holds alot of memorys for alot of people and my heart goes out to all of them, especially for people that lost family memebers. A mere 'My condolence's' doesn't seem to be the right thing to say.
For myself I remember what I was doing and how I felt about it. I understand that what I am about to write may sound a bit selfish, but if it does, it's not intentionally.
Septemeber 10th, 2001 for me personally couldn't have gone any quicker. It didn't matter to me if the day ever came at all. My birthday is september 10th and I was feeling so depressed that day. I didnt feel like celebrating and the tipical birthday greeting I didn't want to hear none the less say thank you for it.
Like I said, I couldn't wait for the day to be over.
When I woke up the next morning and found out what had happened it made me think: How could I have been so lame as to not care about a birthday when over 2,000 people will never see their birthdays again.
I have since been more thoughtful of the day and I take it seriously.
The thing that struck me wasn't how it happened but why it happened. Yeah, I had heard the name Bin Laden before and how devious he was, but never quite understood how someone who to my knowledge had never been to America had so much disdain for it.
Someone explained to me that the terrorist didn't like our way of life and even though I didn't quite get it, I left it alone. I must admit, I still don't get it,but I am not the only one.
Yes, this country does have it faults. It seems like we can't agree on anything. What some one thinks is right, other's think is wrong. But what ever it is right or wrong doesn't mean you need to drive airplanes into building killing just about everyone in there.
I remember hearing from one of my aunts that she and my uncle were going to New York to visit my cousin. I do not remember where exactly she lived at the time, but my aunt said later that from her daughter's house they could see all of the smoke and stuff from the Twin Towers
It has been 10 years and alot of things have been done to protect this great nation of ours and in fairness to both Presidents they did and are doing a decent job. I have heard there are alot of people that don't agree with some thing's that have been put in place since than, but I personally think it's better than the alturnative and that would be another attack.
My eldest nephew was about three going on four years old in 2001 and his mother told me she was watching tv with him or the television happened to be on with all of the footage.She had said he had asked what happened. She did the best she could by putting it mildly and he understood considering his age. Flash forward ten years, my nephew is now 13 years old and is in middle school. I haven't checked any recent junior high history books, but I wouldn't doubt that the events of 9/11 are in there. Safe to say my nephew now knows it was more than just a bad thing done by bad people, even though it was.